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Chi Mastery Skills Positive:

Chi Awareness (positive): The ability to sense the level and type of chi in others, The range of Chi Awareness is limited to 400ft. The character will be able to instantly recognize any of the following conditions: (1) A person with zero chi. (2) A person with only 1 or 2 points of chi. (3) Anyone with more than 10 points of chi. (4) Anyone with chi skills ( Arts of Invisibility, Body Hardening, Katas or Martial Art Techniques). (5) Anyone with Chi Mastery skills. (6) Anyone with more chi than the character’s own (7) The presence of negative or positive chi in any person, place or thing. Living things are usually charged with positive chi. This is the force of life and healing that makes it possible for things to grow and survive. Negative Chi is used by those trained in Snake Style or Tien Hsueh. This negative chi is not necessarily evil, but it is based on the forces of non life, and it prevents healing in living things.

Chi Relaxation (positive):

The ability to “calm” the mind. This means the character can go to sleep instantly, eat without indigestion, relax in the face of danger, and otherwise ‘cool it” whenever necessary. This also gives the character great resistance to the effects of insanity or drug addiction. Of course, the character can still have an insanity, be a drug addict or an alcoholic, it’s just that the character can hide the symptoms and resist the temptations. This resistance will disappear when the character chi is weakened and drops below 10.

For example, let’s look at our old friend Kajo, who is a recovered alcoholic. So long as Kajo has a high level of chi, he can easily resist the temptation of drink. However after a battle has depleted his chi, he finds himself shaken and tense, suddenly, he needs that drink. Rather than meditating to recover his chi he succumbs to his desire for a beer, from that point on the character is lost, either too drunk or too shaken to recover his lost chi, Kajo will continue to drink and have the affects of an alcoholic until he is made to recover. Effects of alcohol & drugs on chi in the Insanity Section

Any character with Chi Mastery can use Chi Relaxation to regain lost chi. A full hour’s meditation will recover all lost chi no matter what the amount. Note: that this does not cure Chi “damaged” Dim Mak nor does it work if the character is infected with Negative Chi.

Defend against Chi Attacks (positive):

Chi Combat is pretty unusual. It’s something that’s only used by those rare characters with Negative Chi and its only used against opponents with Positive Chi. Defending against Chi Attack is automatic and takes no melee round action Here are the main features of Chi Attacks: Defensive Chi: Each point of Positive Chi used to defend is capable of destroying 1d6+6of attacking Negative Chi points. Offensive Chi: The amount of Positive Chi destroyed by one point of Negative Chi is 3D6 points. Once the victim has reached zero Chi then each point of Negative Chi will enter the victim’s body. Non-Chi Masters in Chi Combat: Those without training in Chi Mastery are totally vulnerable in Chi Combat. Their Chi can be easily destroyed and, once they’re at zero, they can be filled with negative chi. Getting Rid of Negative Chi: There are two ways to dispel Negative Chi The easiest is to be treated by someone with the Chi Healing (Chiatsu) ability. The only other way of purging Negative Chi is by meditating in a place of great Positive Chi. By staying in a wild forest, or by a waterfall, or in some other natural place, the character can eliminate 1D6 Negative Chi points per day.

Chi Healing or Chiatsu (positive):

Curing with Chi involves channeling positive Chi into a wounded body. So long as the character is conscious, it’s also possible to heal oneself with Chi-atsu. Each point of Chi-atsu Chi does three things all at Once. First, 1 point of Chi will heal 3 hit point. Second, that same point of Chi will also restore up to 10 points of S.D.C. Finally, each time Chi-atsu is used on a comatose character it gives that character an extra chance to recover. Another Chi-atsu ability is that of dispelling negative Chi When characters have been infected with negative Chi they cannot heal or regenerate theft normal Chi, S.D.C. or hit points. Each point of Chi-atsu Chi will destroy two (3) points of negative Chi. Note that destroying negative Chi does not simultaneously heal any hit points, or S.D.C., but does heal the positive Chi so that natural healing (and treatment) can resume. CHI-ATSU EXAMPLE'': Kajo decides to save a comatose Bruno from death. Bruno is down 28 SdC. and is at 5 hit points He also suffers from 2 points of negative chi. Without medical attention Bruno will die First, Kajo must use 1 point of Chi-atsu to destroy the 2 points of negative Chi. Until the negative Chi is destroyed Bruno can not be healed. Then, once the Chi balance has been restored, Kajo decides to use 2 Points of Chi on Chi-atsu for Bruno. Bruno instantly heals 5 hit points, which brings him to zero (0) hit points. Kajo simultaneously has his 28 S.D.C. healed (he could have gone up to 50 SDC., but that’s more than Bruno’s natural SDC.). Finally, Bruno gets an extra roll (best 2 out of four rolls), with a + 5 bonus, to recover from his coma.

Dragon Chi or Fu Zhensong (positive): This ability allows the martial artist to “tap” the dynamic Chi of the world. This works three ways. First, a character can replenish any lost Chi simply by dynamically charging with internal energy, thereby replacing lost Chi every melee round. Secondly, a character can “borrow” Chi from another person, drawing it directly from their body to another. Finally, a character can “channel” the surrounding Chi into Chi attacks or other Chi Mastery skills. Once focused on channeling, the character can then use other Chi skills without losing the effects of the Dragon Chi.

All of the Chi tapped by Fu Zhensong must be used in the same melee round in which it is obtained. In other words, if the martial artist is in a “Six Chi Place,” then it’s possible to use 6 points of Chi every melee round without depleting the character’s own supply. If someone volunteers to help, it’s possible to use Fu Zhen song to “tap” that person’s Chi and channel it into Chi combat or Chi Mastery skills. The volunteer must be touched by, or must be touching, the character performing the Fu Zhensong. Note that this Chi cannot be forced out, it must be donated freely. The amount of Chi available depends on conditions. Just about everywhere above ground there are 3 points of Chi ready to be tapped each melee round. Places of nature, like thick forests, jungles, and healthy grasslands, provide as much as an additional 3 or 6 Chi points per melee round. Places with active natural phenomena, like waterfalls, volcanoes, and ocean front areas with active surf, can add up to 3 more points, providing 9 Chi points per melee round. The maximum Chi that can be tapped is equal to the character’s current level of positive Chi. Note that if the character ever reaches zero Chi, or is infected with negative Chi, then it becomes impossible to tap natural Chi.

Body Chi or Kokyu (positive):

This is the ability to focus” Chi to directly influence the character’s body (attributes). Chi is directed into either ME., MA, P.S., P.P., or Speed. Each point of Chi adds five (5) points directly to the attribute for 1 full melee round. Characters can use some or their entire Chi, in one or more of their attributes. For example, a character can decide to raise his/her P.S. by 5, their PP. by 10 and theft Speed, by 20, all in the same melee round (15 seconds). The cost would be 7 points of Chi (1+2+4). Attribute bonuses would then be based on the new, temporary attribute scores.

Radiate Positive Chi: The character emits light simply by releasing the primal nature of Positive Chi, that of the sun’s energy. The Chi can be coming from the character or, if the character also has Dragon Chi, it’s possible to fuel Radiate Positive Chi from another source. Note that creatures who are vulner able/damaged by sunlight will have to do their own version of save vs honor factor (13; but only affects creatures of darkness). here are the 3 possible ways of Radiating Positive Chi:

Radiant Eyes: The Positive Chi pours out of the eyeballs, turning them into miniature globes of sunlight. The beams act like the beam of a flashlight, pointing in whatever direction the character is looking. The light will NOT interfere with the character’s vision and will even aid eyesight by providing illumination. The light will be bright enough to clearly illuminate objects up to 500 feet away (a little better than an automobile’s headlights). Creatures vulnerable to sunlight will be affected by the direct glare of the eyes just as if they were outdoors on a sunny day. Cost: 2 points of Positive Chi per melee round.

Radiant Flesh: The entire character glows with a yellowish, sunny light, illuminating the area as if the character welt a win dow thrown open to the sun. All creatures of darkness within 300 feet will be affected and everything within that range will be clearly lit, as if by full daylight. Cost: 4 points of Positive Chi per melee round.

Tide of Radiance: As with Radiant Flesh, the character will glow brightly and will illuminate an area up to 3000 feet in diameter. Even more significantly, all the natural Negative Chi of the area will be neutralized! Since the area around the character becomes effectively one of Positive Chi (although with only a fraction of a point of Positive Chi in the environment — too small an amount to be tapped by Dragon Chi opponents who depend on a Negative Chi background can be at a severe disadvantage. Cost: The current level of Negative Chi plus four points in Positive Chi per melee round. For example, if the area has a malignancy of 5 points of Negative Chi, the character will have to spend 9 points of Positive Chi per melee round to neutralize it.

Heal the Mind: By flooding the mind with a current of positive Clii, it’s possible to attempt a curing of many mental ill nesses. Note that a character can’t do self-healing with this ability.

Saving Throw: The subject must roll a save vs. psionic attack/insanity with no ME, bonus. If the roll is successful, the healing fails. All attempts to Heal the Mind are automatically it sisted by the subject, no matter how much he may want to be cured.

Cost: All types of Heal the Mind have the same cost, one point of Positive Chi per attempt.

There are the three ways that Heal the Mind can be used:

Temporarily Healing Insanity: Heal the Mind cannot permanently cure such mental afflictions. However, it will temporarily stop the character from experiencing the usual negative effects of their insanity. For example, a character with a ghost phobia will not be affected by the phobic panic for as long as the healing lasts. Aside from the temporary relief from the symptoms o the insanity, this is a useful in that it allows some characters to come to their senses, realize that they have been acting irrationally and seek some kind of long-term help. Note: It’s impossible to heal an insanity that a character is either born with, or comes about as a result of the character’s own guilt/self-blame or self-hatred, even temporarily. Duration: 1d4 hours per level of the Chi Master.

Healing Induced Madness/Insanity: This permanently heals a character that has been driven Insane by some outside influence, such as results from physical and/or mental torture, drug induced hallucinations, illusions, and magic. By restoring the mind to its proper state, any outside influences are eliminated. This includes changes brought about by hypnosis (for example, this will expose a post-hypnotic suggestion), suggestion, enslavement, or other forms of mind control and psionic manipulation.

Chi Weight Control: Transforming the Chi of the body Another way of using Fill Objects with Chi’s to use it as a into an equivalent amount of gravitational energy, the character can become either much heavier or much lighter. Chi Weight Control can be used anywhere, regardless of whether the environment is empty of Chi or has Positive or Negative Chi. Note that, while Chi Weight Control must be ‘turned on” at the beginning of the melee round, the character can “dial” their weight up and down during combat.

Increase Personal Weight: The character’s personal weight can be increased from a few pounds all the way up to 20 times the character’s normal weigjitt For example, a 150 pound (68 kg) character could suddenly weigh up to 3000 pounds (1360 kg) Of course, if the character’s weight exceeds the character’s P.S. carrying capacity, it’s no longer possible to walk around or perform kicks and leaps. Hand and ann movements and panies are unaffected. Dodges are at -2. One favorite technique is to turn on a massive increase in weight when falling on top of an enemy, when grappling an opponent or in an attempt to become unmovable. Cost: One point of Positive Chi per melee round.

Decrease Personal Weight: The character’s weight is reduced as low as one pound (.45 kg). Note that the character’s clothing and possessions are NOT affected. A favorite use of decreased weight is to lend greater distance to leaps and jumps, to be car ried with ease and to lighten the load on vehicles. Cost: One point of Positive Cl per melee round.

Chi Overcharge: This allows the character to “over charge” the body with double the usual amount of Positive or Negative Chi. The Chi Overcharge will usually last 4 full days and will drain away immediately whenever the character falls asleep or is otherwise rendered unconscious. The excess Chi can be gained by either a full hour of meditation in the appropriate environment, where the right kind of Chi is available, or using either Dragon Chi (Tap Positive Chi) or Dark Chi (Tap Negative Chi). Cost: One point of Chi (Positive if the Overcharge is with Positive Chi, Negative if the Overcharge is with Negative Chi).

Cleansing Spirit:

The ability to heal oneself by drawing on the surrounding Chi via meditative trance. He is also able to expunge any foreign parasites from the body including drugs, normal diseases, toxins and poisons. In the case of lethal viruses it gives a +1 save (eg. ebola) per Chi used.Heal 1 HP or 2 SDC per 1 Chi focused on it. Can attempt any of these abilities once per day minus 1 hour per ME (minimum of 1 hour).

Healing Hands: Includes the study of acupuncture which can be used to resuscitate a character by touch alone. This includes knock out, stun, paralysis or any other shock.

Divine Guidance: Precognitive flashes which can be used to determine correct procedures for overcoming a problem or survival (e.g. escape trap, defuse bomb, etc).5chi

Inner Strength: Focus Chi into either PS, PP, PE or SPD at a rate of 2 Chi for every attribute point raised. This lasts for 1 round per ME.

Chi Healing: Specifically, this ability allows characters to heal themselves using Chi energy. It has two uses and is a bit costly. However, it is well worth it. The character can do two types of healing—Trance Healing and Instant Healing. A Trance Healing involves the character meditating for a few or so hours to harness Chi into their body and regain S.D.C. or Hit Points. It costs one P.P.E. per point being healed and the character must meditate for 1 hour per 10 points being healed. Instant Healing is the second type of healing and is used best in combat situations or desperate situations. The character has the ability to heal 1 S.D.C. or H.P. per 10 P.P.E. spent. In one attack (not action), the character can heal up to one S.D.C. or H.P. per point of M.E. and P.E. the character has (i.e. a P.E. of 10 and M.E. of 10 would be able to heal up to 20 S.D.C. or Hit Points per one attack). The healing begins at the start of any attack. If a character is interrupted while healing was induced (i.e. a simultaneous attack), then only half of the amount they tried to heal will heal and the character won’t lose the full sum of P.P.E. they put into the healing, they only lose enough for the amount of S.D.C. recovered. Another simple ability that Chi Healing has is ridding the body of infections, poisons, etc. at the cost of 15 P.P.E.—30 minutes of meditation is required.

======Alternate Body Chi ======

This power allows you to use another person's Chi (if they volunteer it) to influence your attributes or vice versa (see Body Chi, page 119). Note: When you are using your Chi to improve someone else's attributes, you don't necessarily need their approval. Further Note: A character must use 1 point of Chi to initiate Alternate Body Chi, in addition to the Chi he/she uses to improve attributes.

Tai Shihai Ki (Body Control Chi)Positive

Using this ability the character can raise or lower her internal body 

temperature. 1 point of chi changes the body's temperature by +/- 10 

degrees Fahrenheit. This lasts for as many melee rounds as the character has current points of chi. For example: If Kano, who has 15 points of chi, was to use Tai Shihai to lower his body temperature by 10 degrees, then the lowered temperature would last for 14 melees (3 ½ minutes).

Divine Body Chi Kung

This ancient and lost chi power once allowed normal humans to compete 

in hand to hand combat with demons and other supernatural creatures. 

Pre-requisite: Body Chi. Level 1 - Extraordinary P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 12 chi per melee round. Level 8 - Superhuman P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 24 chi per melee round. Level 15 - Supernatural P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 48 chi per melee round.

Hadou Ken

Cost: 40 PPE.

Damage: 1d6x10 per level experience.

Range: 100ft per level experience.

Requirement: Chi Control, minimum 100 PPE.

Permanent statistic changes: Sense PPE, tap into ley lines, nexus, and creatures, as a magic user for PPE and ISP purposes (keep in mind that Chi users are masters of their PPE and that like mages they cannot have their Chi/PPE taken without their consent), and increases Chi/PPE/ISP regeneration with meditation (double the normal amount of PPE/ISP normally regained). Extra 2d6 PPE per level experience. This special technique often spoken of with a mixture of disrespect and awe. With it the character gathers Chi from the earth, plants, animals, etc. around him and throws this as fiery ball toward the enemy. Unfortunately it takes quite a while to gather this energy (4 actions), and if the characters concentration is disrupted he must start again.. Variants: It is rumored that it possible to unleash this energy through a punch, or other technique. If so it would still require the same time to gather the energy. Not many enemies will allow that at close range, however, if they did you would be able to use any hand-to-hand bonuses available.

2. Positive Chi Polarity : By manipulating the positive Chi of an area (Note: This functions only in areas filled with at least 2 points of positive Chi), the character can change the Chi so that it becomes magnetic. After this is accomplished, any character, animal or thing of Negative Chi is pulled toward the source of Positive Chi, just like a piece of iron is pulled toward a magnet. Cost: 2 points of Positive Chi per melee round.

The amount of pulling force exerted during Positive Chi Polarity depends on the Positive Chi of the area affected. Every point of Positive Chi in the area acts as a multiplier on the normal weights of all the victims. For example, a character who normally weighs 150 pounds (68 kg), drawn down in an area of five Positive Chi will suddenly seem to weigh five times as much or 750 pounds (340 kg). If the character had a P.S. of 30 or so (able to carry 600 extra pounds/272 kg) he could still stagger around, but most characters would barely be able to drag them selves a few feet.

Positive Chi Polarity doesn’t affect anything with zero Chi or those with Positive Chi. So, a character being dragged down by Positive Chi Polarity might still be able to fire off a gun and normal bullets would operate without being affected by the Positive Chi Polarity.

Chi Mastery Skills Neutral (positive/Negative):

Hardened Chi or Shi Jin (neutral): This Chi ability lets the character boost physical attacks and resistance. The character “shapes” Chi into hard lines of force that give extra force to punches and kicks, adding to the damage roll. In defense. Hardened Chi is like a wall of force, adding extra S.D.C. to the character’s body. Hard Chi fits in with the more combat oriented martial art forms. When used as a defense, the Chi from Shi Jin works like extra S.D.C., soaking up the damage that would otherwise hurt the character. Each point of Chi expended absorbs five (5) points of physical damage. Any one attack, per melee round action, including gunfire, explosions and energy, can be blocked by the Chi force absorbing the damage. When used offensively, Shi Jin adds an extra damage bonus to any of the character’s normal physical attacks. Every Hardened Chi point spent on any one attack Cr melee and adds two (2) points to the damage roll. If the damage is critical, then make sure to add in the Chi bonus before doubling the damage. Extra damage can only be added to hand to hand strikes, not to attack with weapons or thrown objects. Hardened Chi is never wasted. In an attack, if the attack misses or is dodged, then no Chi is used. Defensively, Chi is used only if the character is actually going to take damage. Characters can shift between defensive and offensive Shi Jin instantly, using it on each attack and each defense throughout combat. The Shi Jin effect lasts only one melee or until used.

Soft Chi or Chao Jin (neutral): The character can “shape” Chi into arcs of force. This can be used either to defend against attacks or to flip opponents. Specifically, Chao Jin is used for bonuses for both Parries and Body Flips/Throws. Soft Chi is generally compatible with the more defensive and mystic of the martial art forms. 1 point of Chi will add a + 1 to all Parries and Body Flip/Throws used in a single melee round. In other words, for the entire combat round every Parry and Body Flip/Throw will have the bonus, and at the cost of just one Chi point. More than one Chi point can be spent, and each additional Chi point adds another +1 to the Parries and Body Flip/ Throws for that melee round. SPECIAL NOTE FOR TAIDO USERS: Chao Jin can be used to add to any move that involves Turns, Spins or Circles.

Find Weakness (neutral): A character can “focus” Chi on an opponent (or an object) and eventually “feel” any inherent weak nesses. The first melee round the character must devote his/her energies on “focusing” the Chi. this might be though of as a sort of combat meditation. During this first melee of intense concentration, the martial artist can not attack/strike, but only defend. The next melee round, the character can add a + 1 to Strike and a + 2 to Damage on the person or object of the focus. As long as focus is maintained on that one target only, the bonuses will remain for all subsequent combat melees until the opponent is defeated or a new opponent is engaged. This skill requires no expenditure of Chi points, and can be used so long as the character isn’t drained of Chi.

Chi Weight Control: Transforming the Chi of the body Another way of using Fill Objects with Chi’s to use it as a into an equivalent amount of gravitational energy, the character can become either much heavier or much lighter. Chi Weight Control can be used anywhere, regardless of whether the environment is empty of Chi or has Positive or Negative Chi. Note that, while Chi Weight Control must be ‘turned on” at the beginning of the melee round, the character can “dial” their weight up and down during combat.

Increase Personal Weight: The character’s personal weight can be increased from a few pounds all the way up to 20 times the character’s normal weigjitt For example, a 150 pound (68 kg) character could suddenly weigh up to 3000 pounds (1360 kg) Of course, if the character’s weight exceeds the character’s P.S. carrying capacity, it’s no longer possible to walk around or perform kicks and leaps. Hand and ann movements and panies are unaffected. Dodges are at -2. One favorite technique is to turn on a massive increase in weight when falling on top of an enemy, when grappling an opponent or in an attempt to become unmovable. Cost: One point of Positive Chi per melee round.

Decrease Personal Weight: The character’s weight is reduced as low as one pound (.45 kg). Note that the character’s clothing and possessions are NOT affected. A favorite use of decreased weight is to lend greater distance to leaps and jumps, to be car ried with ease and to lighten the load on vehicles. Cost: One point of Positive Cl per melee round.

Chi Overcharge: This allows the character to “over charge” the body with double the usual amount of Positive or Negative Chi. The Chi Overcharge will usually last 4 full days and will drain away immediately whenever the character falls asleep or is otherwise rendered unconscious. The excess Chi can be gained by either a full hour of meditation in the appropriate environment, where the right kind of Chi is available, or using either Dragon Chi (Tap Positive Chi) or Dark Chi (Tap Negative Chi). Cost: One point of Chi (Positive if the Overcharge is with Positive Chi, Negative if the Overcharge is with Negative Chi).

Fill Object with Chi: The idea is to fill up an object, usually a weapon of some kind, with Chi so that it becomes “solid” from the perspective of the flow of Chi. For example, creatures of pure Negative Chi are usually unaffected by daggers and arrows. However, if the dagger or arrow is filled with Positive Chi, then the weapon will do the usual amount of damage, direct to the creatures Negative Chi. How long the object will stay filled with Chi depends on how it is handled. As long as it stays in physical contact with a creature filled with the same kind of Chi, the effect will last indefinitely. So a spear filled with Positive Chi will stay “charged” as long as it’s held by the bare hand of a character filled with Positive Chi. The same spear, slung on a strap over the character’s back, will only maintain its ‘charge’ for an 4 hours or so in a place of Positive Chi. In a place of Negative Chi, where the Chi of the environment is disrupting the Positive Chi of the spear, the Chi will only last for 4 melee rounds per level of the characters experience.

Another way of making objects come along when characters Mind Walk (see Zenjorike power) or otherwise move around in Pure Chi Form (transforming the body, or leaving it behind). The “Chi Aspect” of the object can then be carried or used as an object of Pure Chi. For example, a creature of Pure Negative Chi could carry the Chi Aspect of a sword or gun and use it as a weapon, - inflicting damage based on Negative Chi. When used in this way, the Chi Aspect of the object will last as long as it is held or in contact with the character. Cost: 1 point of Chi per object, plus the amount of Chi used to fill the object.

The amount of Chi needed to fill an object depends on its size. Small items, like daggers, bullets, arrows and shurikens, take only one point of Chi. Medium sized objects, like swords and spears, take two points of Chi. Larger objects, anything twenty pounds (9 kg) and over, usually require three points of Chi for every twenty pounds (9kg) of mass.

Divert Incoming Chi: By “grounding” a layer of Chi on the outside surface of the body, the character diverts all incoming Positive or Negative Chi harmlessly into the ground. This only works while the character has at least one foot on the ground (not while leaping, jumping, or doing fancy kicks), and it works in any environment (Positive or Negative Chi). It’s also possible for the character to extend the grounding layer over one or two other people (two others is the maximum) or over some other object. In this case all the characters must remain in place, with all their feet firmly planted on the ground. Cost: One point of Chi (Negative or Positive) per melee round, or 2 points if one or 2 additional people are protected.

NEUTRAL CHI MASTERY: EXPLOSIVE CHI: The martial artist uses short, but sudden and powerful, bursts of Chi to attack their target. To use, the martial artist must use a hand strike against their target. A successful strike means that there will be a sudden, explosive impact of Chi against the target, dealing 1D6 damage to a target, in addition to knocking a target back 2D6ft. Parries result in half damage from the Chi explosion, as well as a 1D6ft. knockback, but no punch damage. Dodges mean no Chi is used. Explosive Chi can be done up to twice a melee successfully (yes, a parried strike still counts as a success). Requires 2 points of chi per use.

NEUTRAL CHI MASTERY: BURNING PALM: When used, Burning Palm causes a painful burning sensation whenever a target is struck. In game terms, a successful palm strike with Burning Palm means the opponent must make a save vs. pain, or suffer -4 init, and -3 to parry, dodge, and strike. Requires 2 Chi per use.

Rapid Blows:

For every 5 Chi spent each successful hit counts as one extra blow. eg. 15 Chi = 4 blows instead of normal 1, so roll damage 4 times

Iron Fist: Hand will not take damage from hitting a hard object. This allows him to break boards, wood, bricks, stones and ice. For every 1 Chi spent do 1 additional point of damage

Strafe: For every 1 Chi used can hit one additional foe in range if using a ranged weapon.

Whirlwind: For every 1 Chi used can hit one additional foe in range in hand to hand combat or if using a melee weapon

Focused Attack: Every Chi spent while concentrating on the target gives either an additional +1 to strike or +1 to damage (must decide before using it).


Channel Chi: This is a very simple ability that allows the character to channel P.P.E.  The character can channel an amount of P.P.E. equal to the amount they spent to activate this power; however, the maximum amount that may be pumped is equal to the characters’ M.E.  This ability only lasts for only one melee and must be activated again if the character wants to use this ability next melee.  It can be used to restore lost P.P.E. or to store P.P.E.  Stored P.P.E. will remain for an amount of melees equal to the characters’ M.E.—after that it does one damage to the character for every point not used.  The act of channeling burns a characters’ action, not attack—only one action within an attack may be used to channel P.P.E.

Chi Blast: A blast or bolt of heat and force powered by Chi energy. It will do 1D6 damage per 1 P.P.E. used and has a maximum range of P.E. ×10 feet, plus 10 feet per 2 P.P.E. the character pumps into it. It takes a full melee attack to conjure the energy and another melee attack to aim and fire. Initiative should still be rolled, because the character can dispel it at any time during the conjuring part. If attacked during the attack they are conjuring the blast, they may dispel it and try to roll a defense. However, the defense will be a sloppy and hasty one (-6). To successfully conjure a Chi Blast without being hit in combat means getting two successful initiative rolls in a row. Even if the opponent does a simultaneous attack during the attack the Chi Blast is released, it still goes off with full effect, because the blast takes effect during the first action, while the second action is used to recover (the character can still defend during this action, but at –6, once again).

Chi Burst: This spectacular power allows the character to become a pulsating nexus of pure Chi! The character must put all concentration into this power and for as long as they want it to continue the power will negate ALL forms of energy within it’s radius! Fire, lightning, lasers, particle beams, pure energy, heat and plasma will dissipate within the sphere of the Chi Burst—doing no damage at all! Conjuring the P.P.E. will burn one action and the next action is used to release the Chi Burst. It costs 1 P.P.E. per 1 foot radius and takes up ALL of the concentration of the Ancient Master. The character may dispel it at any time and it lasts a maximum of 1 attack per P.E. point of the Ancient Master, starting with the attack after it was conjured. The character is still vulnerable to radiation and kinetic damage. This power also keeps those that are pure energy from entering—this applies to entities, ghosts and any other creatures of pure energy. Chi Blast is also ineffective.

Chi Charge: A very useful ability, allowing characters to channel their Chi back into their own body, boosting his/her physical attributes! For every five points of Chi the character uses they may boost either P.S., P.P., P.E., Spd up by a point and/or they may spend 20 P.P.E. to upgrade their strength to Supernatural for the duration—one melee. In the alternative, they may also spend P.P.E. to give a temporary S.D.C. charge. They will gain 1 S.D.C. point per 1 P.P.E. spent. However, while this helps the character to gain more S.D.C., it cannot be used to restore S.D.C. or Hit Points.

Chi Spirit: First let’s start with the nature of this ability. It is meant to impose fear or awe into others. It purely a move to use as defense or a move to use to stop a battle. Whatever way this ability manifests, it has the same effects, has the same duration and costs the same amount of P.P.E. This ability will effectively give the character a temporary Horror Factor of 12 +1 per point of M.A. (negative or positive depending on what the character is trying to achieve) above 15. It costs 10 P.P.E. per melee and also acts as a sort of probe wall to the character A side effect of this ability, due to it’s nature (P.P.E. oriented), makes the character resistant to magic—+5 to save vs. magic for the duration. Now, as for the manifestations. This can be anything the player thinks of. The character could glow bright with any color they want, they could seemingly catch on fire with the fire being an unusual color, or a bigger “spirit” of the character could eminent from them. Or it can be as simple as the characters' eyes glowing unnaturally, they can have a god like voice, their attacks could seem energized, etc. These are just a few examples; feel free to come up with your own.

Chi Weapon: A very useful ability for those that select mastered weapons. It allows a character to channel P.P.E. into a weapon that the character has practiced with and exclusively uses or has used for at least a month. The character must put at least 5 P.P.E. into the weapon after which the weapon will have some visible effect (i.e. glow, vibrate, etc.). This power will give the character several abilities. First, the character is able to sense anything with P.P.E., Chi or I.S.P. in it at a radius of 1 foot per P.P.E. point in the weapon. This is useful in that the character can sense the location and movements of anybody within the radius even if they cannot see them—allowing them to combat them with no penalties. However, if they can see the person, they will not receive any bonuses to combat them, they simply cannot be the victim of a sneak attack. The second ability will let the weapon wielder inflict damage to those in pure energy form and creatures normally invulnerable (this is considered a magic weapon). However, the character may only inflict up to one damage per point of P.P.E. in the weapon—they will still have to roll damage, this is just the maximum damage that can be done. The exception is critical strikes (natural only), which will allow the character to do more damage than the maximum allowed. Third, the character is able to perform projectile type attacks of pure Chi with the weapon! However, the projectiles have limitations. They burn the P.P.E. in the weapon and they do relatively little damage, however, they are nonetheless very effective. Damage is one point per point of P.P.E. being used. The wielder has to make some sort of gesture with the weapon in order launch the projectile. They will have no bonuses to strike with the projectile and range is 2 feet per point of P.P.E. still left in the weapon. The act of channeling is instant, it will burn no attacks or actions, no matter how much P.P.E. is used.

Solid Chi Surge: A very impressive ability that is one of the most powerful of the Chi Powers. The character will receive an A.R. of 1 per point of P.P.E. used for one melee. If the character wants to extend the duration, they may do so, at the cost of more P.P.E. The maximum A.R. possible is equal to the characters’ M.E. However, the maximum one can ever achieve is an A.R. of 18.

Hiryu-Shoten-Ha (Flying Dragon Ascension Wave)

The character who knows this ability must maintain an ice cold demeanor in battle (they must be calm, rational, their Chi as ice no matter the provocation). They move around their opponent in a spiral pattern, using Chi to manipulate the air around them in specific patterns. This takes an entire melee round, which the character cannot attack, anyone and is -5 to parry. This is useless, however, unless their opponent is in a battle rage (they are excited, angry, their Chi is as fire flowing out of them). The final action of the move is a twisting uppercut thrown by the character using the Hiryu-Shoten-Ha with a release of Chi once the center of the spiral is reached. The clash of temperatures, with the Chi boost, creates a small tornado, “the Heaven-Blast of the Dragon” or “Flying Dragon Ascension Wave,” that hurls the character’s opponent away in a mighty blow (3D6xl0 SDC), landing 3D4xl00 feet away. It takes 10 points of Positive Chi to use this ability. This also has an animalistic form, with a serpentine eastern dragon forming the tornado.

(Note: It is important to remember that despite the Chi manipulation used in this technique, the Hiryu-Shoten-Ha is not magical in any sense of the word. It is simply a Chi-assisted natural phenomenon: the induction of cold air into a hot medium, thus creating a vacuum that turns the surrounding air into a spiral whirlwind--the exact same phenomenon that creates tornadoes in nature.)

Cloth Hardening

With this ability, a clothed Chi Master is never truly unarmed--even a naked Chi Master will have weapon handy if his opponent is clothed. By channeling Chi into the pattern of a piece of cloth or clothing, that cloth becomes as hard and sharp as a steel blade, while retaining the weight and flexibility of cloth! Using this technique, belts, bandannas, bamboo umbrellas, and even shoelaces can become weapons of destruction. As an added bonus, because of the resiliency and give that cloth has, a supernaturally strong wielder need never worry about his weapon breaking at a sensitive moment. The final use of this power is one that most Hibikis disdain out of pride: turning their clothing into armor.

One point of Chi is enough to “charge’ a square foot of cloth (so it would take one Chi to activate a single bandanna or a belt, while a towel would require four or five), making it a weapon. By spending an additional one Chi per object charged, that weapon may be made rigid like steel, so that it can be used for parrying or blocking. The size of the cloth determines the amount of damage it does: a bandanna (thrown or used for slashing) will inflict I D4 SDC; a sword-belt will do 2D4 SDC; a tightly-wrapped towel will do 2D6 SDC as a club or 2D4 SDC as a slashing/piercing whip-style weapon.

A thrown cloth weapon will retain its charge for 100 feet, plus 5 feet per level of experience, before returning to its normal state. A thrown weapon may act as a boomerang, returning to the character after being thrown, for five Chi. the base amount of Chi is enough to keep a melee weapon charged for one melee round per level of experience, plus one additional round for each point of Chi spent. (A melee weapon will only retain its charge for one round if dropped and must be filly recharged when recovered.) As with any melee weapon, the wielder’s strength attribute adds to the damage inflicted.

Finally, a user of this power may transform their clothing into armor with the consistency and weight of cloth, but the protection value of plate armor. The activation cost of this power is ten Chi, and costs two Chi per melee round to sustain. While activated, this power gives the user’s clothes an armor rating of 15 and 250 SDC; rolling over the armor rating means that a hit has landed on an unprotected area or slipped between seams. Wearing less than a fill suit of clothes or filly covering clothes may decrease or increase the minor rating as the GM sees fit. (Rifts Note: In Rifts, this cloth armor provides non-environmental MDC protection of 100 MDC; the armor rating remains to determine if a blow lands on an unprotected area of the body.)

At the GM’s option, repeated use of this power on a single object may make it act like a weapon permanently or even increase its weight to an amount equivalent to that of steel. Such a feat would require near-constant use of a single weapon and a Chi expenditure of something like one hundred Chi (not necessarily all at once).

Great Leap Positive or Negative

By expending one point of Chi, the character can leap 10 feet vertically or 15 feet horizontally per level, up to a maximum of five Chi per leap. Training for this usually involves throwing the character into a pit with starving animals and seeing how long it takes them to get out. Characters with supernatural attributes can double the distances leaped for the same amount of Chi spent, and practitioners of Joketsuzoku (other martial arts can learn these maneuvers as well) spend no Chi to activate this power; they must still spend Chi to get extra distance.

Shishi Hokodan (Roaring Lion Bullet) Negative/Mouko Takabisha (Overbearing Ferocious Tiger Attack) Positive

The Shishi Hokodan was discovered by Ryoga Hibiki while trapped (lost, actually) underground for several weeks; the Mouko Takabisha was developed by Ranma Saotome (with the help of the Amazon elder Khu Lon) to counter its destructive power. This maneuver is the ability to project destructive bolts of pure Chi at a target; there are several variations of this ability, but these two are the most common. This Chi ability taps into the user’s emotions to drive the destructive force from their body; the Shishi Hokodan taps into the power of depression--that is, despair equal to the level of”! see no reason to live, so why don’t I just blow up and take you with me?” The Mouko Takabisha is a variant that channels the power of confidence (some might say arrogance)--confldence of a level equal to “I’m a fifteenth level Anything-Goes martial artist and my opponent is a first level Victim.”

If the wielder of this power is in the grip of the emotion chosen when selected (as arbitrated by the GM), this power costs two Chi per 2D6 SDC/lv dealt to a target, to a maximum of l0D6x10 SDC/lv. The user of this ability may attempt to force himself into that emotion, but a Mental Endurance check at one-half is necessary to do so (or a flat ME check under certain circumstances, as seen fit by the GM). If not in the grip of the chosen emotion, there is no possibility of using this power, for there is no emotion to “trigger” it. The range of this power is 1000 feet, plus 100 feet per level of experience; a roll to hit is necessary, but only to determine what the target must roll to dodge--otherwise, a hit is automatic and armor ratings don’t matter.

Final Notes In Rifts, these Chi blasts can be powered up to inflict mega-damage at a cost of five Chi per 2D6+6 MD/level, to a maximum of 10D6x10 MDC/level A good-aligned martial artist will never use such an attack on someone who could not withstand it (just as they would never attack a defenseless person). Also, as mentioned, there are variants on these two attacks; there are known to be variants based on fear, hatred, and revulsion. It can be assumed that virtually any strong, negative emotion can power this attack, but each emotion is a separate teclmique. Each aft ack also has a vaguely animalistic overlay to its appearance, usually based on the animal it takes its name from.

Happo En Satsu POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE An legendary technique for draining chi from ones opponent and using it as one pleases (this is one of the few instances a persons Chi can be greater than their usual maximum, however there are still limits, the maximum that can be drained is double the artists maximum chi). There are some conditions to this power. It is not a learned power exactly, first an Atemi Master must spend atleast one hour every day for one month performing a series of metabolism alteration through pressure points. After the treatment is completed, the artist will then be able to drain other peoples chi through any circular object (the reason it's called the En Satsu is because the object used is commonly an En coin). Normally, the user of this technique can only be used on people with intention to fight (GM's call on this). The rate of Chi drain is 10 points every target every melee, and the user can drain a number of targets equal to double their level of experience. In some cases, the user can drain from targets who have no intent of combat, but the drain is only 2 points every melee, and can only be used on one target. If not used soon (within 10 minutes), the Chi fades at a rate of 5 per melee.

======Advanced Shi Jin ======

======This is a much stronger version of the normal Shi Jin power on page 120 of Ninjas & Superspies.

 When used as a defense, Advanced Shi Jin Chi can soak up damage that would 
otherwise hurt the character. Each point of Chi expended absorbs up to 25 points of 
damage.      When used offensively, Advanced Shi Jin not only adds 5 points (compared to 
2 for normal Shi Jin) to the damage roll of hand to hand strikes, but also to melee 
weapon attacks (not to thrown weapons or gunfire). 
Like normal Shi Jin, Advanced Shi Jin is never wasted. 


Note:'' In order to take Advanced Shi Jin, you must have already taken normal Shi Jin.


Battle Aura(Superior):

100+100 (SDC/MDC)/level =20/chi invested acts like a force 

field  10chi to activate positive chi is white colored, negative chi is black colored, while aura is up emitte light equivalent to true sunlight up to 1000ft radius, 12dmg from touch/chi invested   duration is 4+1hrs/chi invested, absorbs 15chi either positive or negative chi/chi point invested.

Chi/Manna Claws:

P.S.+1d10= removes 20 ISP/Chi/PPE from target/blade 

typically 3-3ftlong blades that are invisible -10 s/p/d/r against attack  provides a bonus of +5p/s/int can link to melee weapons to provide bonus to damage and to extend reach.

Elemental Aura: 

can link to battle aura, also provides immunity to element used

Fire (Red):+12protection/chi +12 damage/chi 1ft radius/chi

Water/Ice (Blue):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi

Earth/Acid (Brown):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15ppe/chi

Metal/Electricity (Silver):+50protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi

Wood/Poison (Green):+5protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15isp/chi 

Wind/Gas (Yellow):+5protection/chi +12damage or KO 2d6melee/chi 20x20x20 

Cloud/chi 20+20ft/lv/chi

Manna (Gold):+7protection/chi  +12damage/chi  1ft radius/chi absorbs 


Lightning Speed Positive or Negative

By focusing his Chi, the character is able to move at an increased rate. He gains double his normal Attacks per Melee and Spd., along with a +5 initiative bonus. He cannot use any other Chi abilities while this one is being used, and he must rest for one round per round that the ability is used. This costs 15 Chi per round ( P.P.E. if you're using that method ).

Divine Body Chi Kung

This ancient and lost chi power once allowed normal humans to compete 

in hand to hand combat with demons and other supernatural creatures. 

Pre-requisite: Body Chi. Level 1 - Extraordinary P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 12 chi per melee round. Level 8 - Superhuman P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 24 chi per melee round. Level 15 - Supernatural P.S. & P.E. at a cost of 48 chi per melee round.

Lack of Weakness (Positive or Negative Chi Mastery) the character can "focus" Chi in oneself to hide any potential weaknesses from their opponents. Using this ability makes the character immune to the effects of Find Weakness Chi Mastery, and the One Life, One Shot, One Hit, One Kill Martial Art Technique. This ability also renders Chi Block Atemi useless as the opponent cannot find the exact location of the character using this ability's "Chi Control Center" This ability also allows a character to use their full bonuses when attempting to avoid a Long Distance Dim Mak. Unfortunately, since the character's chi is devoted to this defensive activity, they perform combat attacks at only half their normal bonuses. This ability also has no effect against Chi Belly Disruption.


Belly Disruption

Since the philosophy of chi also include the theory that chi in the 

body is developed from a central point (Most systems of Chi development center around a spot in the body located two to four inches below the naval and about an inch inside. This spot is called the Seika Tanden (or Seika No Itten) in Japanese, the Dantian ('cinnabar field') in Chinese, and is referred to as Svadishthana Chakra in Sanskrit (or Indian culture.) Chi is believed to originate from this spot, also referred to as the One Point (or one's center) in English. And through the practice of breathing and concentration exercises, one is able to gain mastery over the force already naturally present in one's organic makeup at birth.), it then follows that disruption of this spot would prevent the victim from being able to exert mastery over their own chi. While this ability is similar to the dreaded Dim Mak, it differs in that the character's chi (and thus healing) is unaffected. Instead, the character can no longer use abilities dependent on chi (including Chi Mastery abilities, Zenjoriki dependent on having chi, Chi Zoshiki, and some martial art techniques). Unlike the difficult to cure Dim Mak, this attack can be treated by those trained in the various forms 

of chi healing (although not by the victim himself, he can no longer 

manipulate his own chi).

Alcoholic Flame

The character with this Chi Mastery Ability can convert the alcohol in 

his body into a breath of flame which can be used to ignite objects or 

people. At least two melees (30 seconds) of concentration are required to use this power, and the character must have a minimum of six points of Positive Chi or the power cannot be used. Range: 12 feet plus 2 feet per level of experience. Damage: 6D6 points of damage. Cost: five points of Positive Chi and alcohol equivalent to five drinks for each use.

Battle Aura (Lesser)

Cost: 10 Chi Duration: 2 minute per level of experience level. Permanent statistic change: N/A. Requirement: Chi Control This creates a small battle aura that surrounds the character. The aura protects them by cushioning blows and damage received(works against all attacks made against the character, weather it is magical, technological, psionic, or whatever; for spells or psionics that don’t do damage but create negative effects for the character, they are also half effective). Characters take half damage while the battle aura is up. In some dire instances certain huge energy attacks cannot be avoided, by concentrating all his energy into the into the battle aura this last ditch technique can reduce the damage by 1/10. The character must successfully roll a dodge while expending 100 chi. As a secondary effect, while the battle aura is active the character is considered an MDC creature in MDC type environments(combine HP & SDC to figure out MDC), or in SDC type environments take SDC & HP then times it by 5 plus they have an AR of 12(after battle aura is deactivated, whatever damage the extra SDC &HP taken is gone & the character retains his normal HP & SDC. If enough damage was taken while the aura was activated to where the characters HP & SDC go below their normal level, then subtract that damage from the characters HP & SDC). If Battle Aura(greater) is taken & this power activated, ignore secondary effect(above) & double the characters MDC for the duration of this power. For an SDC setting take HP & SDC times 10.

Battle Aura (Greater)

Cost: 100 chi.( when reaches level 12 Cost is 50 PPE)

Duration: 2 minute per level of experience level.

Permanent statistic change: +2 MA, +50 PPE. Character becomes an MDC being(combine HP &SDC to figure out MDC; or use the secondary effect of Battle Aura lesser if using an SDC setting)

Requirement: Battle Aura (6th Level) This creates a huge battle aura that surrounds the character. Those that see the aura are stricken with terror and unable to effectively act or move (HF 18). The aura also protects the user with 100 MDC/SDC per level.(in SDC settings the aura has an AR of 15) Repeated exposure to this technique will reduce the effect 1 HF per exposure unless the character witnesses the aura user doing something truly awe inspiring while under the effects. NOTE: this power can be learned before level 12, if it wasn’t learned before character reached level 12 then he/she automatically gets it at level 12.

Bean Jam Blowout

Cost: 50 PPE.

Range: 10ft per level of experience level.

Area Affect: 5ft per level of experience level. Creates a directed tornado-like funnel that sweeps the opponents, and carries them hundreds(1d6x100) of feet away, taking 1d4 MDC/HP damage per level of Exp, are knocked down and confused for 2 rounds (-5 strike, parry, & dodge) and suffer the effects of Wind Rush. Opponents/objects weighing over 10 tons are merely knocked down for a round (15 sec). Once targeted the only way to escape the effects of the funnel is to roll a natural 18, 19, or 20 dodge. Takes four attack actions.

Breaking Point

Cost: 20 PPE.

Requirements: Must be able to channel Chi, minimum 25 PE.

Permanent statistics change: +10 PS, +6 PE, -2PP, 1d6x10 M.D.C. /H.P./S.D.C. per level of character(this is in addition to what the character normally receives). Minus 3 attacks.

Damage reduction: -1d6 points of damage per level of Exp times 10 MDC/HP. this is a technique originally used for mining. Merely touching objects like a rock, ceramic, steel, etc. caused it to explosively shatter. The theory behind this is that everything has a breaking point or a point where it is weakest. By sensing this point, touching it and channeling Chi in a certain way into this point the object is violently disrupted. The training for this technique is ingenious. The trainee is hung from a rope while tied up like a mummy, with only his arm sticking out. Meanwhile an approximately 10 ton boulder is swung at the victim…er… trainee. The trainee must find the breaking point of the boulder or be smashed by the boulder. This serves two purposes, one since it is very rare to succeed on the first few tries each impact toughens the character's body making more resistant to impact and damage for the next attempt. It is quite common to be knocked unconscious on the first few tries. People who do not have sufficient control over their Chi and who do not meet the minimum requirements are will most likely die if they attempt this training. If some talented freak of nature were to actually succeed in the first few tries the second purpose of this training would be demonstrated. Without the toughening up process the boulder will explosively shatter and the trainee will take full damage at ground zero. Said talented freak of nature would be wise to just sit back and let himself be pounded by the boulder and concentrate his Chi on getting more resistant to damage. Training takes 1d6 week, unless 1/10 martial arts analysis skill is rolled. The effect of this technique is awesome but has limitations. Most living creatures are soft and do not fracture in this manner, however robots, armor, most walls, floors and so on are rigid enough to explode quite nicely. Sentient rock creatures, magic object and other borderline creatures roll a save versus magic 12 or less, or suffer normal damage. The attack counts as two actions. Any creature within 5 ft of the blast point receives 1/5 damage. The character takes no damage from this technique. Masters of this technique are MDC in MDC type environments. Variants: There are rumors that it might be possible to strike a breaking point in one place and if calculated correctly it may cause a chain reaction or travel along a "fault" to take effect at another place. This is unverified and would take extra-ordinary skill (1/10 martial arts analysis and GM approval).

Butterfly Kiss

Cost: 30 PPE per base transfer

Requirements: Must be able to channel Chi.

Permanent statistic change: +50 S.D.C. /H.P. /M.D.C. Through this method the martial artist is able to translate chi energy directly into kinetic energy and apply in to an object. The lightest touch can carry the energy of a truck. This is of limited use when used directly on people or creatures of large mass. The energy is applied to the object as a whole and cannot be applied to part of an object such as a hand or appendage. If this is attempted the energy will be distributed to the entire object. An example of this is applying the technique to a person's hand, the energy will be evenly distributed throughout the subject's body and the entire body will be moved in the direction it was applied. It can be applied directly to objects such as guns, swords, and other parts not an integral part of a larger mass. To a martial artist trained to take falls this is merely a method to put lesser skilled opponents in their place. When used on those without such capabilities or indirectly applied through missiles it can be a deadly technique. The initial transfer does no damage do to the entire mass being given a kinetic charge. When the object impacts with another is where true danger lies. Each level of experience the character may impart up to 3,000 Joules of Kinetic energy to an object. Impact with another rigid body will cause 1d10 per 3000 Joules. Successfully rolling with the impact/fall will reduce the damage to 1/4. When carefully applied by the martial artist it is possible to partially, or completely negate the effects of an external impact.

Chestnut Fist

Cost: 10 PPE per melee round (15 sec).

Requirements: Must be able to channel Chi, minimum 25 PP, minimum of 7 attacks.

Permanent statistic change: triple speed attribute, +4 to PP; +2 to dodge, +3 to parry & strike; two additional melee attacks(plus 1 additional attack every 3rd level of Exp from the level they learned this) & auto parry. This is also a technique which involved a complete speed training regimen, in some ways it is the antithesis of the "Breaking Point". Once the character gets his speed up to the minimum required the training is simple. Toss several dozen chestnuts into an open fire and grab them out without getting burned. If you succeed you have achieved the basic chestnut fist. This gives you Automatic paired weapons with bare hands and any weapon proficiencies known, and an additional +1d6MDC/HP per level of Exp. With further training it is possible to parry or catch projectiles up to and including bursts. This also includes shrapnel (such as caused by the Breaking Point). The basic technique including the preliminary speed training takes 1d6 weeks unless 1/10 martial arts analysis is rolled. This was meant to be a bare handed technique, however with practice this speed technique could be applied to weapons (roll 1/10 martial arts analysis each week per weapon).

Stinging Fist

Cost: N/A

Requirement: Chi Mastery, Chestnut Fist.

Permanent statistic change: Auto-dodge, +4 to PP, +2 to dodge, +3 to parry & strike, two additional melee attacks.

The training for this technique is painful. A hive of bees or hornets is smashed to the ground at the trainee's feet. The trainee must stun the insects while avoiding being stung. Each week the martial artist rolls 1/10 martial arts analysis success means the technique has been mastered. This technique was designed to further increase a person’s speed & reaction time in combat.

Dimensional Cloak

Cost: 20 PPE/Chi/ISP.

Duration: 10 minutes per level.

Permanent statistic change: Sense dimensional anomalies, rifts etc. originally used for evil and perverse purposes, it is hoped that someday the name of this technique will have the original taint purged through noble actions. It is doubtful. The user becomes invisible as he has removed himself from our plane of existence. He can see, hear, and talk but has no other ability to interact with the people he watches as long as he employs this technique. Physical barriers also seem immaterial to a user of this technique. Magical, psionic, and dimensional barriers seem to reflect themselves into whatever dimensional hole the martial artist has thrown himself and will stop bar his progress. Of course he is also invulnerable and undetectable (unless you’re a Shifter, Temporal Wizard etc.). Variants: Time does not seem to affect to user in that place. It might even be possible to hibernate or go into some state of suspended animation and just wait out a bad millennium or two.

Dragon Ascension Defeat

Cost: 100 PPE.

Requirement: Chi Control, minimum +10 to dodge, 15 ME.

Permanent statistic change: +4 to ME, +2 to dodge.

Area of Effect: 10ft radius per level experience. This powerful technique relies on using the enemy's own power against him. By leading the enemy/enemies in a spiral and tuning your Chi to be "opposite" your enemy's you lead him/them to the center of the spiral. Once the center is reached your opposing Chi's final attack is triggered. The character punches at the air near the primary enemy (doesn't even need to strike, gesture is enough of a focus) and a huge vortex of conflicting Chi is formed. Once triggered there is no effective defense even those not originally attacking will be swept straight up hundreds of feet (2d4x100), in a maelstrom of opposing Chi energies and bombarded with debris. Those of the enemy will who are within the spiral will take damage equaling half the MDC/HP of the primary foe plus 1/10 the MDC/HP of each enemy in the spiral at the time of triggering. Those who were not attacking are still swept up in the vortex but take a mere 1/5 damage. The person who initiates this attack has only limited control at this point. If for some strange reason he decides he must rescue someone accidentally caught up in the whirlwind he can just jump up the center of the funnel and attempt to reach his target. At this point he can shield his target with has own body and Chi. He will now take the 1/5 damage, and can guide them both to the ground taking a mere 1d6x10 SDC of falling damage. The maelstrom lasts 1 melee round per level of experience, however if the enemy survives the initial damage, once he recovers from being stunned/"knocked down" be can try to leave the vortex if he has some means of self locomotion. If he cannot leave the whirlwind he will be spun around until it dissipates on its own where upon he will be forcibly thrown to the ground and take 1d6x10SDC falling damage per hundred feet in the air. Although devastating, this attack has several flaws. First if the enemy doesn't attack the character he can't form a spiral. Second the character must constantly and successfully dodge into the spiral form, if he actually gets hit, he must start the spiral anew. Third the setup of the spiral takes a full melee round that’s a long time not to get hit. You might say "what kind of moron am I fighting if I can always lead him by the nose into a spiral?". The answer might very likely be he's never hear heard of the damn technique and never even noticed a spiral pattern while he was chasing that damned irritating character all over the yard. Unless someone actually is watching the battle (or already knows the technique), and rolls 1/10 his martial analysis roll and then informs sir bozo he may never find out how you keep tossing him up several hundred feet all the time. Because of the conflicted Chi energy ravaging the enemy, regeneration and healing will not work for 1d6 hours even with powerful supernatural creatures. There is a similar variation that can be used for stationary foes where the character spirals around the center and the enemy forms the heart of the storm. This is dangerous as the technique wasn't created for this use. The character must make his normal martial arts analysis roll or suffer the same effect as the enemy. The training for this is very simple, forming spiral paths while dodging and keeping iron control over your Chi. To successfully learn this technique you MUST roll 1/10 your martial arts analysis skill. You may try once a week for as long as your teacher has patience. Variants: It is rumors that a single individual could create and trigger this phenomenon without a spiral or an enemy to fuel to attack. This would be incredibly difficult and very painful as it would involve simultaneously manipulating conflicting Chi energies. If it could be done it would allow not only the traditional vertical attack but allow a horizontal version of this technique. Roll 1/10 martial arts analysis skill each attempt. Character will take half damage done to hostiles unless he can perfect the technique. GMs option.

Hidden Weapons (Lesser)

Cost: 3 PPE per summons.

Requirements: Chi Control. With this skill the user can hide and summon 11 major item/weapon per level experience. and 55 smaller/lesser items per level experience in a pocket dimension or subspace and summon them at will(counts as 1 melee attack/action). They will appear instantly in his hands and does not require and action. The character also has the fast draw skill when dealing with summoning any summoned weapons. These items are fixed and cannot be changed without several weeks of training. Roll half martial arts analysis skill once per week. A success indicated you have learned to store a specific item in a particular "place" in subspace(normally the “place” is located so where around the persons body so it can easily be reached). NOTE: Magical items/weapons & projectile weapons count as a major item. Non-magical items/weapons count as lesser items.

Hidden Weapons (Greater)

Cost: 5 PPE per summons.

Requirements: 15 IQ, Chi Control. Same as above except character may store 55 major item/weapons per level experience and 100 minor items/weapons per level experience. There are no fixed slots. The character may store whatever he wishes in the appropriate "location".


Cost: 10 PPE.

Duration: 100 minutes per level experience.

Speed: 40-mph +10 mph per level experience. Through the careful use of Chi it is possible to fly. They may never win any speed records but it will get you where you're going.

Neko Ken (Cat Fist)

Cost: All current PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, (Since it is impossible to force yourself to submit to this training, it usually requires a third party to force the character through the training), minimum 15 PP, 15 ME (failure means death or being reduced to a gibbering idiot).

Permanent statistic change: Severe phobia of cats, +2 PP, +50 PPE/ISP/CHI.

Any manual concerning this subject may go on and on regarding the power granted by this technique. If you keep reading you will also read about how it was banned for causing severe physiological trauma to the trainees. Most also state that only an idiot would try to teach or learn the technique. The training is deceptively simple. "Tie the trainee up in fish sausages and throw him into a pit of starving cats. Repeat as needed." Roll martial arts analysis to survive the initial training. Each time the character is thrown in the pit roll for survival, making under 1/10 the martial arts analysis means the neko-ken has been learned. Congratulations. The training induces a severe phobia of cats. At the slightest sight of a cat the characters strength is doubled. Unfortunately this enhanced strength is only useful for escaping the horror before him. Woe unto any person, vehicle, wall, or mountain between the character and the shortest path away. Coherent thought is impossible, technique or skill is irrelevant all that the character thinks about is leaving. Even if for some horrible reason the feline attaches itself to the character he will be unable to bring himself to further touch it. He will simply run until it jumps off on its own or the neko ken takes hold. When the terror becomes too much for the character's psyche his personality retreats. He gets down on all fours and meows. This is the fabled neko-ken. While in this state the character's PS, and PP are increased by x2, Speed, and HP/MDC are twice what they are normally. They also receive 4 extra doubled attacks, heightened smell, and the incredible "Cat Fist" attack. Of course they now think they are a cat. This means that the character has no memory of any enemies, he has an effective animal IQ of 4, and he will only fight for territory, family, mates, and domination. The horrible foe that was slaughtering towns and laying waste to the countryside while now be ignored. Heaven help the poor SOB if he's unfortunate enough to catch the attention and earn the displeasure of the character while in this state. He won't fight to the death, cats’ only fights until the rival cat submits, of course most people don't know this and if the enemy continues to fight he will most likely die. The Neko-ken attack is actually cat claws made of pure Chi. The character does not even need to touch his enemy the claws of Chi will do that. Although he cannot actively use other Chi techniques he naturally has the effects of the "Chestnut Fist" in reference to parrying and paired hand-to-hand/claw attacks. With his "claws" he can even parry energy weapons and bursts with no penalties. The only way to exit the neko-ken is sudden shock or relaxing so completely he comes out of the neko-ken. Some examples of this would be being pummeled unconscious, being involuntarily shape-changed into another species or sex, or falling asleep curled up in the lap of a loved one. There is no cure for the phobia. If by some miracle the phobia is removed the technique can no longer be accessed. Desensitization is an especially futile method for curing this phobia.

Note:' There is a variant that can be created where the character can be cured and control the neko ken roll on 1/10 martial analysis skill. Variants: It is rumored that other similar techniques exist, the shark-ken, bird-ken, etc. They are all equally devastating and all equally debilitating for the character.

Pressure Points

Cost: 40 PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, biology minimum 50%, minimum 20 PP, +10 Strikes, See Aura.

Permanent statistic change: +2 Strikes, Psychic Diagnosis.

All living things have Chi. this energy flows in channels throughout the body, if they are blocked odd, usually bad, things happen to the body. Likewise if this energy is made to flow more smoothly or redirected along more efficient routes usually creatures have very good things happen to their state of health. These paths are well known in the human body along with the pressure points and the correct amount of Chi to use for various effects. On a successful roll of the martial arts analysis skill the pressure point is applied correctly with the desired results, if the roll is failed there was either no effect or a drastically different one than what was expected. Even if the roll succeeds and unwilling participant gets a save vs. magic15 (only count PE bonuses toward save) or less to resist what was done. The effects of these pressure points vary to a huge degree from blindness, deafness, dizziness, paralysis, muteness, pain, paralysis, confusion, amnesia, full body cat tongue, etc. The effects of these last 1 minute to 48 hours per level experience or until countered. The more beneficial results such as healing negate poison, regeneration, or faster PPE/ISP recuperation are far more fleeting last a mere 1d6 minutes per level experience. It seems it really is easier to destroy than to create. Very few people know all these pressure and those who do guard this knowledge jealously. After all who would you trust with the power to cripple or heal with a touch. Although meant for the human body, with enough study of a particular race's anatomy and Chi flow it is possible to use these points on non-humans. Without such study there is no chance of successfully applying pressure points to a non-human race. After several weeks of study (roll 1/10 martial arts analysis skill once per week) the character may apply this skill to the race he has been studying and expect 1/5 martial arts analysis skill roll chance of success. This study may be repeated until the character has his normal chance success. Regenerate Cost: 20 PPE. Duration: 10 minutes per level of experience. Requirements: Chi Control, Biology minimum 25%, & Summon Inner Strength. Through control of his own Chi the character can regenerate even devastating damage very quickly. Can instantly heal 1d6x10 HP/MDC for 50 PPE. Healing rate: 2d6 HP/MDC per minute. (also works on battle auras if activated)

Roaring Tiger Bullet

Cost: 10 PPE.

Permanent statistic change: +1 MA.

Requirements: minimum 15 ME. Damage 1d6 MDC/HP per level experience. A simple blast of pure chi generated using emotions to focus and help project the energy. The chi blast can also transmit the emotions that help focus the blast having the effect of Empathic Transmission. The drawback is that the character suffers the same penalties (appropriate for the emotion) as his target. Characters who often summon specific emotions find these emotions easier to reach the more often its used. Each time this Chi Blast is used more than 10 times in one day, roll a save versus insanity. A failure gives the character the appropriate insanity (Confidence with give Overconfident, Depression will lead to chronic depression etc). Variant: It is rumored that if a master (roll 1/10 martial art analysis skill) were to combine this Chi attack with the Chestnut Fist a burst (1per level) of smaller attacks (1d4 per level) would be sent at the enemy. GM's option if practice will improve the reliability of this variant.

Roaring Tiger Bullet (Perfect) Cost: All PPE but must have at least 50.

Damage: 2d6x10 per level experience.

Range: Visual (If the character knows where it is, he can hit it).

Area Affect: 5ft/level.

Permanent statistic change: +1 MA.

Requirement: The appropriate insanity gained by the overuse of the "Roaring Tiger Bullet". One must almost be insane to be able to use this version of the previous Chi Blast.

The character is so overwhelmed with the particular emotion he is able to channel an incredible amount of Chi. It wells up inside him until he shoots it straight up into the sky in a huge blast. It almost immediately comes roaring down like the hand of god to smite it's target. +10 strike (very fast, very unpredictable). It's very unhealthy. Side Effects: User takes 1/4 damage and character falls unconscious immediately after attack. Fortunately, after channeling all that emotion his particular insanity is gone.

Note: Roaring Tiger Bullet is actually the name of the variant that uses confidence, Depression Blast is the name of the variant using depression as fuel and focus).

Splitting Cat Hairs

Cost: 50 PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 15 ME.

Permanent statistic change: +2 ME, detect illusion 5% per level experience.

This ancient technique makes up to 1 image per level experience of the character. The images split and rotate around the target. They are indistinguishable from the real form in all but the sense of touch. The character may attack at will and the subject will still be unable to tell truth from fiction. Each time an image is attacked roll 100%/image to see if the real character is aimed for. Even if the character is hit once the enemy must still roll the same percentage to choose the correct image next time. The only weakness in this technique is that it requires intense concentration. No other special attacks are usable and if something truly unexpected happens the character must roll versus ME, or the images will fade due to his distraction. The images also all rotate about a single point and are therefore not as effective on multiple attackers. Area affect attacks also work well since for the character to actually hit hand-to-hand all images must be within 10ft. If attacking is not an issue or the character has a long distance weapon the maximum radius is 5 ft per level.

Fire Spit 

Costs: 10

Range: Five feet + one foot every three levels. Deals 1D4 damage, but will ignite combustibles, and a successful shot to the face will blind for 1D4 melees.

A Chi ability allowing the martial artist to 'spit' flaming ash into a target's face. Takes two actions, 

Disruptive Chi Cloud

Costs: 5 to generate.

Sprays to coat the entire body, takes three actions (cannot be parried, -4 to dodge). Disrupts/cancels any Chi based power currently being used by the victim, and drains half their remaining Chi each melee until the victim has Negative Chi or Zero Chi. 

Choking Chi Cloud

Costs: 5 to activate, 2 chi/melee to maintain, (cannot be maintained if used as defense, just lasts remainder of the melee). 

Almost an automatic stun, may be used as a defense (full parry bonus), or offence (cannot be parried, -3 to dodge). Successful strike requires victim/target roll Save vs. Magic/Chi Influence. Fail to save disrupts 

and currently in-use Chi based powers, Specialty Katas, etc... Victims loose half their actions to hacking/coughing, and suffer a -4 to all combat actions for the duration. Each successive melee victim may attempt another save @ -1. A Roll of one on any of the saves knocks the victim out.


Chi Spark/light

Costs: 2/light.

This ability allows the martial artist to ignite a cigarette without a lighter, takes one action. 

Chi Fire Flare

Costs: 4.

Range: Two foot flame.

Briefly causes a small fire to flare up dealing 2D4 to 2D6 damage pending on size. Usually used on a lit cigarette, or a piece of paper in hand for a powerful attack. 

Blinding Chi Cloud

Costs: 2/melee to maintain and no other powers may be used while active.

This chi ability is more accurate than the Fire Spit. Creates a Chi cloud which latches onto the target's face (cannot be parried, -4 to dodge). Imposes Blindness penalties, and 'jams' Chi Awareness while active. 

Spell Redirect

Cost: 9

Range: Self; the person to be redirected against must be within line of sight. 

Duration: Instant 

Saving Throw: Special 

A handy defensive ability, this allows the person attacked by a spell to redirect it to another person! First the person attempting the spell redirect must make a successful save against the spell, then the person 

he or she is trying to afflict gets to save against both the redirect and the spell. Unlike most spells the spell caster can NOT instantly cancel the spell as it’s the spell redirect ability that's controlling the spell, not the caster of the initial spell. This ability only works on spells that target a specific individual, such as life drain, agony, or fire ball. Has no effect on summoning spells, wards, talismans, amulets, area affect spells such as fogs, storms, or any ritual magic.

Shock Attack

Cost: 5 

Range: Must be physically touching the victim.

Duration: Instant 

Saving Throw: None 

This attack sends a bolt of electricity through the person that's 

touching the magic user, or several people if many are touching him at once. The victim suffers 1D6 S.D.C. damage and suffers the following penalties: -3 to strike, parry, dodge and attacks per melee are reduced by two. Penalties last for 1D6 melee rounds. No additional penalties per multiple shocks but the damage and duration of penalties increase.

Force Leap

Cost: 6 

Range: Self 

Duration: Instant 

Saving Throw: None

This ability allows the character to leap great distances; 30 feet 

(10m) plus 3 feet (1m) per level high; double length ways. Trying to use this in combination with a jump kick will result in doing triple damage to the victim and taking 2D6 damage to oneself. Plus the attack has a strike penalty of -6.

Force Blow

Cost.: 5 

Range: Up to 20feet(6.7 m) 

Duration: Instant 

Saving Throw: None

This attack enables the martial artist to deliver a punch and have the 

force strike an opponent up to 20 feet (6.7m) away! The P.P.E. is used up even if the strike fails. The strike does the standard damage of the attack used, including P.S. damage bonus. The unexpected nature of the attack means the victim is -4 to parry or dodge, and the attack is mostly invisible; it looks like a hollow tube is propelled towards the defender of the attack and it's hard to see.

Fire Kick

Cost.: 10 

Range: Must be physically touching the victim. 

Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of  experience.

Saving Throw: Parry or Dodge

Similar to the fire fist, the martial artist envelopes his foot in a 

flaming ball. The flame adds 2D6 to kick damage and has a 32% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike. Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage, unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water and ice elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire.

Fire Fist


Range: Must be physically touching the victim.

Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of experience. 

Saving Throw: Parry or Dodge

The martial artists can envelope one or both fists in a fiery ball which deal in more damage and are able to parry magic attacks. The fist does 3D6 damage plus has a 28% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike. Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire.

Attack Absorption


Range: within 5 feet(1.6 m) 

Duration: Instant 

Saving Throw: None

The martial artist can set up a shield of energy that will absorb ALL the damage from any one single attack directed at him or her. This happens instantly against hand to hand attacks, but must roll a mystic parry to counter arrows, siege weapons, thrown spears, or anything fast moving. Energy weapons, guns, and other super-fast attacks cannot be absorbed. The mystic parry is done at +4 and must beat the strike roll of the attacker. 


Range: Self 

Duration: 1 minute per level 

Chi: 15 per limb (usually 60, 2 arms and legs) 

Damage: Adds +2d to elbow/knee strikes and +1d to backhand/forearm.

Special: Adds +1 to block/parry per arm/leg guard.Each arm/leg guard has 160 SDC (80 MDC in Rifts) and can only be used 

to defend against HTH attacks. The overall design of the guards are a 

reflection of the characters subconscious.

Guard Jump

Range: short distance: Up to 120ft. 

Duration: Instant

Chi: 10

Number of Attacks/Actions: 1

Special: +6 bonus to dodge.The character teleports to a predetermined location visible to the character. Passengers, vehicles and large amounts of equipment are not teleported with the character.

Guard Escape

Range: 1 mile per level. 

Duration: InstantChi: 30 

Concentration: Takes 1 melee round and is the only action that can be performed during that round.The character can teleport in a straight line for only a second or two. 

Chance of Success: 50% plus 4% per level of experience. A failed roll means the teleport failed to occur. Passengers, vehicles and large amounts of equipment are not teleported with the character.

Guarda Shield

Range: Self 

Duration: 10 mins per level of experience.

Chi:30/No of Attacks/Actions: takes 1 attack/action to activate.

Special: +6 when used as a defensive action, no other bonuses apply (purely mental) The shield is an invisible force field bubble (air tight) that surrounds the character. It has 50 SDC (25 MDC in Rifts) per level of experience and can be focused in one direction to withstand double the usual amount of damage. It takes 1 attack/action to focus/unfocus the shield in a given direction and it takes an additional attack/action each time the direction of the shields focus is changed.

Chi mastery Skills Negative:

Note: Taking any one of the negative Chi skills gives a character the following three (3) abilities: Negative Chi Control, Control Negative Chi, & Activate Negative Chi.

Negative Chi Control: The character can “flush” the normal, positive, Chi out of the body, and replace it with negative chi. it also works in reverse, draining negative and filling with positive. This takes 2 melee rounds (30 seconds); 1 to flush, and 1 to fill. During the transition the character cannot use any Chi skills. This process also works in reverse, allowing the character to clear out negative Chi and replace it with positive Chi. NOTE: When a character is charged with negative Chi, negative Chi attacks directed at him/her do no damage.

Control Negative Chi:

You may have noticed in Ninjas & Super spies that there was no immediate horrible consequence to being infected with negative chi. It made healing difficult and depleted positive clii, thereby blocking the use of many chi based powers. However, it didn’t put the character in any dan ger, it didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t even particularly dangerous. After all, isn’t that the way it should be? Shouldn’t the good guys be able to walk away relatively unharmed?

Dream on. Once a positive chi creature or character is infected with negative chi, they become vulnerable to a whole range of attacks. From the point of view of a Negative Chi Master any character filled with Negative Chi is a hepless victim and a potential pawn!

To successfully manipulate the Negative Chi of another character, 1) the victim must already be infected with at least one point of Negative Chi, 2) the attacker must roll a four or better to strike against the victim, and 3) the attacker must be within 1000 feet (30.5 m) of the victim. Characters with no powers over Negative Chi are helpless victims and cannot parry, dodge or roll to evade the Control over their Negative Chi. However, characters who have at least 1 Negative Chi Mastery Ability can automatically parry or dodge any Control Negative Chi attack.

Here are the three possible uses of Control Negative Chi Activate Negative Chi, Enslave/Control Through Negative Chi and Inflict Temporary Insanity Through Negative Chi:

Activate Negative Chi: The negative Chi flares up, influencing the cells of the victim’s body and does the reverse of healing, spreading brutal damage. Victim takes 3d6 damage directly to hit points for every point of Negative Chi infecting the body. For example, if the victim is already infected with 4 points of Negative Chi, then that character would take 12D6 points of damage, direct to hit points every time Activate Negative Chi was used. Cost: Each use of Activate Negative Chi costs 1 point of Negative Chi.

One Finger Chi or Negative Empty Chi: The character can “focus” negative Chi into a completely disembodied force. This can then be used to attack from a distance, without the character actually touching the target. Maximum range is 300 feet . Roll 11 to strike as usual, but the physical bonuses to strike do not apply, instead the Chi force is +3 to hit its target (mentally directed), Knock-Outs, Critical Strikes and Death Blows are not possible with the One Finger Chi attack. When negative Chi is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount of force available varies according to the number of Chi points expended. One point per melee round gives the character a force equal to 3 points of S.D.C. damage. Victims of this attack can not Parry or Dodge, so any strike roll above a4 hits, but can Roll with Punch/Fall/impact to reduce the damage. There is no limit to the number of negative Chi that can be “pumped” into this attack. Negative Empty Chi can only be used once per melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks.

Fist Gesture or Chi Deathblow (negative): This works like a long-distance Death Blow, A blast of negative Chi is directed at the enemy in a single gesture of the fist. The character must have the “Death Blow” combat attack, and must make his normal, Natural, unmodified roll to strike on a Twenty-Sided die in order to succeed with the attack. In other words, if the character needs to get a Natural 19 or 20 for Death Blow in physical combat, he’ll need the same roll for Fist Gesture. Each Fist Gesture costs eight (8) points of negative Chi. Can be done but once l melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks for that melee. Range is 350 feet maximum. The usual Death Blow conditions apply.

Dark CM or Chakuri-Chi: Just as the positive Chi skill Chi Fu Zhensong channels positive Chi, so does Chakuri-Chi channel negative Chi. This ability allows the martial artist to “tap” the negative Chi of the world. First, if there is negative Chi in the area, a character can replenish any lost Chi simply by dynamically charging himself with internal energy. adding extra Chi every melee round. Second, a character can ‘channel” the surrounding negative Chi into Chi attacks or other Chi Mastery skills. When channeling, the negative Chi of the area can be expended each melee round, without depleting the character’s personal Chi. Channeling and replenishing are separate activities and must take place in different melee rounds. The amount of Chi available depends on conditions. Just about everywhere below ground there are 6 points of negative Chi ready to be tapped. Caves, tombs, basements and tunnels are the natural battlegrounds of the Chakuri-Chi master. Above ground, there is negative Chi only in ugly or desolate places of darkness. A dark night while inside of shuttered building, will generate up to 3 points of negative Chi. There is no negative C in a well-lit area above ground. And, even at deepest night, there is no negative Chi in a dense jungle or forest, beautiful places, or in any other place of powerful Positive Chi. The maximum Chi that can be tapped is equal to the character’s current level of Negative Chi Note that if the character ever reaches zero Chi, it becomes impossible to tap negative Chi.

Enslave/Control Through Negative Chi:

Weakened by the Negative Chi in their bodies, victims of this attack are vulnerable to another’s will. While the victim can attempt to save vs psionic attack (ME, bonus included), failure to do so means the character MUST obey any command, except those that are life threatening, and answer any questions truthfully when they are given by the Negative Chi Master.

If the character inflicting the Enslave/Control Through Negative Chi so wishes, it’s possible to work on conditioning the victim into becoming his permanent slave. This will take some time and the victims will must be completely broken before an enslavement is successful. Characters who are permanently Enslaved will always obey the commands of their master, even after being completely healed of any other Negative Chi effects. Note, however, that the victim will be well aware of the nature of the relationship and can attempt to secretly undermine the wishes of his master. However, such defiance can only be done behind his master’s back, never to his face (always subservient in the presence of his/her master).

Cost: 1 point of Negative Chi per attempt. Once the Chi Master has control, there is no need to spend any more points.

1. Inflict Temporary Insanity Through Negative Chi:. Negative Chi is used as a channel to strike at the victim’s mind, flooding it with dark images and forcing the character to dwell upon all the nightmare things of his own worst fears. This is the equivalent of weeks of mental torment. The victim always gets a save vs in sanity (ME. bonus applies). Cost: 1 point of Negative Clii per attempt.

While it’s possible to Inflict Temporary Insanity Through Negative Chi morn than once, that’s only because the victim has the chance of saving vs insanity and therefore being unaffected.Once an Insanity has been inflicted, there’s no point in continuing, since only one insanity can be inflicted using this power.

Since nearly all Palladium RPGs, Ninjas & Superspies, Be yond the Supernatural, Heroes Unlimited, Rifts, etc., have Insanty Tables, the Game Master can simply use those rules to roll up the resulting insanity. If the Game Master prefers, the character will be inflicted with a gibbering fear of Negative Chi and anything related to Negative Chi, such that the character willrun in panic whenever there is a threat of darkness. Note: What ever Insanity the victim suffers, that same Insanity will afflict the character if and when they are ever again afflicted with Negative Chi Insanity. Duration: The effect of Temporary In sanity Through Negative Chi will last as least as long as the character is infected with Negative Chi. Once the character has purged the Negative Chi and returned to a state of healthy Positive Chi, the insanity will only last for 1D6 days.

Negative Chi Polarity : By manipulating the Negative Chi of an area (Note: This functions only in areas filled with at least 2 points of Negative Chi), the character can change the Chi so that it becomes magnetic. After this is accom plished, any character, animal or thing of Positive Chi is pulled toward the source of Negative Chi, just like a piece of iron is pulled toward a magnet. Cost: 2 points of Negative Chi per melee round.

The amount of pulling forte exerted during Negative Chi Polarity depends on the Negative Chi of the area affected. Every point of Negative Chi in the area acts as a multiplier on the normal weights of all the victims. For example, a character who normally weighs 150 pounds (68 kg), drawn down in an area of five Negative Chi, will suddenly seem to weigh five times as much or 750 pounds (340 kg). If the character had a P.S. of 30 or so (able to cany 600 extra pounds/272 kg) he could still stagger around, but most characters would barely be able to drag them selves a few feet.

Negative Chi Polarity doesn’t affect anything with zero Chi or those with Negative Chi. So, a character being dragged down by Negative Chi Polarity might still be able to fire off a gun and normal bullets would operate without being affected by the Negative Chi Polarity.

3- Inflict Negative Chi Ilness-Chu Chi: By inflicting an accumulation of Morbid Chi upon a victim, it is possible to “infect” the character with Chi-based illnesses. Curing these ills is impossible with normal medicine. Only treatments using strong Positive Chi can cause a cure.

While Chi Illnesses are usually used against those with Positive Chi, they can be used with equal effect on characters or creatures of Negative Chi. In fact, some of those with Negative Chi are even more damaged by Chi Illness, because the cures usually require bathing in substantial amounts of Positive Chi — something fatal to many dark entities.

Unless the intended victim is already filled with Negative Chi, any Chi Illness is inflicted by physical touch. However, if the target is already contaminated with at at least 1 point of Negative Chi, it’s possible to Inflict Negative Chi Illness from up to 200 feet away. Any victim can attempt to save vs illness (beat the Chi Master’s attack roll, P.E. bonus allowed) to avoid the infection.

Once a victim receives a Negative Chi Illness, there’s nothing the character who inflicted the disease can do about it. It must either run its course or treatment can be sought from those who deal in Positive Chi Healing.

Chi Anemia - Hsueh Chi:

Once infected, by a successful strike, the victim will be unable to use Chi properly. Each use of a Chi ability will cost X2 the number of points as normal! The victim, after two full days of infection, can attempt to save vs illness once per day (P.E. bonus okay). To infect a victim with Chi Amnesia, the Negative Chi Master must roll 10 or better to strike (on a 20-sided). Cost: Each touch of Chi Amnesia costs 6 points of Negative Chi

Demon Chi Possession - Kuei Chi:

To the victim, possession by Demonic Chi feels “as if stuck by a spear” in the chest. Until healed, there will sharp constricting pains with every breath and every few minutes the character will have to spit out blood. As long as the victim is affected, he/she will lose one attack per me lee round and is -2 on initiative and -10% on skill performance. After one full day of infection, the victim can attempt to save vs illness twice per day (FE. bonus okay). To infect a victim with Demon Chi Possession, the Negative Chi Master must roil ten or better to strike (on Twenty-Sided). Cost: Each touch of Demon Chi Possession costs ten points of Negative Chi.

Rising Chi Cough - Ou Ni Shang Chi(negative):

This nasty cough serves to trap the characters Chi, making it impossible to use any Chi Mastery abilities. It works by trapping a small amount of Negative Chi in the character’s lungs which triggers a cough reflex. As the character coughs (the urge to cough is irresistible when the character attempts to manipulate Chi), the Chi accumulates in the lungs which swell up and cause more coughing. The victim, after two full days of infection, can attempt to save vs illness twice per day (PE. bonus okay). To infect a victim with Rising Chi Cough, the Negative Chi Master must roll 10 or better to strike (on Twenty-Sided). Cost: Each use of Rising Chi Cough costs 8 points of Negative Chi.

Su Du Si Qi (Speed Drain Chi)Negative

With this ability the character uses negative chi to slow an opponent 

down. The opponent is at 1/2 attacks and SPD. The opponent also has a -5 modifier to initiative. This ability costs 7 points of negative chi per melee round. The range of this power is 25 feet (7.62 meters) if the opponent is already be infected with negative chi. If the target is not infected with negative chi, then the target must be touched for this power to have any effect.


Fukai Koru Ki (Deep Freeze Chi) negative

The character uses negative chi to lower the opponent's body 

temperature. For every point of negative chi the target's internal temperature is lowered by 5 degrees Fahrenheit. If the opponent is already infected by negative chi then this power can be used at a range of 50 feet (15.24 meters). If the target is not infected by negative chi then this power can be used by touching the opponent. The effects of this power last for ½ the characters M.E.


Two Finger Gesture (Negative Chi Mastery) This works like a long-distance Choke attack. A blast of negative Chi is directed at the enemy in a single gesture of the fist. The character must have the either the "Choke," "Neck Hold/Choke," "One-Hand Choke," or "Two-Hand Choke" combat attack, and must make his normal, unmodified roll to strike on a Twenty-Sided die in order to succeed with the attack. The target cannot parry, but can try to dodge the attack, if seen. When Two Finger Gesture is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount of force available varies according to the number of Chi points expended. Two points per melee round attack gives the character a force equal to 1D6 points of damage directly to hit points. Can be attempted but once per melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks for that melee. Once Two Finger Gesture is successful, the attacker can continue applying it as long as he likes, doing 1D6 damage per two points of chi direct to hit points, for each of his remaining attacks per melee. In addition, the victim of the choke must Save vs. Pain (14+) at every attack; failure results in unconsciousness. The victim of a choke attack cannot reduce damage by using Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact or Breakfall. The victim can try to break free of the hold. There is one way to get out of the Two Finger Gesture. Someone must knock-out/stun or kill the person doing the Two Finger Gesture. Range is 35 feet (10.7m) maximum. When using this attack, the attacker can do no defensive moves, including Parries, Dodges, or Rolls. In other words, the attacker just stands there and ignores all other attacks. Critical or Knockout/Stun attacks from the rear can also be done to someone using this ability.

Mega Glomp

Cost: N/A or 50 PPE

Requirements: If the character is not a pervert (see insanities), he must roll versus ME to learn this technique or apply it. Also requires the ability to channel chi. See aura.

Permanent statistic change: +100 SDC/MDC/HP, +100 PPE/ISP/Chi base, gains PPE shield as per psionic abilities. The training involved in this technique requires the trainee to latch on to a woman's bust and attempt to sense the woman's aura. If the trainee is not beaten unconscious and makes under 1/10 the martial arts analysis he can learn this technique after only a week of training. Alternate training methods are possible but require 1/100 the martial arts analysis skill roll. If the trainee fails and survives the probable beatings he can try again each week. Once learned the user can drain half the PPE of his victims. Once the martial artist has grappled his victim they are –10 strike/parry/dodge versus the user of this technique. If the martial artist expends 50 PPE he does not receive any energy from the victim but may drain the victim of all personal PPE. The victim of the drain is tired and listless and will be -10 strike/parry/dodge and 1/2 PE until all PPE is regained through the normal course of time. Users of magic receive a save vs magic at +5 in their favor due to the control these classes have over their PPE reservoir. If the user does not already have the insanity 'pervert' he must make a saving throw versus insanity (include ME bonus) per use, or receive it. This technique is half effectiveness if used against males or the female improperly grasped (ie not grasped around the bust), however no roll versus insanity is required. The martial artist can hold twice his usual maximum PPE while employing this technique, but will lose PPE at the standard recovery rate until he is again at his normal PPE maximum or he employs this technique again.

Vacuum Blades

Cost: 10 PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 7 attacks.

Damage: 1d4x5 per level experience.

Permanent statistic change: A side effect of the training is that the character can survive 10 minutes per level of vacuum or airlessness.

By the use of Chi the character swipes his hands in an X shape in the air in front of him. The air is disrupted leaving two traveling "blades" of vacuum and negative Chi. this is actually a physical cutting attack that is very difficult to parry, requiring a magical weapon, a countering Chi technique, or dodging to avoid the attack.
