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Darth Zakn

Darth Zakn

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Name: Darth Zakn (Shadow)
Real Name: Vuz’Shri Xun-riia Sek’ithra (Forgotten Silk Demon Storm of House Adamantine Dragon)
Race: Dark Elf O.C.C.: Sith Level: 1 Alignment: Diabolical
Age: 50 Ht: 6’5” Wt: 120lbs Gender: Male
P.S.: 29 P.P.: 45 P.E.: 44 Spd: 60 P.B.: 20 I.Q.: 24 M.E.: 30 M.A.: 25
H.P.: 211 +1D6 per level of experience S.D.C.: 333. M.D.C.: 290 +1d6x10 Every level
I.S.P.: 880 + 1d10 x20 per experience level P.P.E.: 514 + 1D4x10 per level of experience Chi: 236 + 1d6x10 per level of experience
Save vs. Poison & Magic: +14 vs. magic, +11 vs. Elven Magic, Immune to Illusions, +15 vs. spider venoms, +14 vs. other sleep poisons & drugs/insect & arachnid toxin, +13 vs. all other injected poisons, +12 vs. ingested poisons. (These are due to a regimen dosing themselves with poisons daily, a Dark Elf that doesn't continue to dose will gradually lose the benefits of immunity. For each month of skipped dosing a penalty of -1 applies to all poison saving throws until they reach standard levels. Reapplying the dosing schedule will halt further degradation for a month after a second month's dosage, the level increases by +1 for every month until the maximums listed above are reached.)
Charm/Impress 50% Skill Bonuses: +10% Save vs. Coma/Death: % Trust/Intimidate: 80%
Save vs. Psychic attack/Insanity: + Save Vs. Pain: +14 to save vs. Pain Save vs. HF: +14 vs. Horror Factor
Spd: of X 20 = yards per minute (1200) x .681818181818 = mph (40.91) yards per 15 seconds (300) yards per second (20)
Horror Factor: 10 radiate evil (12 when eyes are glowing)
Born: Water Snake Year Monkey Hour
Midi-chlorian count: 30000

Combat Stats:

+10 to Strike, +1 to Strike. At levels 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15
+10 to Strike on all hand attack, all Holds/Locks, Chokes, Grabs, and similar attacks
+19 to Damage on all hand strikes regardless of form
+21 to Damage with Claw Hand (and all its variations), Kansetsu-Waza attacks, and One-Handed Chokes
+1d6x12+2 to power punches damage, and also lower the treat the characters hand attacks as if it were a P.V. of 2.
+2 to maintain or break any holds, crush/squeeze attacks, etc.; all Disarms against the character are performed at -5.
+18 to Roll with punch/fall/impact
+2 to Maintain Balance
+3 to Strike with ranged attacks
+2 to Knockdown (increases the chance of knockdown for percentage based rolls by 10%).
+20 to Dodge & (Auto Dodge), +1 to Dodge & Auto Dodge: At levels 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15
+15to initiative, +1 to Initiative At levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 an additional +1 to Initiative is gained, +1 to Initiative when drawing a sword
+19 to parry,
+10 to Rearward Attacks.
+10 to Circular Parry with W.P. Sword,
+10 to Rear Attacks with W.P. Sword.

Special O.C.C. Abilities:

1. Heightened sense of hearing, equal to cybernetic amplified hearing + 1 to parry, + 2 to dodge, + 6 to initiative.

2. Heightened sense of smell; Recognize specific odors: 90%, ID specific person or animal by scent alone: 70% +1%/Level, Track by scent: 80% (-20% in cities or due to in climate weather.)

3. Heightened sense of touch: Recognize items by feel: 66% + 2%/level.

4. Radar/Sixth sense: Enables the Jedi to Know/sense the location of people, objects, movement and the general shape of the environment around them, Interpret shapes: 85%, Estimate distances: 95%, Estimate exact location: 75% + 1%/level.
Can stay active even at -20 htp with the use of force powers, other than that they are same as humans

5. Sensing the Force: The Jedi can feel life from everything around them. They will be able to sense any major disruptions in the Force, such as a mass death, pain or death of any close friends or family, or great sources of evil. This also means that, once the Jedi is killed, their bodies will fade off, spreading their molecules instantly and releasing their spirits into the Force.

6. Sense/See Aura: This power allows the Jedi to sense when someone they have previously met is present. It is constantly active, needing no ISP other than 5, which is permanently sacrificed to obtain the power. The character will realize that the person is present and within their sensing range, but they will not know exactly where or how far. Learned at First level (subtract 5 from the Jedi's ISP base). Range is the character's level or experience, plus three, squared (example, a first level Jedi would have a sensing range of only 16 feet (1+3=4, 4X4=16), whereas, a fifth level character would have a range of 64 feet (5+3=8, 8X8=64) and a twelfth level Jedi would have a range of 225 feet!

The character cannot be surprised from attacks from behind. When fighting an invisible foe (or character with superhuman speed) these Zanshin bonuses do not apply, but his other combat skills remain unimpaired due to his mystic awareness (this character does not suffer the usual penalties from fighting an invisible foe).
Characters with this ability also have a reduced form of Chi Awareness that allows them to evaluate the Chi of anyone they can see who is inside their Zanshin circle.
At first level, Zanshin extends for an area of 600ft around the character. This is increased by 20ft for every level of advancement.
A character with this power may use it at any time, at no cost in actions. He weaves the deceptions into his normal movements. By spending three (3) Chi, once per melee, he can force his opponent to make an attribute check vs. his ME. (attempt to roll under it on a D20; 20 automatically fails). If the attribute check fails, the opponent has a -2 to dodge or parry any of the martial artist’s techniques that round. More Chi must be spent and new attribute checks must be made each melee round. The martial artist may affect as many people as he is in hand to hand combat with, at multiple Chi costs.
NOTE: The character must already have the death blow ability to take this ability. However, to even have a successful strike requires a roll of 14+ with bonuses, and the attacking character can neither dodge nor roll, only parry. Unsuccessful death blows that are not parried or dodged, inflict 1D4 damage plus bonuses to SDC. Successful death blows inflict the following (roll percentile): [All blows also have a 30% chance of instant coma and possible death within 1D6 minutes, except for snake hand to the eyes]
Dragon claw to the throat. Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*4 to hit points. Additional 4 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.
Crane forearm to the temple. Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. 1D6+ damage bonuses)*2 to head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%. Equivalent to medium injury and shock.
Tiger palm to the nose. Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Additional 2D6 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.
Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.). Poke out the eyes. (1D4+damage bonuses)*2 to hit points. Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of irreparable damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.
Panther paw to throat. Crush the throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury and shock. [On the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]
Requires a strike roll of 15 or better. If successful, the opponent is stunned, losing one action, and suffers a -4 to all combat rolls until he gets his eyes washed.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. This strike requires a strike roll of 13. If successful, the strike does 1D4 direct to H.P. + Strike type damage, and the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving throw fails, victim is knocked unconscious for 1D4 melees, if victim saves he is stunned (loses initiative and -3 Spd -2 attacks for 1D4 melees) unless a natural 20 is rolled in which case no adverse effects occur.
Taunting Slap: victim must save with 8(+1 per following slap) or higher to withstand the taunting slap. if opponent fails to save he becomes enraged and uncontrolled -1 strike, parry, dodge, initiative, and roll(note: minuses are not cumulative)
Neck Stomp: this move can only be performed after a successful hit to the groin and can only be done once per melee P.S. +2D4 direct to H.P.
Disarm/Rearm: this is an enhanced version of disarm that allows the character to disarm somebody and put into their own hand. (only disarm/rearm bonuses apply) can be used in place of a dodge. afer a successful D and R the character cannot use the weapon until next action
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4 melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Nose Bite: This is an attempt to bit the tip of the opponent's nose off. Requires a strike roll of 16. If successful, the victim will be stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, losing initiative and two attacks, and he will suffer a -3 penalty to all actions. Inflicts only 1D3 damage, but bleeds at twice the normal rate.
Foot Stomp: This is simply bringing your foot down on the opponent's arch. Requires a strike roll of 14. If successful, the victim is reduced to 75% normal Speed, loses initiative and one action for 1D4 melee rounds. There is a 25% chance that the foot will be broken, in which case, the penalties remain until it is healed. Inflicts 1D6 damage.

Requires a strike roll of 15 or better. If successful, the opponent is stunned, losing one action, and suffers a -4 to all combat rolls until he gets his eyes washed.
Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. This strike requires a strike roll of 13. If successful, the strike does 1D4 direct to H.P. + Strike type damage, and the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving throw fails, victim is knocked unconscious for 1D4 melees, if victim saves he is stunned (loses initiative and -3 Spd -2 attacks for 1D4 melees) unless a natural 20 is rolled in which case no adverse effects occur.
Taunting Slap: victim must save with 8(+1 per following slap) or higher to withstand the taunting slap. if opponent fails to save he becomes enraged and uncontrolled -1 strike, parry, dodge, initiative, and roll(note: minuses are not cumulative)
Neck Stomp: this move can only be performed after a successful hit to the groin and can only be done once per melee P.S. +2D4 direct to H.P.
Disarm/Rearm: this is an enhanced version of disarm that allows the character to disarm somebody and put into their own hand. (only disarm/rearm bonuses apply) can be used in place of a dodge. afer a successful D and R the character cannot use the weapon until next action
Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4 melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.
Nose Bite: This is an attempt to bit the tip of the opponent's nose off. Requires a strike roll of 16. If successful, the victim will be stunned for 1D4 melee rounds, losing initiative and two attacks, and he will suffer a -3 penalty to all actions. Inflicts only 1D3 damage, but bleeds at twice the normal rate.
Foot Stomp: This is simply bringing your foot down on the opponent's arch. Requires a strike roll of 14. If successful, the victim is reduced to 75% normal Speed, loses initiative and one action for 1D4 melee rounds. There is a 25% chance that the foot will be broken, in which case, the penalties remain until it is healed. Inflicts 1D6 damage.

The character is so comfortable with feats of agility that they can perform any acrobatic, gymnastic and/ or feats of balance in combat with no penalties! So, they can forward flip and front kick someone or back flip and fire a gun at someone, with no penalties, full bonuses apply.
character can memorize the terrain of an area just by glancing at it (takes one melee attack). At that point, they can do any feats in that area without seeing where they are going! They have a base chance of 75%+5% per level to successfully perform layout tracking and it has a 60 foot radius maximum.
Martial Arts Analysis: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience, +2 % per Chi Mastery skill already known.

The character is able to deftly return to his feet after being knocked down. He loses no actions when he is the victim of a knock-down attack.
Falling: The character can fall from up to 3200ft (6l0m) distance and land without suffering any damage. At “minimal damage” distances (4160ft) the character takes one (1) point of damage for every 50 feet of the fall. Even at very great distances, of 5000ft to about 6000fl ( the character takes only 1 point for every 20ft of distance fallen.
Jumping: The ability to jump great distances, up to 10 times the characters normal distance (usually about 50ft/15m).
Climbing: The character can climb any surface without fear of failure/falling.
Treading Lightly: The character can walk across delicate surfaces, or extremely fragile bridges, without fear of collapse. Likewise, the character can walk on objects as delicate as china teacups without causing damage or disturbance.
Leap: 33 feet high (38ft running start/330ft standing boosted/380ft running boosted) + 7fft 4 inches per level of experience. Fearless of Heights and the character can hit fist size targets without any penalties, with precision landing. ++15 feet to running Leap distance. When boosted The ability to jump up to 10 times the characters normal distance
Leap: 38 feet long (53ft running start/380ft standing boosted/530ft running boosted) + 7ft 6 inches per level of experience. Fearless of Heights and the character can hit fist size targets without any penalties, with precision landing. , +15 feet to running Leap distance. When boosted The ability to jump up to 10 times the characters normal distance
Damage reduction: -1d6 points of damage per level of Exp times 10 M.D.C./H.P./S.D.C. (60)
Detect Illusion: Base Skill: I.Q. +5% per level experience. (24%)
Sense dimensional anomalies, rifts etc. 1000 ft radius
Fist are immune to heat and fire up to lava temperatures suffer ½ damage from magical fire/plasma
All negative modifiers for blindness are reduced to zero
Sense of Direction: 75%.

Special Interest training:

Speed Reading, Total Recall, Telemechanics (all), and Machine Ghost
(at ½ cost and at +2 levels power)
Mechanical Engineer – Basic: Base Skill: 50%/25% + 5% per level of experience. Special Bonus: +5% to Locksmith skill and +5% to Surveillance Systems Skill. (+20%)
Electrical Engineer: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Basic Electronics: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Basic Mechanics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment: Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Five Electronics of Choice (+20%)
Five mechanics of choice (+20%)

Speed Reading, Total Recall, Telemechanics (all), and Machine Ghost
(at ½ cost and at +2 levels power)
Computer Operation: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Computer Programming: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Computer Hacking: Base Skill: 15%, + 5% per level of experience (+20%)
Computer Repair: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Circuit Board Micro-Electronics: Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Basic Electronics: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Computer Engineer: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment: Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)

Control Skill Level:
Alter Skill Level:
Sense Skill Level:

Speed Reading
Range: Self
Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience. (9)
I.S.P. Cost: 1
This is the ability to read and comprehend the written word extremely quickly. Speed of reading is 30 pages per minute/4 melees. The psychic will retain the information as he would normally. Highly technical texts will reduce the speed reading by half (15 pages per minute) and may require two readings.

Range: By touch or up to 5 feet (1.5 m) away.
Duration: 10 minutes plus 2 minutes per level of psionic. (14)
I.S.P. Cost: 2
Saving Throw: None.
This ability allows the psychic to mentally communicate and understand machines. This psi-power is a bizarre combination of Object Read and Telepathy, except that it applies to mechanical devices only.
By touching any non-artificially intelligent machine, whether it be a bicycle, gun, car or airplane, the psionic will instantly have a complete (although temporary) knowledge of exactly how the machine operates. I must stress that the psychic knows everything about the machine; the complete schematic diagram and operation knowledge are clearly seen in his mind's eye. The level of skill expertise is equal to 80%.
When touching an artificially intelligent machine, i.e., computers, the psionic not only understands everything about its operation, repair, access codes, etc., but can actually communicate with it telepathically. This means he can tap into a computer's memory bank without using a terminal because the information would be sent directly into the psychic's mind. Remember, the telepathic link and memory are temporary abilities (although a Total Recall would be able to call up small bits of info). The psychic's skill knowledge is equal to an 88% skill proficiency and applies to all aspects of the machine, its operation, repair, special codes, programing, etc.

Telemechanic Mental Operation
Prerequisite: Psychic must also have the Telemechanics power.
Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. (30ft)
Duration: 2 melee rounds per level of the psychic. (6)
I.S.P. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: Special. Regular, non-intelligent machines cannot save vs Telemechanic Operation. Cybernetics and bionics attached to living flesh, sentient machines and magic items and devices are impervious.
This power is a step beyond the mere understanding of machines granted by Telemechanics, it allows the psychic to telepathically operate machines with his mind! As long as the machine functions, he knows how to use it, and it is turned "on," the psychic can manipulate it with his mind as if his fingers were on the controls! This means he can operate computers, key pads, set/program an alarm clock, change the radio station, operate a VCR or television, drive a hover car (even if there is already a driver, but at -30% when usurping the pilot), cook something in a microwave, turn off (or on) a surveillance video camera, and so on.
The Telemechanic Mental Operation power will only work on machines that have an electronic or other power source. This power does not work on artificially intelligent machines (i.e. intelligent computers, robots, etc.), nor on cybernetics, bionics, Techno-Wizard devices, rune weapons or magic items. Note: Also see Machine Ghost and Telemechanic Possession.
The psychic can use other psionic powers and engage in other activities, but must maintain some level of mental concentration and contact to keep control of the machine. During this period he is -1 melee attack/action and -5% on skill performance. He must also stay within range. If he steps out of range or loses concentration, the machine returns to normal in 1 D4 seconds.

Telemechanic Paralysis
Prerequisite: Psychic must also have the Telemechanics power.
Range: Touch or 40 feet (12.2 m).
Duration: One minute per level of experience. (3)
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Saving Throw: Special. Regular, non-intelligent machines cannot save vs Telemechanic Paralysis. Cybernetics and bionics attached to living flesh, sentient machines and magic items and devices are impervious.
This is a form of techno-manipulation whereby the psychic is able to psychically bond with the machine and momentarily prevent it from functioning. The psychic blocks the transmission of signals along the
machine's "nervous system," effectively incapacitating it. This means the power is only effective against machines that require an energy source. Simple devices like wind-up toys, scissors, old revolvers and pistols, swords, knives, crossbows, and similar items cannot be affected. The paralyzed machine freezes in place and does not respond to any of its controls until the psionic influence comes to an end.
The psychic can use other psionic powers and engage in other activities, but must maintain some level of mental concentration and contact to keep the machine inactive. During this period, he is -1 melee attack/ action and -5% on skill performance. He must also stay within range (40 feet/12.2 m). If he steps out of range or loses concentration, the machine returns to normal in 1 D4 seconds.

Telemechanic Possession
Prerequisite: Psychic must be a master psionic and also have the powers of Object Read and Telemechanics.
Range: Touch or 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience. (30)
Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience. (6)
I.S.P. Cost: 12
Saving Throw: Special. Regular, non-intelligent machines cannot save vs Telemechanic Possession. Artificial intelligences (robots like Skelebots) need a 15 or higher to save and sentient machines (like Archie-3) require a 12 or better to save. Artificial intelligences and sentient machines also get to save when being forced to do something that is contrary to their programing. Cybernetic and bionic devices attached to living tissue can NOT be possessed. Neither can magic items, including Rune Weapons and Techno-Wizard devices.
This ability is identical to the psionic power, Mentally Possess Others, in every way, except that the psychic possesses a machine rather than another person. The character overrides the programming/controls of the machine, even in the case of sentient machines, and controls it like a living robot. Essentially, the possessing psychic is an immaterial pilot who controls the machine as he desires; computers, factory equipment, vehicles, robots, empty power armor, a toaster, etc.
While the psychic possesses the machine, it responds to the character's thoughts and does whatever he desires. Of course, physical, mechanical limitations still apply. The machine needs a power source and cannot do anything it is not normally capable of doing. For example, the psychic may be able to take possession of an energy rifle and make it shoot (or not) seemingly of its own volition, but he cannot make the rifle aim, move or hop around. Likewise, if the device is unplugged, or runs out of fuel, the machine is deactivated with no ill effect to the psychic, except his possession comes to a premature end. Likewise, if it needs wheels to move, destroying the wheels will cripple it, etc.
If the machine he possesses is destroyed while the psychic's essence is still inside it, the character loses one third of his Hit Points (or one third of his M.D.C. if a Mega-Damage creature) from the shock and pain from the destruction of his surrogate machine body. Furthermore, he is stunned for 1D4 minutes (reduce attacks per melee, speed, combat bonuses, and skill performance by half while stunned).
During the period that the machine is possessed, the psychic's natural body falls into a coma-like state and is vulnerable to attack unless protected by others.
While in mental possession of a simple machine, the psychic has only a vague awareness of his surroundings and can see, hear and feel things around him but as if in a cloud or haze. However, if the machine has optics and/or sensors, he is able to use them like his own natural eyes and senses. The machine, regardless of its capabilities and programming, has attacks and actions equal to those of the character possessing it.

Object Read (Psychometry)
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies; usually about 2D6 minutes.
I.S.P.: 1
Savings Throw: None
Base Skill: Impressions: 56% +2% per level of experience. Images: 48% +2% per level. Present: 38% +2% per level of experience.
This uncanny ability enables the psychic sensitive to receive impressions and images from an object regarding its use, history and last
owner. This is done by holding the object and concentrating on a specific line of thought or opening up to general impression (the latter is always
more vague and random). Just as a psychic must open himself to sense evil or magic, he must open himself to the object. If successful, he
will receive impressions and/or images revealing bits of information.
Impressions include: General alignment of its last owner (good, selfish, evil), general emotional state of mind (anger, happy, sad, hate filled, confused, etc.), the object's general purpose (what it is used for), whether or not the last owner is living or dead, and whether the item has been used with/by magic or supernatural forces. Object read will also conclusively indicate whether the item is currently enchanted or contains a supernatural force/entity (as well as its alignment and emotions). If the item is possessed, an object read makes the reader totally vulnerable to psychic attack (no bonuses to save).
Images: The psychic can also see images of isolated events which have happened in the past. This will provide brief snippets of images and events that will offer glances of the previous owner and others close to him. Traumatic and emotion filled events/images are the easiest to see. Impressions will accompany the images, adding to the story as it unfolds. Information includes: approximate age, height, weight, build, race, sex, sometimes occupation, hair color and length; special facial or body features, such as a scar or tattoo or beard (very often the exact facial features are out of focus, blurred or obscured); the object's use/purpose; and some special event, usually very traumatic, important or happy. Often the event image will be fragmented as if it was a piece of movie film edited by a crazy man. The event will always be one in which the object was involved in some way.
The success or failure of an object read: roll percentile dice once for impressions and once for images. The roll must fall under the character's base skill ability to succeed. A roll higher than the base skill means a failure and the psychic feels and/or sees nothing. Impressions and images are two different things, so roll for each. The psychic may get no impressions, but see images or vice versa. The present cannot be seen unless the psychic was successful on at least one of the previous read impressions or images rolls. Once an object has been read it cannot be read again by the same psychic, even if he did not see or feel a thing. Of course, the psychic can attempt to object read other items, but each attempt will cost 6 I.S.P.
The present can also be glimpsed, but costs an additional 4 I.S.P., with no guarantee of success. Sometimes the psychic can focus in to see and feel the last owner as he or she is at that very moment. This will provide an idea of what is his current state of mind/emotion, appearance/dress, general location (that is to say, a bedroom, office, street, outdoors, etc. No address or sense of close or far is provided), general features (shaved his beard, dyed hair, etc.) and so on. The psychic may be able to identify a place or person by feature, if he has seen it before or runs into it/him in the near future.

Machine Ghost
Range: Self; computer by touch.
Duration: Three minutes per level of experience. (9)
I.S.P.: 3
Saving Throw: Not applicable
The psychic goes into a trance as he focuses his concentration on entering a computer or most any type of artificial intelligence (not applicable to sentient, self-aware machines like Archie-3). This power is limited to the acquisition or reading of information only. The psychic cannot input, program, or delete data on the machine. He can also access information stored by most electronic means, including computer disks, video and audio disks, film or audio tape, and hard drives. Reading electronically encoded disks and tapes is similar to object read, except in this case, he hears and sees the data as if he were playing it on a computer or disk player, only he receives the information 10 times faster. Thus, the character can read (never input) information from disks or broken computers without a physical "jack" connection or an actual display device, i.e. computer and monitor, CD player, etc.
As an actual Machine Ghost, the psychic mentally enters and travels the neural network of an active computer. He is actually inside the device. In many ways, this experience is similar to Astral Projection except the psychic is "projecting" into the machine rather than into the Astral Plane. It also has the same pitfalls as Astral Projection, as in the character enters a strange, very seemingly real world that he must learn to navigate. Like Astral Projection, the electronic world of computers takes on a virtual world landscape. This means in the computer virtual world, its programs, viruses and defense mechanisms will take on virtual manifestations that can interact, confront, impede, or attack the Machine Ghost.
A password or special access code may appear as a metal door or iron gate, or locked filing cabinet that needs to be (seemingly) broken open to gain access to what is held inside.
The more difficult the code, the bigger, stronger and more difficult the door and lock(s). Data is likely to appear as books, paper files, diagrams, film, holograms, and other common means of communication and documentation. The more sophisticated defense measures are likely to appear as one or more guards who must be defeated before the information is accessible.
They can appear as sorcerers, Coalition troops, known enemies or as exotic aliens. Viruses and defenses designed to attack an intruder typically appear as demons or monsters.
Combat in the virtual world seems real and is conducted the same as it would happen in the real world. Combat and damage is measured by the character's perception of his real body armor, weapons and natural powers. When the psychic has lost more than 70% of his armor, or S.D.C./M.D.C., he will feel the urge to flee the virtual world. If he flees, a computer defender will not follow, however a virus will pursue and continue to fight. Although all such damage is only in the mind of the psychic (no physical damage occurs in the real world), if he dies in the virtual world, he can die in the real world as well! The shock to his psyche and body will momentarily stop his heart, and he slumps over dead! The character must roll to save vs. coma and death. In this case, physical treatment is not necessary and the recovery process, if successful, takes less than a minute. The psychic must roll three times, and the best two out of three rolls determine life or death. Rolling between 01-75%, two out of three times, means the heart starts and the character is shaken but fine; feels woozy for 2D4 minutes (reduce speed 25% and all combat bonuses by half). Failure to recover from the heart attack means immediate CPR medical treatment is required paramedic skill will suffice, provided any protective body armor can be removed so that treatment can be issued; rescuers have 10 minutes. Roll to save vs. coma and death again; must roll twice under 80%.
The downside in the usage of this power is the psychic loses all sense of time and reality outside the data he is accessing.
This means he is oblivious to what is happening around him, and unless protected by a companion, vulnerable to attack without any means of defense. Pain or being struck or shaken will alert the psychic to trouble, but he has the choice of breaking contact and responding, or ignoring it and continuing to retrieve data. Only telepathy can reach the character while in this state (can't hear spoken words or sounds outside the computer), and is a means of two-way communication.
A character accessing a file on a disk can break contact at any time with a thought, although he will be disoriented for one melee round; reduce his number of attacks and combat bonuses by half. Breaking free of a computer virtual world is not so easy.
Leaving virtual space. Unfortunately, leaving the virtual world of a computer is fundamentally the same as the Astral Plane. The psychic can vaguely sense the way he came and must follow it back to the virtual access point. To do so, the player must roll on the following table and must roll "definitely certain" to have his character successfully escape. The player must keep trying until he succeeds or time elapses. If the character cannot escape virtual space before the duration of this ability elapses, he is flung out with the same effect as "virtual death"; roll to save vs. coma and death as described above. Note: The psychic will instinctively know when he's down to the last three minutes of the duration and when trying to exit, can fly toward the way out (typically appears as a door or a dimensional rift).
01-30: Hopelessly lost (roll again)
31 -45: Uncertain (roll again)
46-65: Fairly certain on the right track (roll again)
66-00: Definitely certain! Whew! Made it back.

Detect Psionics
Range: Self, sensing range is 30 feet (9 m) per level of experience.
Duration: One minute per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 6
This is a mental probe that will indicate the presence of psionic energy within the immediate area. The probe cannot be used to pinpoint the exact location of psychic energy nor the level of power other than a vague sense of weak, medium, or powerful, but will indicate whether an individual is psychic by directing the probe at a specific person (does not reveal the type or strength of the person's powers other than low, medium, high). It will also indicate whether a group mind block is in effect and if a person is psionically possessed.

Resist Fatigue
Range: Self
Duration: One hour plus 20 minutes per level of experience.
Length of Trance: 1D6 melees of preparatory meditation.
I.S.P.: 4
A mind over matter discipline which enables the character to engage in physical activity without suffering from exhaustion. Although fatigue is temporarily suspended, the psychic will feel extremely tired and may even collapse when the psi-power's time limit lapses.

Range: Self (although the image could pertain to people or places thousands of miles away.
Duration: 6D6 Melees
I.S.P.: 4
Base Skill: 58% + 2% per level of experience.
This allows the psychic to see or feel glimpses of the possible future. This is achieved through meditation or intense concentration in which the clairvoyant thinks about a particular person, event or place. Add + 5% to the base skill if the person involved is a friend or loved one. Clairvoyance is unpredictable and cannot be turned on and off like a light bulb. Sometimes it works (if the roll is under the base skill) and sometimes it does not (when the roll is above the base skill). A failed roll means the psychic received no insight to the future. A clairvoyant trance can be attempted as often as twice every day. The message can be a sudden feeling that somebody is in need (". . . something’s wrong. It's . . . it's . . . Janet! I've got to see her!") Or, more often, a sudden flash of insight, a sudden image that races through the mind. The image is like a brief snippet of film from a movie or a dream. Often all the details are not clear, but the potential danger is. For example, "The psychic character is in a trance or meditation, thinking about his/her friend Janet. Suddenly, the mind is flooded with an image of Janet rushing down a crowded street. It's dusky, like morning, twilight or evening. She seems very upset. The traffic light changes to amber. Janet races into the street, ignoring the light. It turns red. There's a car, squeal of tires, Janet screams.
The image ends. Is Janet hurt? Killed?
Unknown, but the danger is clear. There are also other hints of information: the time of day, Janet seeming upset, rushing, etc. The glimpse into the future could be twenty minutes, eight hours, 24 hours, or a week. The psychic has no way of knowing. Of course, he has the advantage of recognizing the potential danger as it begins to unfold and may be able to avoid it, stop it or change the outcome. The image may last a few minutes or be a sudden flash lasting but a few seconds. The
flash could be a peculiar noise, a face, or a specific image, like a particular door or object.
It is important to note that sometimes a clairvoyant image will occur unintentionally, without the psychic trying to do so. These most often manifest themselves as dreams or nightmares during sleep. The clairvoyant dream is exactly like the image from a meditative trance described previously. The precognitive flash of the future may also occur unbeckoned while awake, but this is extremely rare. These brief glimpses of the possible future happen because the clairvoyant is acutely attuned
to his world. Anything that might hurt or change that world (including people and places) will often be foretold in a flash of insight.
Game Masters: Be careful of revealing too much. Use the examples provided as a guide. Remember, these are brief glimpses of the possible future, not a motion picture. The psychic can NOT engage in any actions, combat or otherwise, during a moment of clairvoyance or the image will instantly stop. It usually requires 2D4 melees of concentration or meditation before the image occurs. Remember, a failed base skill roll means absolutely nothing happens, but still bums up the 4 I.S.P. and time.

Range: 100ft area (30.5m)
Duration: Two minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 4
Savings Throw: Standard; a save vs empathy means the psychic can not get a clear sense of the emotions of that particular person. To save vs empathy the person must roll to save once each melee that the psychic is using empathy. Mind block will prevent any empathic emanations from the blocked person. Empathy is a psi-ability that makes the psychic aware of, or feel, the emotions of other people, animals and supernatural creatures. The strongest emotions are easiest to sense: hate, anger, terror, love. Feeling for emotions can often be used to establish that somebody or something is nearby, but can not be used to pinpoint an invisible or hiding person/creature. Empathy can be especially helpful in recognizing and communicating with ghosts and other supernatural creatures. Questioning a person/being while using empathy can be very handy in establishing how they are reacting to you. In a limited sense, empathy can be used like a lie detector to see if the emotions match the verbal response. For Example: "Did you know the deceased?" The verbal answer is no, but there is a sudden flare of nervousness and fear (or hate). This doesn't mean the guy is the killer, but it might mean he is lying about knowing the dead man. Further questions might pull out a strong emotion such as anger or hate (or happiness), which may confirm the psychic's suspicions that this man might be involved in the murder. However, remember that this is, at best, circumstantial evidence and definitely inadmissible in court. Physical proof must be found, but the empathic readings may put characters on the right track. Also, remember that the empathic psychic is feeling the person's real emotions, but interpreting their significance. A very nervous person may always radiate fear or anxiety, while a cold-blooded, pathological killer may feel nothing at all and stay calm and cool as he lies through his teeth. The feeling of hate may mean that the person did know the murder victim, or knew of him, and hated him for any number of reasons. That does not mean he killed him. As you can see, interpreting emotions can be a tricky thing. Haunting ghosts and entities rarely mask their emotions. Thus, the psychic can easily tell if one or more is nearby (within 100ft/30.5m) and what it is feeling. "I sense great sorrow." or "Do as it says! It is angry, almost crazed. I think it will carry out its threat if you try to stop it."

See Aura
Range: 60ft and must be visible.
Duration: 2 melees (30 seconds)
I.S.P.: 6
Savings Throw: None, but a mind block will hide the presence of psychic abilities, the level of P.P.E., and possessions by a supernatural force.
All things, organic and inorganic, have an aura. The aura has many distinctions and can be used to see or sense things invisible to the eye. Seeing an aura will indicate the following: Estimate the general level of experience. Low (1-3), medium (4-7), high (8th and up). The presence of magic (no indication of what or power level). The presence of psychic abilities. High or low base P.P.E. The presence of a possessing entity. The presence of an unusual human aberration which indicates a serious illness, non-human, or mutant, but does not specify which. Note: Can not tell one's alignment from "see aura".

Aura Colour Meaning
Orange Afraid
Red Angry
Light Blue Calm
Bright Crimson Enraged
Violet Excited
Vermilion Happy
Black Hateful
Blue Love
Silver Sad
Gold Healthy
Grey Ill
Rapidly rippling colours Meta abilities present
Myriad Sparkles Magic Use
Dark stain in centre of aura Undead or Necromantic magic
Spirit's aura overlays mortals Possessed

Sense Evil
Range: 140ft/42.7m area.
Duration: 2 minutes (8 melees) per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 2
Savings Throw: None
This psi-power is a much more refined ability to feel the presence of evil. All supernatural creatures radiate their alignment, good or evil. A psychic sensitive will automatically feel supernatural evil without
spending a single I.S.P. However, to get a clearer picture of the evil force(s) the character must open himself and use the sense evil ability. The sense evil psi-power will indicate the general number of supernatural evil: one, a few (2-6), several (7-14), or many (15 or more).
It can also register the intensity of the evil and pinpoint the general location of the source(s) to a particular room(s), possessed object or person, or distance; i.e. very near (within 15ft/4.5m), near (within 50ft/15.2m), or far (60 to 140ft/18.2 to 42.7m). The character can track the source of supernatural evil, like a bloodhound, by sensing how
close it is to him. Evil emanations from human beings are much less distinct and can not be felt unless the source-person has an immediate evil intention and has psychic powers or is psychotic. The former can mask his evil intentions with a mind block.

Sense Magic
Range: 120ft/36m area
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P. Cost: 3
Savings Throw: None
The ability to sense magic is much like the sense evil psi-power.
The psychic can feel magic energy, tell whether it is near (within 20ft/6.1m) or far (up to 120ft/36m away) and follow the emanations to pinpoint their source as a particular place, room, person or object.
Note: Invisible, magical supernatural creatures or objects can only be traced to a general area, like a specific room or comer. The psychic will also be able to sense whether or not an object has magic powers, if a person or item is enchanted/under a magic spell (this does not include psychic powers), when magic is being used within the area
(120ft) and when a person is casting a spell (users of magic do not radiate magic energies until they call upon them).

Sixth Sense
Range: 90ft/27.4m
Duration: Until the danger passes or happens.
I.S.P. Cost: 2
Savings Throw: None
The sixth sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90ft). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he will know is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melees)! The advance warning time is 1 minute +1 minute per level. +4 ME. Will know direction and threat level. The sixth sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever his life is in great peril or the life of somebody he greatly cares about (friend, loved one, etc.). The sixth sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event which is already set into motion and will happen any second. The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the sixth sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.
The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses. All bonuses apply only to the initial melee when the attack occurs.
+ 6 on initiative roll
+ 2 to parry
+ 3 to dodge
The character can not be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.

Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60ft/18.3m away or two-way telepathic communication — 140ft/32.7m.
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.
I.S.P.: 4
Savings Throw: Conditional. When a person suspects that he is being telepathically probed he can resist, getting the standard savings throw. Mind blocks will completely prevent telepathic probes or communications as long as the block is up. The power of telepathy allows the psychic to eavesdrop on what a person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing on that one person and picking up on his or her surface thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost in a person's mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so by focusing on one person at a time. Simultaneous, multiple mind reading is impossible for the character. Limited telepathic communication is also possible. The telepath can send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message must be as brief and clear as possible. Like, "John, I need you immediately. Hurry!" or "Stop! Don't do that." "Come here," "Look Out" or "Press the green button." However, two-way telepathic communication is not possible except between two telepathic psychics.

Total Recall
Range: Self
Duration: Permanent
I.S.P. Cost: 2
The character remembers every word he reads. Specific blocks of information can be recalled in perfect detail at will. Each block of information costs 3 I.S.P. to recall in absolute detail. If all I.S.P. have been expended the memory is a little fuzzy, so that exact quotes and details may be impossible to recall. Roll percentile: 1-50—remembered in full detail, word for word; 51-80 — details are forgotten, but the full essence of the ideas are clear; 81-00 — can only recall the most basic concepts; no details nor strong comprehension.

Deaden Pain:
Range: Immediate proximity, touch or within 3ft (0.9m).
Duration: One hour per level of experience.
Length of Trance: Two minutes (8 melee rounds).
I.S.P. Cost: 4
Effect: The ability to deaden pain can be used as a pain killer which temporarily negates existing pain or as an anesthetic to be used for surgery.

Healing Touch:
Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant, with lasting effects.
Length of Trance: Two minutes (8 melee rounds).
I.S.P. Cost: 3
Effect: The healing touch is a remarkable healing ability that can instantly heal cuts, burns, bruises and similar physical wounds. The touch restores 2D8 hit points or 4D6 S.D.C. The healing touch can only be used on other living creatures, never on himself.

Increased Healing:
Range: Touch or within 3ft (0.9m).
Duration: 4D4 days.
Length of Trance: 1D6 hours.
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Effect: The healer is able to stimulate another person's healing energies, dramatically increasing one's recuperative powers. Hit points and S.D.C. recovery are double the normal professional treatment rate.

Psychic Diagnosis:
Range: Touch or within 3ft (0.9m).
Duration: Immediate knowledge.
Length of Trance: 2D4 melees of meditation.
I.S.P. Cost: 2
Savings Throw: None; except for the Nega-psychic, standard.
Effect: The psychic healer can sense physical pain, damage, disease and possession with absolute clarity. This pinpoint accuracy enables the character to suggest treatment or to conduct psychic surgery.

Psychic Purification:
Range: Touch
Duration: Immediate
Length of Trance: 6D6 minutes of meditation.
I.S.P. Cost: 4
Savings Throw: None; except for the Nega-psychic, standard.
Effect: The healer can use his abilities to slow a person's metabolism and destroy chemicals, drugs, poisons, and toxins in the body. The effects of the drugs/impurities are immediately halted at the beginning of the meditation, and completely destroyed/negated by its end. Damage sustained prior to the psychic's intervention still exists.

Psychic Surgery:
Range: Touch
Duration: Varies with injury.
Length of Trance: 2D6 minutes of preparatory meditation, plus the duration of the surgery (which is one quarter the time of conventional modern medicine).
I.S.P. Cost: 7
Effect: Psychic surgery is used to repair broken bones, internal injuries, the removal of foreign objects (bullets, etc.), or when a character has suffered so much damage that he or she has lapsed into a coma (zero or less hit points). The recovery from a coma (near death) is equal to treatment from a hospital, 1-88%, when psychic surgery is used. Note that there is absolutely no scarring from psychic surgery and minimal pain (no pain if the deaden pain psi-ability is used). No tools are needed, only the psychic's hands. Note: A psychic diagnosis must be made before surgery is possible.

Commune with Animals
Range: 200 feet; line of sight.
Duration: Two minutes (8 melee rounds) per level of experience. (6min)
I.S.P. Cost: 3
Saving Throw: Animals save as non-psionics and need a 15 or better.
This ability is a combination of empathy and telepathy and allows one to commune with animals (mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians not insects or fish) makes the creature(s) accept the psionic as one of their own. It also enables the psychic to send and receive emotions and rudimentary thought "images" from the animals. The affected animals will not harm the psionic and will usually (1-80%) obey simple commands like run/flee, defend self/attack, come, go, stay, etc. The character can commune with one animal per level of experience (3)

Force of Will:
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Effect: no pun intended) The Jedi has trained so extensively, that their bodies can actually tap the energy of the Force to sustain them and keep themselves alive without spending PPE or ISP. The Jedi can survive up to eight days without food or water without ill effects. Their bodies have become so infused by shear mental discipline that they have been transformed into minor MDC beings, capable of taking up to PE x10 +1d10 x10+100 +1d10 x10/level damage from MDC weapons (NOTE: normal weapons still affect them and drain SDC and Hit Points and the character can still die without taking any damage to their MDC. MDC resistance disappears once all SDC has been lost.)

Absorb/Dissipate Energy:
I.S.P. Cost: 15 + the damage inflicted by the attack.
Duration: 5 min/lvl or per energy blast.
Effect: Allows the character to absorb and dissipate huge amounts of energy without suffering damage. This includes all forms of energy and it may be used to dissipate weapons fire in which case the cost is the initial 15 + the damage inflicted by the attack.

Force Healing (self):
I.S.P. Cost: 30
Effect: This is the ability to heal self using the Force. It’s a form of psychic purification. It will negate any poisons or toxins in the body, small to medium size wounds, heal bruises, cure headaches, and other small injuries. To heal a battered person with a few wounds/bruises/etc., the Jedi must concentrate for at least 30 seconds (longer depending on the severity of the wound)and hold his hand OVER but not touching the wounds. The wound will then begin to heal before the persons eyes. This usually takes about 2 minutes. It restores 4d6 S.D.C. and 3d6 Hit points, or 6d6 M.D.C. Wounds more severe than that can be slightly healed but must be dressed and medical attention may be necessary. The power is doubled on Ley Lines and Tripled on Nexus Points.

Instinctive Navigation:
I.S.P. Cost:20
Effect: Ads +25% to navigation rolls and only have to check at half the normal rate when the power is in use.
Duration: 2 min/level

Understand Languages and Communicate:
I.S.P. Cost: 10
Effect: The Jedi is so attuned to the Force that with a little bit of concentration the Jedi can understand any spoken/written language and speak the language back to the person they are listening to. But to everyone else it will seem that the Jedi is speaking his native language to an alien being and they are communicating. How else would Luke have been able to understand WHAT THE HELL r2-d2 was saying? Heh.(Base 40% +5 % per level)

Magnify Senses:
I.S.P. Cost: 5 per 5ft radius
Effect: The character can sense something that would be impossible to sense otherwise. The character can sense traps, concealed passages or people, invisible objects etc. However, the character will only know that they are present not where they are (knows general location) or what they are.
Bonuses: +3 to initiative, +2 to parry, and +4 to dodge while power is activated. (telescopic x10/level + microscopic x10/level)
Duration: 2 min/level

Force Disarm
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Effect: This power is an altered form of Force Control. It is used to pull items out of people’s grip, holster, and occasionally to pick pockets. (I.e.: Darth Vader pulling Han Solo’s Blaster out of his hand in Cloud City). The Jedi must call the action and the object being disarmed/pick pocketed. The item must be in plain view of the Jedi and can be no more than 200 ft/ level away. If the item is being pulled from a pocket, roll a basic pick pocketing skill (as per level of the Jedi even if he does NOT have the skill) and add: both the IQ Bonus (if any) and a bonus of +10 %. If it is a disarm, roll a strike to disarm, but since the it is a force power, the person being disarmed will not be expecting a disarm attack and is –5 to avoid it or keep his grip.

Force Leap:
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Effect: By altering the Force around him, the Jedi can use the Force to push him higher or further when he jumps. For instance a normal D-bee Jedi Knight can jump 10+10 ftlevel in the air and their target for the jump is 20+20level ft.. Using the Force Leap, that character can make the jump with ease. The Force leap can be used to jump a MAXIMUM of 10 time the normal jumping height but can only be used for jumping and not kicks attacks or jump kicks

Force Push:
I.S.P. Cost: 5
Range: 500 ft. In essence this is sort of a telekinetic push. The Jedi can use the Force to push over objects or even people and even light robot or power armor vehicle. The force push can be used to push flying power armors or robots off course and have them crash. The force can be used to push down opponents or trip someone. When the opponent is being "Pushed" the get to make a P.P. check. If they under their attribute, they keep their standing but lose an attack, if they roll over then they fall over, lose initiative and 2 attacks. For characters with High attributes, adjust the roll appropriately. (I.E. If a character has a P.P. of 32 then half the number and roll on it. Therefore on a twenty-sided die a character with a 32 would have to roll under a 16. If higher, just figure out a way to adjust it to work on a twenty-sided die or use more than one)

Light saber Combat:
I.S.P. Cost: 5-35
Duration: 2min/level
Effect: +1 attack/10pts spent +1parry, dodge, strike, roll, iniative/5pts spent Max 50pts for parry, strike, roll, iniative per battle max 60 pts for attack per battle

Force wave:
I.S.P. Cost: 30
Effect: knockdown and knockback 100ft 1 direction or 360 degree radius

Force Levitation
I.S.P. Cost: special
Range: Up to 100 ft per level (33m)
Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw: none
This is a combined levitation and telekinesis on objects and people. This psionic allows the Jedi to lift up to a fighter ship from the ground up into the air and either hold it in place or move it to another location with only a thought from himself and the guide of the Force with all Jedi believe in. Force Levitation is capable of lifting most objects, including fighter ships, but nothing above it (like a big starship.) The cost will vary based on weight: small objects (up to 4-6 lbs) cost 2 I.S.P. Objects up to 25 lbs cost 3 I.S.P. to move, hurl or levitate. Objects for every 25 lbs (all partial units round up) will 2 I.S.P. +1 for every 25 lbs (i.e. a 70 lb case will cost 5 I.S.P.) Heavy objects, like speeders and star fighter ships will cost 10 I.S.P. for every 2000 lb., or 100 I.S.P. in each 10tons. Force Levitation can also be used in combat, in which an object picked up by Force Levitation and thrown at an opponent will count as one attack. The opponent must dodge or can face damages. The combat bonuses are the same as Telekinesis or Telekinesis Super. Note: if an object is attached to a wall, ceiling or floor, the player must spend the I.S.P. to free the object, then spend the same amount to throw it, or let it fall according to the laws of gravity.

Affect Mind:
I.S.P. Cost: 40 + ME of target
Effect: Alter a victims perception "What was that noise", alter memories permanently so that it is incorrect or forgotten, or alter a characters conclusions so that they come to an incorrect conclusion “These aren't the droids we're looking for". Can also cause hallucinations sensed by all senses. The victim gets to make a saving throw at -3 to prevent the effects from happening.
Duration: 5 min/lvl or permanent for memories

Force Lightning
I.S.P. Cost: 30
Duration: The attack of the Lightning will continue until the reason for the anger is either destroyed, gives up, or runs away.
Damage: 1-5d6 M.D. plus 1d6 +save vs. pain-8 per every two levels. It is +4 to strike.
This is a power than can only be used under extreme conditions such as the loss of one’s VERY close friends, master, spouse, or relative. The anger of the Jedi manifests itself through lightning that is either a color that coincides with the alignment of the Jedi. Good characters will be have white lightning. Selfish, anarchists, and aberrant characters will have blue lightning. And the Sith (miscreant or diabolic) will have a silvery black lightning. Sith are the only ones who can use this power when not in emotional trauma. The Lightning does 1-5d6 M.D. plus 1d6 +save vs. pain-8 per every two levels. It is +4 to strike. The attack of the Lightning will continue until the reason for the anger is either destroyed, gives up, or runs away. Good characters must be EXTREMELY hurt or upset to even think of using this and even after using it, they have a 35% chance of shifting alignments down and must perform an act of retribution to atone for not controlling their anger. Selfish, anarchist, and aberrant characters only have a 20% chance of shifting alignments and they have a 35% chance of feeling they need to atone for their actions. Sith suffer neither of these penalties.

I.S.P. Cost: 10
Range: Others up to 160 feet, line of sight.
Duration: 4d4x10 minutes
Saving Throw: Standard
Damage: see effects below for more information.
Effect: Using the Force technique called `Malacia. The Jedi turns an opponent’s equilibrium against them causing extreme discomfort without any lasting effects. Malacia can be powerful when employed properly. Use of this ability is rare since most Jedi find it easier to employ Affect Mind or Force Push to achieve similar effects. The Jedi Master Oppu Raneisis is a master of Nlalacia who has taught the technique to a small number of Jedi.
Agony: A particularly cruel and painful power that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the influence of the power, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike, parry and dodge. Only one person can be affected per use.
Blind: Temporarily knocks out the victim's optic nerves, rendering that person quite helpless. Victims are -10 to strike, parry and dodge.
Deafness: Can be caused by manipulating the eardrum. Victims can not hear anything, and are -6 to parry or dodge attacks from behind. In addition, the shock of suddenly becoming deaf makes them -3 to strike, parry or dodge any other attacks, and they automatically lose the initiative on all attacks while deaf.
Ecstasy: This power is a very dangerous reversal of the Agony power. While the Agony power activates all of the victims pain centers, the Ecstasy power does the reverse and activates all of a victims pleasure centers. The power creates the same effects to a targets activity that the agony power does but does it for the opposite reasons. For the first minute, the victim will be able to do nothing but writhe in pleasure. After that initial minute, the target takes another full minute to regain full composure and during that time the number of his attacks will be reduced by half, speed will be reduced by half, and will have a penalty of -1 to strike, parry, and dodge. This power affects only one person per invocation, and has a 10% chance of victim being addicted to it per application cumulative.
The big danger of the power is not the effect the power has in combat but that some psychics have used the spell to profit off of victims similarly to the way drug dealer will addict people to drugs. They can do this by using the power for free or a reduced price and then once the person is addicted, they raise the cost of the power astronomically or make the person do jobs for them under the threat of not using the power anymore. The process of addiction takes from two to four weeks normally. The other disadvantage is that addicts of this power will get no save against the power even if it is cast on them in combat
Rumored and only whispered is that some psychics have used the powers agony and ecstasy together. For every two sessions of this, the target must save against insanity. If this power combination is used often for over two months, their pleasure and pain centers will get mixed up and whenever a person feels pain, they will feel pleasure as well (GM's choice of actual effects).
Mute: Impairs the victim's vocal cords, making speech impossible. Victims are likely to be shocked and panic, making them -2 to strike, parry and dodge for the first melee ONLY.
Orgasm: Effect: Probably the gentlest and most pleasurable incapacitation power to date that functions by stimulating the victim's mind into feeling an intense sexual orgasm. While under the power of the power the victim will have no melee actions, can barely move, and cannot make any intelligible sounds other than a faint moan of pleasure. There is no physical damage inflicted by this power, although the character may wish to clean their shorts shortly after succumbing to the spell's effects. After the brief incapacitation period, the victim will need another 1D4 minutes to regain their composure. Until such time the characters attacks per melee and speed will be reduced by half. They will also suffer a -1 penalty to all combat bonuses and -5% to skill performance. Only one person may be affected per invocation of this spell. It should be noted that although this spell suffers from a shorter incapacitation time than the Agony power, of which it is derived, it is more sought by characters of good alignments who would not bring such pain as the Agony power on any living creature while at the same time, totally incapacitating the victim of the power.
Pain: By manipulating the nerve centers the psionic can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.
Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while paralyzed.
Pins & Needles: Effect: This unique power causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5% skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm, that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5% skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using this power on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries, even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy. This power can only be used on one person at a time.
Release: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either vomits, or urinates, or defecates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions.
Stun: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.
Tissue Manipulation: Affects the tissue's connecting nerve fibers which can cause a variety of effects. By irritating the nerve fibers, a victim will suddenly feel itchy, as if breaking out in a severe rash. Through endothermic manipulation the victim can also be made to suddenly feel cold or hot while everyone around him feels fine. ALL three conditions are more annoying or frightening than physically impairing. In each case the victims are -1 to strike, parry and dodge.
Positive Chi Block:
This only prevents the target from using positive chi. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully; Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 positive chi.
Negative Chi Block:
This only prevents the target from using negative chi. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully; Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 negative chi.
P.P.E. Block:
This only prevents the target from using P.P.E. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully; Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 P.P.E.
I.S.P. Block:
This only prevents the target from using I.S.P. for this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully; roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not successful, but the target loses 4D6 I.S.P.
(Note: Force Manipulation will affect an opponent inside M.D.C. environmental body armor and light power armor (under 220 M.D.C.), but not heavy power armor, giant robots or armored, military vehicles.)

Force Armor:
Effect: With intense concentration (1 melee round at 1st level, reduce to 1/2 melee at level 7, and 1 melee action at level 14), the force user surrounds himself with an aura of protective force energy. While in effect, the force generated armor takes the form of a gentle silver or blue glow that emanates from the force user's skin, granting them M.E. +P.E. *10 +10 +10/ Lv (a psychic with M.E. 16 and a P.E. 16 would have 330 M.D.C. at level 1) +100 M.D.C. per level of experience (340 at level 2) and their equipment (up to body armor, but not power armor). This power does not provide environmental protection, and it does block non-energy or physical based magic and psionics. S.D.C./M.D.C. of the Force Armor regenerates at a rate of M.E. + P.E. per minute
I.S.P. Cost: 10
Duration: 15min +15min/level

Force Bubble Shield:
I.S.P. Cost: 20
Effect: With intense concentration (1 melee round at 1st level, reduce to 1/2 melee at level 7, and 1 melee action at level 14), the force user surrounds himself with an Bubble of protective psionic energy. While in effect, the psionically generated Bubble takes the form of a gentle silver or blue glow that surrounds the Psychic in a perfect sphere, granting them M.E. +P.E. *100 +100 +100/Level Bubble Shield (a psychic with M.E. 16 and a P.E. 16 would have 4200 M.D.C. at level 1) +100 M.D.C. per level of experience (4300 at level 2) and their equipment (up to body armor, but not power armor). This power does provide environmental protection, and it does block non-energy or physical based magic and psionics. S.D.C. /M.D.C. of the Psi-Bubble Shield regenerates at a rate of M.E. + P.E. per minute, no other actions can be use while the bubble is up, and the bubble can be used to include many people.
Duration: 15min +15min/level

Force invisibility:
I.S.P. Cost: 20
Effect: no detection by any of the senses as long as you don’t attack The Jedi’s body is totally transparent to the visible light spectrum. He cannot be mechanically detected or recorded (i.e. by photography or television) and is immune to attacks using visible light (lasers, mostly). The invisibility range can be extended to cover other sections of the energy spectrum (infrared and ultraviolet light, radio waves, hard radiation); this also bestows immunity to attacks using these forms. At these levels the hero can also extend the area of invisibility beyond his body. This permits the hero to protect others and, more importantly, to wear clothing.

R.C.C. Abilities:

Superior Physical prowess, and beauty, generally high intelligence At home in nature, Can walk in the forest without disturbing any creature, they are 90% resistant to sleep and charm spells, but in addition they are completely immune to the paralyzing effect of any undead creature. Other types of paralysis do work against them. Elves can detect secret and concealed doors and compartments as per spell always on get a +1 to strike, parry, initiative, and attack bonus with a sword or bow, +2% on all wilderness and ranger:
Infra-vision, See in absolute dark, See the Invisible, See Auras, Night vision which extends 900 feet. Night Vision is combined infra red vision (both light emitting and non light emitting) and light amplification. When using active infra red vision, eyes glow red. Naturally ambidextrous and automatically have paired weapons in one weapon that they learned in their youth. Dark Elves get +10% on Prowl, any tracking skills, all wilderness and ranger skills, and the Skill "Identify Plants and Fruit" specialized for underground plants. All dark elves have the ability to meld with shadows equal to the sixth level Wizard / Ley Line Walker spell.
They move almost silently and can blend into the shadows and environment with 75% chance of success (only when underground or in a very familiar area).
Ta-Itaik: A highly focuses outburst of P.P.E. similar to a Chi blast does damage equal to P.P.E. expenditure x 10 (P.P.E. X 10) range is limited to 200 ft, they can Also defend at the same rate but they must declare amount before damage is Taken.

Change form to regular elves, just a color change, may not use powers In this form, absolute no detection of trueness in this form, they may also heal using P.P.E. at P.P.E. x 5

+3 to strike with ranged attacks,
+3 to initiative,
+4 to dodge (auto dodge),
+4 to parry,
+6 vs. magic,
+3 vs. Elven Magic, Immune to Illusions,
+6 vs. Horror Factor,
+7 vs. spider venoms,
+6 vs. other sleep poisons & drugs/insect & arachnid toxin,
+5 vs. all other injected poisons,
+4 vs. ingested poisons. (These are due to a regimen dosing themselves with poisons daily, a Dark Elf that doesn't continue to dose will gradually lose the benefits of immunity. For each month of skipped dosing a penalty of -1 applies to all poison saving throws until they reach standard levels. Reapplying the dosing schedule will halt further degradation for a month after a second month's dosage, the level increases by +1 for every month until the maximums listed above are reached.)

Natural Magic Abilities: All of the dark elves can use the following spells once/day/level:
Dancing Lights
Faerie Fire
Those above 4th level can cast:
Detect Magic
Know Alignment

All Dark Elves innately know the following spells, but it's possible for other wizards to learn these as well. MDC worlds these spells do MDC instead of S.D.C.:

Blinding Flash,

Light Target,

Dark Bolt:
Range: 200ft.
PPE: 30
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 1D4X10 SDC per blast, IGNORING armor.
Saving Throw: Dodge.
The Dark Mage fires a bolt of pure dark energy at a target.

Dark Force:
Range: 20ft. long by up to 10ft. wide.
PPE: 150
Duration: Instant.
Damage: 3D6 SDC to a 50ft radius from the Caster, IGNORING armor. +1D6 damage every 2 levels.
Saving Throw: None.
An Area Effect version of Dark Bolt. While it lacks the damage of the Dark Bolt, it effects a larger area.

Dark Hand OF Destruction:
Range: Touch. Requires a strike roll.
PPE: 50
Damage: 4D6 SDC and 3D6 HIT POINT damage(X4 combined S.D.C. and H.P. damage to a M.D.C. being).
Duration: Instant, any lasting effects last 3D4 melees.
Saving Throw: Dodge (Parry will only hurt, if not maim, your arm.), and if failed, Standard save. If saved, then only normal punch damage is inflicted. Parrying this has a 35% chance of totally BREAKING a weapon, and SHATTERING a blade like glass! If you parry with your arm, depending on damage, either your arms have got some severely shattered bones, or there’s going to be one messy explosion as bits of your arm go everywhere. Dwarven and Kobold manufactured items only run a 15% risk, and Rune Blades and Indestructible weapons are unaffected. Critical strikes double the %.
The Casters hand is filled with Dark Energy as he strikes his opponent with his bare fist, doing heavy damage from just a mere punch. In addition, there’s a 50% chance the victim will be dazed, with -3 Init, -2 to Parry and Dodge, -1 to Strike. There’s also a 25% chance of being knocked unconscious for 1D4 minutes.

Arnizipal's Black Horror:
Range: Can be cast up to 5ft. away, the cloud of darkness moves 4D6ft. in a random direction every melee.
PPE: 300
Damage: 4D6 HIT POINT damage, 1D4X10 SDC Damage per melee within the cloud. If HP are totally depleted then the victims flesh is stripped from his body, leaving nothing but charred bones (Translation: Death.)
Duration: 1 minute per level of the spell caster.
Save: Standard, if save is made then victims take no direct HP damage and only 3D6 SDC.
The spell caster creates a swirling black cloud about 10X10X10ft. big, then lets it randomly go around the battlefield, painfully killing it's victims by stripping their flesh and leaving charred bones. The Spell caster is unaffected.

Blade Wind:
Range: Can be cast up to 25ft. away. The gust of Blade Wind covers a 20X20X20ft area.
PPE: 40
Damage: Each target is struck 1D6 times, for 1D8 damage each time.
Duration: Lasts 2 melees.
Save: None, other than escaping the radius of effect.
The Spell caster calls up a strong wind, but just any wind. The air is sharp (literally) and the breeze is a burst of razor sharp blades. The Spell caster is unaffected, but everyone else will take unsalable damage unless they escape the radius of effect.

Globe of Darkness: By using this spell, the Dark Elf/Drow can summon a ten-foot diameter sphere of absolute darkness that nothing can penetrate. No light of any kind (natural, artificial, or magical), no vision (normal, night vision, or infrared vision), no surveillance equipment, nothing can see through it. The Globe of Darkness can be used to negate Globe of Daylight, but not visa versa.
Duration: One minute per level of experience.
P.P.E.: 2

Disinherit (Lesser)
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. Cost: 10
This spell is designed to break the metaphysical connection that any object handled or even touched by a person has. The Wizard using the spell can only break the link to himself and not to others. The actual effect is that after casting this spell, the object cannot be used for either psionic or magical spells that use this. If the psionic ability "Object Read" is used, the user will get a blank image from the time frame that the mage had the item. This will immediately tell the psionic individual that someone blanked out the object. A ley Line Walker using Locate would get absolutely no information about the location of the person trying to be detected if using an item that has been neutralized by this spell. All other spells and psionics or similar effects will be affected in the same way.

Disinherit (Greater)
Range: Special
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E. Cost: 30
This spell is an enhanced version of the spell “Disinherit (Lesser)” and the spells purpose is to break the metaphysical connection that any object handled or even touched by a person has even though the object is already out of the mage’s hands. Like the lesser version, the Wizard using the spell can only break the link to himself and not to others. He or she must chose a specific object that they are breaking the connection, the spell does not break the connection with all objects that the person has ever handled. This spell can also be used for hair, skin, or other similar items. If the items are together, the whole batch of items will have the connection broken from the mage. The actual effect is that after casting this spell, the object cannot be used for either psionic or magical spells that use this. If the psionic ability “Object Read” is used, the user will get a blank image from the time frame that the mage had the item. This will immediately tell the psionic individual that someone blanked out the object. A Ley Line Walker using Locate would get absolutely no information about the location of the person trying to be detected if using an item that has been neutralized by this spell. All other spells and psionics or similar effects will be affected in the same way.

At fourth level the Dark Elves gain the ability to cast
Sense Magic,
Sense Evil,
Females of fourth level or higher also gain (in addition to the previously mentioned spells) plus:
Words of Truth,
Negate Magic.
All other spells must be learned by taking a magic O.C.C.

Dark Elf Clerics can cast (at level):
1. Detect Lie
2. Detect Undead
3. Suggestion
4. Clairvoyance
5. E.S.P.
6. Invisibility to Undead
7. Dispel Magic
And have a 20% chance each level of improving previous level magic (i.e. cast more times/day, not to exceed base spell-like abilities.). Dark Elves of noble blood or name gain the ability to use all of their base and mature powers more than once per day. An additional daily use is granted at the end of each decade of life. All Dark Elves with I.Q.'s of 16 or higher, and of 6th level or greater, can wield a natural spell-like power and a spell simultaneously, or employ a maximum of two natural spell-like powers.

And have a 20% chance each level of improving previous level magic (i.e. cast more times/day, not to exceed base spell-like abilities.). Drow of noble blood or name gain the ability to use all of their base and mature powers more than once per day. An additional daily use is granted at the end of each decade of life. All Drow with I.Q.'s of 16 or higher, and of 6th level or greater, can wield a natural spell-like power and a spell simultaneously, or employ a maximum of two natural spell-like powers.

O.C.C. Skills:

Read/Write/Speak English/Elvish & Dragonese 98%
Read/Write/Speak Galactic Basic language/Trade-1/Trade-4 98%
Read/Write/Speak Techno-can, Euro, Spanish, Chinese (Stage 4), Japanese (Stage 4) (80%)
Mathematics – Basic: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (98%)
Mathematics – Advanced: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (98%)
Lore – Magic: Base Skill (general knowledge): 25% + 5% per level of experience. (85%)
Recognize wards, runes and circles: Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Recognize Enchantment (i.e. magic items, people under charms and curses, etc.): Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Lore – Galactic/Alien: Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience. (85%)
Lore – Megaverse: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level experience. (85%)
Lore – D-Bee: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (85%)
Lore – Psychic: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Lore – Demons and Monsters: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Lore – Jedi: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience (98%)
Lore – Force Skill: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (120%)
Computer Operation: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience (90%)
Radio: Basic: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (98%)
Parkour/Free Running
Prowl: Base Skill: 66% + 8% per level of experience. (143/163% when moving slowly)
Climbing: Base Skill: 70% + 8% per level of experience. (98%)
Rappelling: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (78%)
Sense of Balance: is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing 90% + 5% per level. (130%)
Climb Rope: 90% + 5% per level of experience. (98%)
Roll: 80%+1% per level of experience. (90%)
Cat Leap: Base Skill: 65%+3% per level of experience. (75%)
Speed Vault: 60%+5% per level of experience. (70%)
Monkey Vault: at 50%+5% per level of experience. (60%)
Revere Vault: at 40%+5% per level of experience. (50%)
Superman: at 55%+5% per level of experience. (65%)
Dash Vault: 50%+5% per level of experience. (60%)
Precision: 45%+5% per level of experience. (55%)
Rocket Vault: at 50%+5% per level of experience. (60%)
Triple Kong: 40%+5% per level of experience. (50%)
Wall Flip: 35% +5% per level of experience. (45%)
Rings & Bars: 60% + 3% per level of experience. (70%)
Walk Tightrope or High Wire: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)
Stilt Walk: 50%+5% per level of experience. (60%)
Back Flip and Somersault: Back flip: 90% + 8% per level +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm's way or over one's opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack. (98%)
Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Base Skill: is 50%+5% per level. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2D4 damage). (60%)
Basic Electronics: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (95%)
Basic Mechanics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
General Repair and Maintenance: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)
Read Sensory Equipment: Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Wilderness Survival: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Navigation (land): Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (98%)
Identify Plants & Fruits: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Pilot: Motorcycle: Base Skill: 60% + 4% per level of experience. (95%)
Pilot: Automobile: Base Skill: 80% + 4% per level of experience. (98%)
Pilot: Hover cycle: Base Skill: 60% +4% per level of experience. (98%)
W.P. Light saber (see above)
Weapon Construction: Light saber: Base Skill: 35% +5% per level of experience. (70%)
HTH Expert (can be changed to Martial Arts (of choice from n & ss) or Assassin (Sith characters only) at the cost of one skill) or Hand to Hand: The Art of the Jedi
Basic Electronics: Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Advanced Electronics: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Expert Electronics: Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)
Electrical Engineer: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. 65%)
Mecha Electronics: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Power Armor Electronics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Robot Electronics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (+20%)
Circuit Board Micro-Electronics: Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience. (85%)
Computer Operation: Base Skill: 60% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Computer Programming: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)
Computer Hacking: Base Skill: 15%, + 5% per level of experience (45%)
Computer Repair: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)
Computer Engineer: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Basic Mechanics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)
Advanced Mechanics: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Expert Mechanics: Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)
Mechanical Engineer – Basic: Base Skill: 50%/25% + 5% per level of experience. Special Bonus: +5% to Locksmith skill and +5% to Surveillance Systems Skill. (+20%) (80/55%)
Mecha Mechanics: Base Skill: 20/40% + 5% per level of experience (50/70%)
Robot Mechanics: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Power Armor Mechanics: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Base Meditation Skill: M.E. +5% per level of experience. (45%)
Base Meditation Time: The amount of time that a character can continue to meditate: One hour at first level, with an additional fifteen minutes at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels. At 6th level the meditation time jumps to three hours, and the character picks up another advancement into 7th level and beyond.
W.P. Sword: Combat skills with large and small swords, including fencing type training. Includes rapiers, sabers, two handed, and short swords. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one, an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.+1 to parry at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 5, 10 and 14.
W.P. Staff: Combat skill with large and small staffs. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one. +1 to strike at levels 4, 7, 10 and 14. +1 to parry at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14. +1 to throw at levels 4, 8 and 14.
W.P. Knife: Training with all types of knives. Bonuses: +1 to strike when thrown on level one. +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 and 15.
Chess: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (40%)
Go: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (40%)
Cook: Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience. (65%)
Hunting: The skill of killing and preparing an animal for food. Bonuses: +2% to Prowl, +5% to Track Animals, +5% to Skin Animals, +5% to Wilderness Survival, and +5% to Cook the catch only.
Fishing: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)
Fasting: Base Skill: 40%+3% per level of experience. (50%)
Begging: Base Skill: 20%+3% per level of experience. (30%)
Calligraphy: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)

R.C.C. Skills:

Language/Literacy: Mor’drow (a variant of Dragonese/Elf) 98%,
Language/Literacy: Dragonese/Elf languages at 98%,
Language/Literacy: Gobbley 90%,
Language: Sign Language: Drow 98%
Language/Literacy one other language,
Language/Literacy: Select two other languages 98%,
Lore: Demons & Monsters: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%),
W.P. Sword: Combat skills with large and small swords, including fencing type training. Includes rapiers, sabers, two handed, and short swords. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one, an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.+1 to parry at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 5, 10 and 14. -paired
W.P. Archery and Targeting: This is an expertise with thrown and bow weapons. It includes throwing spears, forks, slings, short bows, long bows, crossbows, and modern bows. Bonuses: Add 20 feet to the normal effective range per level or the character, +1 to parry with that weapon (effective at level one), and +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 and 14. Note: The character loses all bonuses and rate of fire is half when riding on horseback or a moving vehicle. Rate of Fire: Two at level one, +2 at level three, +1 at levels 5, 7, 9 and 12. –
W.P. Throwing Claw Bonuses: +1 to strike when thrown on level one. +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 and 15. -paired
W.P. Knife: Training with all types of knives. Bonuses: +1 to strike when thrown on level one. +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 and 15. -paired

Mathematics – Basic: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (75%)
Detect Concealment: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Locate Secret Compartments: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience (50%)
Prowl: Base Skill: 66% + 8% per level of experience. (96%)
Prepare Doku: Base Skill: 34%/26%+4% per level of experience. (74/66%)
Use/Recognize Poison: Base Skill: 24%/16% + 4% per level of experience. (64/56%)
Recognize Precious Metals and Stones: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Blind-Fighting: Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience. (25 %)
Paired Weapons (Fighters and Clerics only)

O.C.C. Related Skills:

All Jedi choose 6 additional skills from any area, plus 2 skills at levels 3, 7, 10, 13 and 15. All skills start at 1st level and bonuses of +5% apply to Domestic and Technical skills (in addition to the IQ bonus)
Welding (Basic): Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (80%)
Welding (Advanced): Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)
Welding (Expert): Base Skill: 15% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)
Metallurgy: Base Skill: 30% + 6% per level of experience. (60%)
Blacksmithing/Metalworking: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Fashion Tools and Weapons: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)

Secondary Skills:

Armorer: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Weapons Engineer: Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Power Armor Engineer: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Robot Engineer: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)
Read Sensory Equipment: Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience. (90%)
Hover Vehicle: Base Skill: 50% + 4% per level of experience. (60%)

Special Martial Arts Form:

Tarken De'irth:

Designed to be one of the deadliest of martial arts. This style, named after its creator, relies primarily on movement, and is enhanced by the use of weapons. Initially, the style was only taught to Tarken's native race, Dark Elves, however, since then some masters have chosen to teach a select few who showed the potential for being efficient killers. In a Palladium Fantasy environment, any dark elf may select this style at the cost of their natural WP skills, and five skill selections (must also have Hand to Hand: Martial Arts), any non-dark elf Man-of-arms may (GM digression) learn the style at the cost of Hand to Hand: Martial Arts and six O.C.C. related or secondary skills.
GM Option: in some dimensions, 'Dark Jedi' have adopted this style (switch Katas: Thrown with Katas: Light saber, costs 'combat tweak' and two O.C.C. skills and Hand to Hand: Martial Arts). However, the Jedi cannot use any Chi based techniques offered by the style.
Requirements: I.Q.: 10, P.P.: 15
Training: 12 years
Character Bonuses:
+2 to P.P.
+2 to P.S.
+2 to P.E.
+8 to Speed
+10 to S.D.C.
+5 Chi
Stance: Varies with training, generally a Karate or Kempo stance
Outfit: Leather jacket and Leather pants.
Combat Skills:
Attacks per Melee: 2
Hand Attacks: strike/punch, power punch, knife hand, back hand
Foot Attacks: snap kick, tripping leg hook, backward sweep, crescent kick, drop kick, roundhouse, kick attack
Basic Defense Moves: parry, dodge, automatic parry, Circular Parry
Advances Defense Moves: automatic dodge, roll, back flip, body flip/throw
Holds/Locks: Finger Lock, Wrist Lock, Elbow Lock, Ankle Lock, Knee Lock, Neck Lock, Automatic Lock, Arm Hold, Leg Hold, Body Hold, Torso Hold, Neck Hold, Snap-Throw (SPECIAL! The character after securing a hold can throw their opponent. If the throw is successful the victim must make a save versus pain or suffer a dislocated joint. A dislocated shoulder or elbow will reduce combat bonuses by –4. If a hip or knee is dislocated speed is reduced to 10% and dodging is impossible), Snap-Lock (SPECIAL! Once the Martial Artist has his opponent in a lock, he can choose to treat it as if the opponent had chosen to break out of the lock, thus releasing the opponent, albeit with a broken limb),
Automatic Finger Lock, Automatic Wrist Lock, Automatic Elbow Lock, Automatic Snap Lock
Escape Techniques: roll, back flip, maintain balance, break fall
Modifiers to Attack: death blow, critical, knockout, critical from behind, knockout/stun from behind
Special Moves: leap attack, back flip, Back Strike (A backwards thrust with the sword), Spinning Slash (Combination Strike/Dodge), and Learn Circular Parry with W.P. Sword.
Weapon Katas: Select two: Sword (two for paired), Thrown (two for paired) , Knives (two for paired), Blunt (two for paired), whip.
Additional Skills: Meditation, Climbing, Swimming, Prowl, and Plyometrics
Martial Arts Powers: Automatically gains: Karumi-.Jutsu, Suibunhoko-jutsu, Deception, Zanshin, Poison Hand Technique, Instant Stand, Dirty Tactics. Plus select six powers from: Body hardening Exercises (including Demon Hunter Exercises), Martial Arts Techniques, and Chi mastery (including Advanced), and Specialty Katas (Stances, & Chi & Weapons only) and Arts of Invisibility.
Level Advancement Bonuses:
1st: +2 to parry, +1 to roll and dodge, auto dodge.
2nd: +2 to back flip/throw, Critical from behind.
3rd: +1 attack, +1 to strike, Select one power from : Body hardening Exercises (including Demon Hunter Exercises), Martial Arts Techniques, and Chi mastery (including Advanced), and Specialty Katas (Stances, & Chi & Weapons only) and Arts of Invisibility.
4th: Critical 19+, Deathblow on natural 20, +1 (4 feet) to Leap
5th: +1 to roll/back flip/rgrow
6th: +1 (4 feet) to leap, +1 attack
7th: get Dodge bonus when using Auto dodge, select one power from : Body hardening Exercises (including Demon Hunter Exercises), Martial Arts Techniques, and Chi mastery (including Advanced), and Specialty Katas (Stances, & Chi & Weapons only) and Arts of Invisibility.
8th: +2 to strike, +1 to parry
9th: +1 to back flip/parry/dodge and auto-dodge/throw
10th: +1 attack, Select one power from : Body hardening Exercises (including Demon Hunter Exercises), Martial Arts Techniques, and Chi mastery (including Advanced), and Specialty Katas (Stances, & Chi & Weapons only) and Arts of Invisibility.
11th: Can Call Deathblow (need 14+), Critical on 17+
12th: +1 to strike/back flip/throw
13th: Select 1 power from : Body hardening Exercises (including Demon Hunter Exercises), Martial Arts Techniques, and Chi mastery (including Advanced), and Specialty Katas (Stances, & Chi & Weapons only) and Arts of Invisibility.
14th: +1 attack, +1 (4 feet) to leap
15th: +1 to dodge and auto-dodge/roll.

Special Martial Abilities:

Chi Awareness (Positive & Negative
Chi Relaxation (positive & Negative)
Defend against Chi Attacks (Positive & Negative):
Dragon Chi or Fu Zhensong (positive):
Body Chi or Kokyu (positive):
Great Leap Positive & Negative
Battle Aura(Superior
Chi/Manna Claws
Elemental Aura
Battle Aura (Greater)
Breaking Point
Butterfly Kiss
Dimensional Cloak
Splitting Cat Hairs
Negative Chi Control
Control Negative Chi
Activate Negative Chi
Dark Chi or Chakuri-Chi (Negative)
Enslave/Control through Negative Chi
Negative Chi Polarity
Chi Anemia – Hsueh Chi
Demon Chi Possession – Kuei Chi:
Rising Chi Cough – Ou Ni Shang Chi (negative)

Steel Hand
Aite wo Kuzusu
Junan na Shintai:
Shintai no Chushin wo Tadasu
Tai Sabaki
Yung Kung (Leaping Training)
Body Training
Endurance Training

Martial Arts Analysis
Layout Tracking
Combat Sync
Falling Technique
Tamashiwara (“Art of Breaking”)
Martial Art Awareness or Zanshin
Sword Chi Technique
Okugi Yaiba (Hidden Blade)
Leaping Technique:
Yuk Gum Techniques (Inverted Sword Techniques)
Poison Hand Technique
Mang Dou (Blind Fighting)
Instant Stand
Dirty Tactics


Blind Man’s Kata
Hidden Weapons Kata (Hammer space Mastery)
Geometric Defense
Geometric Attack
Ding Mao Kuen (Stinging Hands Form)

Standard Equipment Carried:

PAS-8 "Predator" Body Armor:
The Stealthy Predator adds a realm of deadliness into defense, providing a surprisingly agile armor for it's weight, and about stretches the limits of normal body armors; They're powered if they're better than the Predator. Definitely a body armor for stronger individuals, and considering the Elven makeup of Kalyaran's species, tall, relatively thin people fit best in these body armors; They are available in male and female versions, and also a slightly smaller version designed to better accommodate shorter people of either sex.
The armor has highly advanced features one would normally only expect on power armor, and because of the highly advanced materials used in construction, is incredibly easy to move in and an excellent choice in armor for anyone planning to enter a combat situation that involves high energy weaponry.
This armor is already in production and for sale on Rifts Earth.
Main Body: 200
Head: 100
Arms (2): 80
Legs (2): 100
Weight: 17.6 lbs (8 kg)
Mobility: No prowl penalty.
Complete environmental battle armor suitable for use in space and other hostile environments.
Computer controlled life support system.
Internal cooling and temperature control.
Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, and humidifier.
Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply maximum.
Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage but Nuclear, Plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
Fully radiation shielded, and capable of blocking up to 700 rads of dosage every four melee rounds (1 minute) with 85% protection against radiation levels higher than 700 rads.
Polarized and light sensitive/adjusted tinted visor with additional sensors and advanced optics: Passive night vision with 1,000 m range, telescopic enhancement with 10 x magnification and 2,000 m range.
Directional short range radio built into helmet. Range is 5 miles (8 km.)
Helmet with removable faceplate.
Wrist and Helmet Mini-Computer: A multi-purpose miniature computer and display that will indicate system errors within the armor, damage levels, and oxygen supply, as well as directions (Compass), calculator, time, date, air pressure, and radiation.
Forearm Vibro-Blades (2): Each of the forearms has 3 large, Silver, fin-like vibro-blades that is fully retractable. They can be used for slashing or stabbing enemy power armor, robots, and aircraft (Along with various monsters). These blades are very similar to the ones used on the Super SAMAS and Death walker, and are an addition the armor made on Rifts Earth.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. from a single blade.
Black Market Cost: 300,000 credits.

Hooded Cloak of Drudane: 100MDC,

Necklace Talisman of Moriquendi: (shows clan),

(2) TK Flame Pistol
Damage: 1D4 x 10
Range: 2000ft
Ammo: 100
Recharge Cost: 20

(2) Dwarven Katana 1D6 x 10 (eternally sharp and indestructible) +5 to strike/parry & iniative

(2) Indestructable Light Saber
Customize handle for hand size made out of Coral/ w Force beacon installed to track if lost or stolen, Lock Switch/ w Hand scanner only the D.N.A..Fingerprint of Darth Shadow can activate the light saber
Allowing the power source to accept Force Energy (I.S.P) [1 I.S.P./P.P.E./Chi) directed from wielder
4 focusing crystals to change length (Pontite, Mephite, Danite, & Relacite) 1inch – 3ft
Light saber White Beam Blade
Damage: 1d6x20+4, or stun damage
Size: handle 14 in. long, blade ranges from 3 feet
Weight: 1lb
Light Output: Variable (Pure White/Ultraviolet) soft glow, about 30-100 watts, clearly visible from miles away at night or in the dark
Bonuses to build this light saber: +65%
Negatives to build this Light Saber: -110%

3 sets of clothing
Jedi Robe (simple, loose, brown robe with a hood attached)
(2) Laser or ion pistol with an additional clip
Pocket computer
Grappling hook with 2000 ft of fiber cord (very thin rope, as strong as steel cable)
Distancing binoculars
Utility belt including 2 holsters for pistol and rewind spool for fiber cord, about 1-50%
A small personal vehicle (something small and not too expensive like a hovercraft, wing board, etc, without any weapons.)

+27 P.S., strength is considered “supernatural”
+20 P.E., (endurance is supernaturally high & they fatigue at only 1/10 the usual)
+16 to P.P.
+3 to M. E.
+22 to Speed
+2 to M.A
+50 to P.P.E.
+60 to Chi
+1d6x33+85 to S.D.C. per level of character (this is in addition to what the character normally receives).
+1d6x17+60 to H.P. to per level of character (this is in addition to what the character normally receives).
+1d6x10+50 to M.D.C. per level of character (this is in addition to what the character normally receives).

+6 to save vs. Pain
+1 to Strike. At levels 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15
+2 to Strike on all hand attack, all Holds/Locks, Chokes, Grabs, and similar attacks
+19 to Damage on all hand strikes regardless of form
+21 to Damage with Claw Hand (and all its variations), Kansetsu-Waza attacks, and One-Handed Chokes
+1d6x12+2 to power punches damage, and also lower the treat the characters hand attacks as if it were a P.V. of 2.
+2 to maintain or break any holds, crush/squeeze attacks, etc.; all Disarms against the character are performed at -5.
+18 to Roll with punch/fall/impact
+2 to Maintain Balance
+3 to Strike with ranged attacks
+2 to Knockdown (increases the chance of knockdown for percentage based rolls by 10%).
+12to Dodge & (Auto Dodge), +1 to Dodge & Auto Dodge: At levels 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15
+15to initiative, +1 to Initiative At levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15 an additional +1 to Initiative is gained, +1 to Initiative when drawing a sword
+11to parry,
+6 vs. magic,
+2 to Rearward Attacks.
+2 to Circular Parry with W.P. Sword,
+2 to Rear Attacks with W.P. Sword.
+3 vs. Elven Magic, Immune to Illusions,
+6 vs. Horror Factor,
+7 vs. spider venoms,
+6 vs. other sleep poisons & drugs/insect & arachnid toxin,
+5 vs. all other injected poisons,
+4 vs. ingested poisons. (These are due to a regimen dosing themselves with poisons daily, a Dark Elf that doesn't continue to dose will gradually lose the benefits of immunity. For each month of skipped dosing a penalty of -1 applies to all poison saving throws until they reach standard levels. Reapplying the dosing schedule will halt further degradation for a month after a second month's dosage, the level increases by +1 for every month until the maximums listed above are reached.)
