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Kasumi Arashikage

· Kasumi Arashikage

By Strider Kage in RIFTs characters that have been created · Edit Doc · Delete

Name: Arashikage Kasumi (Called Midori Kaze) [Green Wind]

Race: Human O.C.C.: Mystic Ninja #2 Level: 4 Alignment: Aberrant

Age: 25 Ht: 5’11” Wt: 160lbs

P.S.: 51 P.P.: 40 P.E.: 37 Spd: 63 P.B.: 15 I.Q.: 13 M.E.:25 M.A.: 14

H.P.: 69 S.D.C.: 263 M.D.C.: 332 I.S.P.: 61 P.P.E.: 75 Chi: 640 Save vs. Poison & Magic: +

Charm/Impress +0% Skill Bonuses: +o% Save vs. Coma/Death: +37% Trust/Intimidate: 0%

Save vs. Psychic attack/Insanity: +5 Save Vs. Pain: +18 Save Vs. Poison/Magic: +8

Spd: of X 20 = yards per minute (1260) x .681818181818 = mph (43) yards per 15 seconds (84) yards per second (21)

Born: Water Dragon year Monkey hour

Aikido Combat Stats:

P: +15 D: +20 S: +16 R: +15 Damage: +51 Disarm: +8 Int: +15 A: Balance: +9

Special O.C.C. Abilities:

(Tumbling/Acrobatics/Gymnastics/Parkour skills:)

While usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an opponent, doing 1D6+ P.S. damage, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee (Note: The tumbler must be weaponless, using both hands to grab his opponent and throw/flip him to the ground).

Sense of Balance:

is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing, 90%+5% per level. (135%)

'Stilt Walk: To construct and walk on stilts, 50%+5% per level of experience. A failed roll means a fall off the stilts (roll every 15 feet walked). (65%) '

8 feet for every other level of experience. Success ratio is 50%+5% per level. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved, or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2D4 damage).The character will always land in a tumbling roll unhurt, when successful. (65%)

Walk Tightrope or High Wire: 60% + 5% per level - (75%)

Rings & Bars: 60% + 3% per level - (69%)

Back Flip and Somersault: +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm's way or over one's opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack. 70%+8% per level. (142%).

Climb Rope''': 80% + 5% per level - (105%)

Climbing: Knowledge of the tools and techniques for climbing up sheer surfaces. Players should roll once for every 20 ft of a vertical climb. Every "skilled" climber gets a second roll to recover his/her hold. Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience. (119%)

Rappelling is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in descending from helicopters, scaling walls, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascending and descending climbs. Base Skill:

30% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means a slip or fumble; roll again to regain hold or fall. (65%)

Prowl: This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly, slowly and +20% carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, short steps and pacing, rifle positioning, prone positions for low visibility, and crawling. A failed Prowl roll means that the character has been seen or heard. If the Prowl is successful, then the character is not seen and may make a Sneak Attack. Base Skill: 46% + 8% per level of experience. (110/130%)(+20% when moving slow)


66’0” long +9’6”ft/level, Fearless of Heights, can hit fist size targets without any penalties

55’4”” high 7’4”ft per level, Fearless of Heights, can hit fist size targets without any penalties

Direction Sense:''' (80 %)

Vault: is a skill where the character runs, gains enough acceleration over a certain obstacle and uses either a hand or foot to “vault” over the obstacle. Timing is critical in the use of a vault but it can propel the character either up to gain a hand or foothold, or over an obstacle that a character without this skill cannot climb. Like several skills the GM requires a 1D20 roll to determine a successful vault;18 for a difficult vault, 14 for a tough vault, 12 for a standard vault, 8 for a mediocre vault and 4 for an easy vault. A failed vault means not climbing it, and being trapped or requiring successive attempts. Vaults can be attempted once per melee action unless there is a failure; then it costs three melee actions before the next Vault can be attempted (hope you have the climbing skill if you need to climb fast). Also, add 1d4 feet to leap distance, and allow for precision landing

Damage from falls 1D6 from a 10 foot height plus 1D6 for each additional 10 feet of height, or fraction thereof.

Pressure Point Control Tactics:


o +2 to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (this bonus applies both to the initial attack/defense and to subsequent attempts to maintain or break the hold). If the character does not possess one or more of the above attacks, the training includes an Entangle attack.

o Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20 (if the character already has a Knock-Out/ Stun attack, from Hand to Hand training, Boxing, ect, reduce the target number by one.

o Knockdown attack - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's leg briefly; just long enough to force them to fall. May be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon (commonly a nightstick or similar instrument). Does normal damage for the application method (i.e., normal kick or weapon damage), and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot (12 or higher, bonuses included). Rolls under 12 which hit do normal kick damage only. Successfully rolling with a knockdown kick means the character does not fall, but suffers normal damage. Maintain Balance rolls are at -5 vs a knockdown kick of this type.

o Disarm punch - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's arm briefly; just long enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character's normal punch damage (1d4 or higher; N&SS/MC characters may use the Fore-Knuckle, Double Knuckle, and Power Punch strikes as well), and acts as a Disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks. As with the Knockdown kick, a called shot (12+ with bonuses) is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do not cause the Disarm effect. Rolling with a Disarm punch means it does normal punch damage, but does not cause a Disarm. At the GM's option, the Disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break Locks, Holds, and similar attacks, as well.

o +1 to Save vs Pain

(Note: Characters with Leap Attack can use these distances in a strike.)

+17 to Damage on all hand and foot strikes regardless of form, and +2d6+2 to power punch, and power kick, and also lower the treat the characters hand attacks as if it were a P.V. of 2, +10 feet to leap distance, and the character can hit fist size targets without any penalties

Feet and Hands are immune to heat and fire up to lava temperatures suffer ½ damage from magical fire/plasma, Gain Trip/Leg hook and Backward sweep now do +1D6 damage each.

+3 to Damage with head strikes, +2 to Forearm Strike Damage, +2 to Escape Neck Holds

+10 to save vs. Pain, +7 to Maintain Balance

Special Ninja Training & Mastery

In the times before the devastation of the Great Cataclysm, dedicated practitioners of the martial arts flourished. As part of their training, many martial artists learned the art of Chi-mastery, the ability to draw upon cosmic energy and direct it through one's will. In the magically enriched world of Rifts, the mystic ninja can use this energy to become more than human.

1. Mega-Damage Transformation: Through sheer force of will and concentration, the ninja can temporarily convert his hit points and

S.D.C., including those from physical skill bonuses, into M.D.C. points, transforming him into a mega-damage creature!

Duration: Three minutes per level of experience.

Chi/P.P.E. Cost: Each transformation costs the character 35 P.P.E. points. P.P.E. is restored at a rate of three per hour or six per hour through meditation.

Healing of mega-damage is at the same rate as non-M.D.C. natural healing — ultimately, it is the character's hit points and physical S.D.C. that is being attacked, even though they are temporarily mega-damage. (Special Note: by level 5 the mystic Ninja’s M.D.C. Transformation can become permanent + gains the following: Gets P.E. x 8 in physical M.D.C., plus 1d10 per level of experience. Can bio-regenerate 1d6x10 per 4 hour period.)

Note: The ninja still inflicts S.D.C. damage from his punches and kicks when transformed into a mega-damage being, until lv 5 when the ninja can choose to do mega damage with his /her strikes at will.

2. The Mystic Art of Stealth: Through his years of martial arts training, the ninja develops certain mystical martial arts powers exclusive to the ninja O.C.C. and some supernatural beings. They are known as the Art of Stealth. The character gets to select one power from this category at levels 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. See the description of Mystic Martial Arts Powers after the skill section.

3. The Art of Escape or Inton-Jutsu: This is ability similar to that of the espionage escape artist skill. The difference is that the training

is more complete, precise and disciplined. The character learns to actually dislocate the bones of his body and contort him/her to slip bonds and to squeeze into openings and compartments normally too small for a human adult to fit. This training also includes muscle control (tensing and flexing muscles), knowledge of knots and ropes, and the ability to conceal tiny objects on one's body. Note that this skill does not include the ability to actually pick locks, only slip bonds that may be locked tight.

In just a few (1D4) melee rounds, the character can escape from any handcuffs, locked chains, tied rope, or plastic bonds automatically

(no need for a skill roll). Slipping out of a straightjacket or similar restraint takes 1D4 melee rounds and a successful skill roll (roll for each attempt; the escape artist can try to slip his bonds repeatedly, but each attempt takes time and may make some noise).

This training is also extremely useful against the martial combat moves that hold, lock joints, or pin and incapacitate. Against holds, the character can escape in one melee action (3 seconds). Escaping from joint locks requires one full melee round (15 seconds).

Against more high-tech restraints, confinement, and difficult maneuvers, the character must roll under his skill proficiency, and 3D4 melee rounds are required to attempt an escape. Game Masters should display common sense when a character uses this ability. For example, even the greatest ninja is unable to escape an airtight jail cell with no openings or vents, and the lock picking skill is needed to open locks and doors.

Base Skill: 46% +5% per level of experience. (76%)

4. Mystic Ninja Psionics: The mystic ninja is mentally sharp, observant and attuned to the world around him at a superhuman level. Instinctively, the ninja can "feel" the forces surrounding him. Initial psionic abilities include: bio-regeneration (via meditation; self) and induce sleep, plus 4 additional psionic powers from the physical and sensitive categories.

The mystic ninja intuitively knows three additional psionic abilities from the physical and sensitive categories for each additional level of experience and awareness; starting at level two (pick one).

At level six, the character also gets the super-psionic power of psi-sword.

I.S.P.: 1D4x10 plus the character's M.E. number to determine the base Inner Strength Points. As a major psionic, the character gets an additional

1D6+21.S.P. for each new level of experience.

5. The Ninja Way of the Horse and the Bow:

Ninja Horsemanship: Includes the ability to ride any horse-like creature at 54% +4% per level of experience. Roll under horsemanship skill whenever performing a leap or difficult riding maneuver (like riding and shooting bow and arrow). The ninja skill is the same as the samurai, whom they often impersonate.

Ninja Bowmanship: The mystic ninja uses the short bow which is easy to conceal. The ninja, although a skilled bowman, loses all bonuses to strike and half their normal rate of fire when off balance or when shooting from a moving vehicle or horseback. The same penalties apply

when using a samurai long bow.

Dodge Arrow Bonus: The ninja can try to dodge arrow attacks, but are -3 to dodge them and -6 to dodge energy blasts or gun fire. As usual, a dodge counts as one melee action/attack.

Rate of Fire with a Short Bow: Two at level one, +1 at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14! Half for a long bow.

Effective Range with Short Bow: 320 feet (97.5 m) +10 feet per level of experience.

6. False Identities: The character will start with two false, real world identities (i.e. Hideo Nobue, the sake merchant and Niitabe Shionya, the monk). Throughout life, the character will create other false identities and aliases. For example, the player group may know him as the ronin, Hiroo Suzuki, while villagers in another province may recognize him as a nameless beggar.

7. Other O.C.C. Bonuses: +5 to P.S. and P.E., +12 to Spd

, +1 to save vs. horror factor at levels 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 15 and +l to save vs. illusions, +2 to strike BAREHANDED ONLY, +5 to dodge

. Also see Ninjutsu bonuses.

8. P.P.E.: Through Chi-mastery, the ninja becomes a living battery of mystic energy which is used to power their special abilities. Permanent

Base Chi/P.P.E.: 1D4x10 +P.E. attribute number, plus an additional 2D6 Chi/P.P.E. per level of experience.

The ninja's power is derived from an inward focus through meditation and Ninjutsu; as a result, they cannot draw on others, ley lines or nexus points for more P.P.E.

Ninjutsu/Tai-Jutsu Martial Arts

The art of Ninjutsu has come to be identified as the art of the Japanese assassin. The Mystic Ninja O.C.C.

These bonuses are gained in addition to those gained from the actual martial art form

The Art of the Ninja: A special form of Hand to Hand combat exclusive to the Ninja O.C.C. The Ninja starts out with a death blow on a natural 20, critical strike on unmodified 17-20, paired weapons, & automatic dodge, as well as the following attacks:

Special Ninja Attacks:

Jab: 3d6MD +P.S.

Straight Punch: 4d6MD+P.S.

Roundhouse: 5d6MD+P.S.

Shuto Roundhouse: 4d6+6MD+P.S.

Kamikaze Strike: 1d6x10+10MD+P.S. , but does 1/8 of the damage inflicted to the character (I.E.: Hit for 70, does 8 to the character, rounded down)

Flying Punch: 1d4x10MD+P.S. (Counts as two attacks)

Snap Kick: 4d6MD+P.S.

Front Thrust Kick: 5d6+6MD

Side Kick: 5d6MD+P.S.

Roundhouse: 6d8MD+P.S.

Jump Kick: 1d6x10MD+P.S.

Flying Roundhouse: 1d10x10MD+P.S. (counts as 2 attacks)

9. Special Mystical Training:

Master of Concealment: Can cast the following spells at will and at NO COST: Shadow Meld, Invisibility: Superior, Multiple Image, Invisibility: Simple, Globe of Daylight, Improved Invisibility, Tread less Path, Mask Scent, Blossom Fury, Flare, Ventriloquism, Glow, Impersonation, Hide, Haze, Gather, Fart, Blinding Flash, Cloud of Smoke, Thunderclap, Fool's Gold, MAGELIGHT, MAGEFIRE, Sleeping (Special Note: These individuals can never gain any other spells ever even if they were to change their O.C.C. to a mage style O.C.C.)

Blinding Flash

Range: 3m radius (10ft), up to 20m (66ft) away.

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Standard

This is the most basic of spells, which creates a sudden burst of intense, white light, temporarily blinding everyone in the radius. Victims are blinded for 1d4 melees, with a penalty for -5 to strike, and -10 to parry and dodge. The chance of falling is 1-50% for every 3m traveled. The saving throw is standard, so those who successfully save vs. magic are not blinded. Note: Does not affect bionic or cybernetic eyes.

Cloud of Smoke

Range: 30ft/level

Duration: 1 minute per level

Saving Throw: None

This enables the Shinobi to create a cloud of dense, black smoke up to 10ftx10ftx10ft per M.E. ft radius, +10ft per level maximum in size, up to 30ft/level away. Victims caught in the cloud will be unable to see anything beyond it, and their vision is impaired; they can see no more than 1m in front of them. While in the cloud, victims will be -5 to strike, and -9 to parry and dodge.


Range: Directly affects the immediate area (10m/33ft) around the caster, but can be heard up to 1km away.

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: vs. Horror Factor

The invocation produces a booming clap of thunder that is so loud that it seems to make the air vibrate. A thunderclap is excellent means of alerting or signaling allies, as well as a way of intimidating ones enemies. As an intimidation device, it will momentarily startle and distract everyone other than the caster. This provides the creator of the thunder with a bonus of +5 on his init, +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and creates a horror factor of 8 (all characters within the area must roll to save vs. horror factor).

Fool's Gold

Range: By touch or up to 2m (6ft) away

Duration: Five minutes per level of spell caster

Saving Throw: Standard; those who save recognize it to be fool's gold. Those with a strong knowledge of metals are not fooled.

This illusion enables the Shinobi to cause any object to appear to be made of gold. After the magician leaves, the object will still retain its gold appearance until the spell elapses. The effect is temporary, and upon close examination by those who can recognize precious metals, it is clearly not gold.


Range: 10 feet/lv

Duration: 2d6 seconds

Area of Effect: One person

Saving Throw: Negates

This spell causes the recipient to emit a loud, raunchy, obnoxiously odoriferous fart for 2d6 seconds. The victim must make a M.E. check to avoid distraction.


Range: 1 sq yard/lv

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: None

This cantrip enables the shinobi to neatly gather numerous small objects into a stack or pile. For instance, if nails, nuts, coins, papers, or like objects were spilled, the magic would bring them together. It can be sued selectively, for instance to separate one type of material from another; but only the selected type would be gathered neatly.


Range: 1 foot cube/lv

Duration: 15 seconds/lv

Saving Throw: None

When a haze cantrip is cast, the atmosphere in the desired area of effect becomes cloudy, as if layered by smoke or filled with floating dust. Any creature attempting to discharge missiles or cast spells at a target screened by such a haze will be affected. The target is 5% harder to hit, so missile discharge is at –1 to hit and saving throws are at +1 (if a ‘to hit’ roll is required.) Hiding in shadows is 5% more effective when screened by a haze cantrip. The hazy effect lasts but 15 seconds. It must be cast over an area with 1 foot of the caster. Atmospheric conditions will destroy the haze if applicable—a good breeze, rain, etc. A gust of wind spell will immediately disperse the haze.

Hide '''Range: 5 feet/lv

Duration: 5-10 minutes/lv

Saving Throw: Standard

this cantrip allows the shinobi to magically hide an object of virtually any size for a short period of time. The cantrip casts a dweomer over the desired object so that it becomes invisible to all who are in front of the shinobi. The dweomer will not work if viewers are beside or behind the shinobi. The cantrip lasts for 10 minutes on an object of 2 cubic yards or less in volume, but only half that for anything larger. Note: The magic does not affect sound, so that if a crowing rooster were made to seemingly disappear, the noise of its cry would still be heard. Likewise, if an elephant were hidden by the cantrip, the sound of its tread, trumpeting, or even breathing might be heard.


Range: 0

Duration: 1 round/lv

Area of Effect: The caster

Saving Throw: None

This cantrip allows the shinobi to impersonate any speaker with nearly perfect ability. The shinobi can only speak in languages he knows, and must possess a small item recently in close proximity to the original speaker (for example, an article of clothing). The shinobi's audience will probably be greatly amused if they can see who is speaking, or completely fooled if not.


Range: Self or 30ft radius around caster.

Duration: Five minutes per level.

Casting Time: One melee action

Damage: None

Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the other first level spells of Blinding Flash and Globe of Daylight. In this case, the photo kinetic energy is spread out over a longer duration. The shinobi can vary the color, size, and shape of the glow to create a display of pretty lights. The glow isn't really enough to see by (less than the light produced by a few candles). It's great for distractions, impressing children, training young illusionists, and making a shinobi seem more intimidating (+1 to horror factor when the glow is radiated from one's self, eyes, clothes, staff, etc.)


Range: 15ft range, affects self or others by touch.

Duration: Two minutes per level

Casting Time: One melee action

Damage: None

Saving Throw: -2 penalty

The Shinobi (or the recipient of the spell) can throw his voice anywhere within range. Imitating voices is not possible unless the character has that skill (+10% bonus if he has it), but the character can grunt, growl, mumble, moan, scream, and change the sound of his voice.


Range: 500 feet maximum (can be seen for several miles)

Duration: Two melees (approximately 30 seconds)

Damage: None

Saving Throw: None

This spell creates a tiny but brilliant spark of light that is used as a beacon. The mystical flare is created at an altitude of 500 feet in the air, where it will slowly drift downwards for two melees before ending (reaching a final height of approximately 400 feet). While the maximum height of the flare is 500 feet, the flare itself can be seen as far as five miles away. The flare invocation cannot be used to blind opponents (see Blinding Flash).

Blossom Fury

Range: 90 feet /lv

Duration: 4 melees per level of experience.

Saving throw: None for visual impairments; Save versus Poison for pollen

This spell is very popular among the Ninja and faerie folk of the Pacific rim. A flurry of fragrant flower petals will start to fall and dance upon wind currents creating a beautiful wonder to behold. Within seconds, this turns to a downpour, obscuring sight and smell as if caught is a blizzard. What's worse all caught within the area of affect without facial protection must save versus poison or suffer horrific allergies. These may include burning, watery eyes, sneezing, and extreme congestion leading to the possibility of inhalation of the blossoms gasping for air.

All within the area of affect are nearly blinded by the array of bombarding blossoms, limiting visibility (by any means) to 5 feet (1.5 m) and all tracking abilities by scent become useless due to the overwhelming masking scent of the flower petals. While within the blossom fury, victims will be -4 to strike, parry and dodge. If they do not have proper protection (goggles, air filtration, mask, etc.) they will also suffer an additional penalty of -1 to strike, parry and dodge. These added penalties will last up to 2D4 melees after the spell's duration has elapsed.

Mask Scent

Range: 10 foot radius (3 m) plus 3 feet (1 m) per each additional level of experience.

Duration: 48 melees (12 minutes) plus 24 melees (6 minutes) per each additional level of experience.

Saving throw: None

The casting of this spell will completely mask the scent of the caster (or object cast upon), including equipment, within the radius of effect. Everything will become odorless, forcing creatures that track by smell, to rely on visual and audio clues. This is also handy for such uses as masking the scent of a cooked meal, negating the nauseous stench of the undead, fumigating an outhouse, among others.

Tread less Path

Range: 10 foot radius (3 m) plus 3 feet (1 m) per each additional level of experience.

Duration: 36 melees (9 minutes) plus 24 melees (6 minutes) per each additional level of experience.

Saving throw: None

Upon casting this spell, the enchanted person and/object(s) will leave no visible tracks. Walking in malleable surfaces such as mud will immediately fill in the indentions made, restoring the ground to its prior untouched state. This spell is ideal for throwing off trackers. This spell, however, does not mask the scent of the person or item(s) that this spell is cast upon.

Improved Invisibility

Duration: 1 minute/lvl

Range: self

Saving Throw: N/A

This spell renders the caster invisible and undetectable as superior invisibility, but can remain so even in combat. This forces a -10 to strike the caster.

Globe of Daylight

Range: Near self or up to 10m (33ft) away

Duration: 3 minutes per level of experience

Saving Throw: None

A small globe or sphere of true daylight is magically created. The light is bright enough to illuminate a 4m (14ft) area per level of experience. Since it is daylight, it can keep vampires at bay just beyond the edge of the light and may frighten subterranean or nocturnal creatures. The creator of the globe can mentally move it along with himself, or send it up to 10m ahead. The maximum speed at which the glove can travel is equal to Spd. 12.

Invisibility: Simple

Range: Self only (includes clothes and articles on one's person.

Duration: Three minutes per level of experience

Saving Throw: None

The Shinobi and anything they are wearing or carrying at the time is turned completely invisible. Any object picked up afterward remains visible. Likewise, any item that is dropped becomes visible. Neither normal nor night vision can detect invisibility, only beings that can naturally, psionically, or magically "see the invisible" can see the character. (Infrared, heat detectors, and scent tracking (animal) can also pinpoint the invisible person).

Although the invisible person is imperceptible to the eye, they still retain physical mass. They cannot go through walls nor can weapons pass harmlessly through them. The character still makes noise, leaves footprints, and physical and magical contact/attacks still affect them as usual.

While invisible, the can talk, weave spells, walk, climb, run, open doors, carry objects, and perform other acts of physical exertion, including combat, and remain invisible. The invisibility is terminated when the magic's duration time elapses or the mage cancels the spell.

Opponents who cannot see their invisible target are -6 to strike, parry, or dodge against them.

Multiple Image

Range: Self

Duration: One minute per level of experience

saving Throw: Special. Viewers may be able to see through the illusion and identify the person, but such rolls vs. magic are at -6.

A shinobi spell that creates three identical images of the shinobi, each image mimics his every movement exactly. Only piercing the false image with iron will dispel it. This is a great way to confuse, scare, and distract an opponent or an angry mob. The deception also provides the shinobi with a bonus of +2 on initiative, +2 to dodge, and +1 to strike.

Invisibility: Superior

Range: Self or others by touch

Duration: Three/One minutes per level of experience

Saving Throw: None

A powerful spell that makes the shinobi invisible to all means of detection! Infrared, ultraviolet, heat, and motion detectors, see aura, presence sense, sense magic, sense evil, and even an animal's sense of smell cannot locate the invisible person! No footprints are made; there is little sound (prowl 85%, and the power to see the invisible will only reveal a semi-transparent, ghost-like image of the character (which gives attackers a penalty of -2 to strike). The spell caster and anything they are wearing or carrying at the time is turned completely invisible. Any object picked up afterward remains visible unless tucked under the invisible garments. Likewise, any item that is dropped becomes visible.

Unlike invisibility: simple, this super-cloaking magic is broken if the character engages in combat/attacks. At that instant, he becomes completely visible.

Shadow Meld

Range: Self

Damage: None

Duration: Two minutes per level of experience

Saving Throw: none.

This unique magic enables the Shinobi to step into the shadows and become totally invisible, even to those who can normally 'see the invisible'. The shadow must be at least five feet long to be an effective hiding place. The shadow servers as a superior means of hiding or moving unseen. The Shinobi can move, walk, or run through the length of the shadow or from shadow to shadow. While in shadow/darkness, the mage prowls at 60% proficiency (or at +15% to normal prowl skill, whichever is higher).

Intense light can dispel the shadow, leaving the mage revealed.

While hidden in the shadow, the character is still susceptible to attack, although attackers are -5 to strike him. Area affect magic doesn't suffer any such penalty.


Range: Self or others by touch

Duration: Four minutes per level of experience

Saving Throw: None.

This spell enables the affected to seemingly alter the color and pattern of their clothes and body, enabling them to blend into the surrounding environment. Movement lowers the effectiveness.

90% prowl skill when not moving.

70% prowl skill if moving less than 1m per melee round or slower.

20% if moving 2m per melee round

Totally ineffective if moving any faster

Mage Light

Color: Black, Brown, Clear, Silver, and White

Duration: 1 hour / lev., or until dispelled

Range: Touch

Comp: Material (wooden staff or rod), Gesture (roll the staff/rod between hands 3 times)

Effect: Causes a globe of brilliance to appear at the tip of a wooden staff or rod. The light is variable, anywhere from 15 - 150 watts (i.e. illuminates 15-300 ft. radius). The intensity can be varied after the spell is cast. Destruction of the staff-rod will dispel the light.

Saving Throw: Not applicable

Mage Fire

Color: Black, Brown, Clear, Red, Silver, White

Duration: 1 hour / level., or until dispelled

Range: Touch

Comp: Material (wooden staff or rod), Gesture (roll the staff/rod between hands 4 times)

Effect: A ball of fire (any color) appears at the tip of a wooden staff or rod. It produces heat, but does not consume the staff/rod. Additionally, the mage fire can fire a fireball once per melee. The fireball does 1d6 M.D., plus an additional 1d6 M.D. at levels 4, 7, 10, 14, etc. The fire gives off about 60 watts (lights 100 ft. radius). Destruction of the staff/rod will dispel the mage fire.

Saving Throw: Not applicable, targets of fireball save on a natural 18-20 for no damage


Range: Touch

Duration: 1 hour per level of experience

Saving Throw: Standard

By touching the target in the forehead, and, failing a save vs. magic, they are put into a magical slumber from which they will not awaken by normal means. Only standard spells of magical negation or 'Counter-Sleeping' will awaken the victim.


Induce Sleep

Range: Touch or within 6ft (1.8m).

Duration: One hour per level of experience (or until awakened).

Length of Trance: Two minute preparatory meditation.

I.S.P.: 4

Savings Throw: Standard; plus unwilling victims are + 5 to save vs. psychic attack. This is not an offensive ability, but is intended to be a recuperative power to induce sleep on those who are ill, exhausted, or an insomniac. The person will fall into a normal, restful sleep from which he can be easily roused. Unwilling victims of the induce sleep psi-power get a + 5 bonus to save (because this is not the intent of the ability) and cannot be involved in combat at the time.


Range: Self

Duration: Permanent

I.S.P.: 6

Savings Throw: None

This is the ability to mentally heal oneself of disease, poison, or physical damage. Unfortunately, this ability is limited to the healing of oneself and cannot help others. The process requires one full minute of concentration, meaning the character can not use any other psionic power during that time. Bio-Regeneration does not restore missing limbs, but does not restore 2-12 (2D6) hit points, or 3-18 (3D6) physical S.D.C. points per melee. In addition, when cuts and scrapes are healed through bio-regeneration there is NO scarring. The psionic can regenerate as often as once every other minute.

Alter Aura

Range: Self

Duration: One hour per each level of experience.

I.S.P.: 2

Savings Throw: None

A truly unique power that many psychic investigators claim is impossible and does not exist. Only a handful of physical psychics can manipulate their physical energy in such a way that it changes their aura.

The altered aura will send the wrong message to those who can see auras. Alterations include:

• General level of experience can be made to seem much lower (level 1 or 2) or much higher (2D4 levels higher) than it really is.

• Conceal the presence of psychic powers.

• Conceal level of base P.P.E. (made to seem much lower).

• Conceal the presence of magic.


Range: Up to 60ft (18.3m) away.

Duration: 2 minutes per level of experience.

I.S.P.: Small — 3, medium — 8, large (over 201bs) — 8+1 per

every 10 lbs of weight.

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects without any other means than directed psychic energy. The character can make an object hop, fall, roll, rise into the air, suspend it there (hover) or make it fly across the room. In order to move an object by telekinesis, the item must be clearly visible, within the psychic's range (60ft/18.3m) and the point of focus. As usual, the psychic must concentrate on what he is doing; thus, each telekinetic feat counts as one of the character's physical attacks. The total number of telekinetic attacks is equal to the character's number of physical attacks per melee; usually 3 or 4. One can attack with telekinesis by hurling an object as if thrown or causing it to buzz about a room, swinging and hitting like a club controlled by an invisible hand. Several objects can be telekinetically thrown around within the same melee round, but not simultaneously. The psychic can only concentrate on one item at a time.

For Example:''' A physical psychic with four, normal, hand to hand attacks per melee can perform four attacks with telekinesis. First, he makes a flower vase fly from the table, aiming it at his opponent's head. Second, he makes the lamp hurl at the guard at the door. Third, the table is suddenly flipped up on end and, fourth, the doorknob is turned and the door flung open.

Four attacks or actions using telekinesis. As we can see in the example, telekinesis can be used to do more

than making objects fly around. The telekinetic power can be used to open doors, flick switches, press buttons, turn knobs and dials, open windows, make a rocking chair rock and so on. The range of possibilities is extensive when you stop and think about it. Remember, each action counts as one of the character's physical actions/attacks per melee.

It is easiest to move or hurl small objects weighing two pounds (0.9kg or less). Maximum height or distance is 60ft (18.3m).

Medium size objects weighing 3 to 20 pounds (1.4 to 9.1kg) are more difficult to manipulate. Maximum height or distance is reduced by half— 30 feet (9.1m).

Large or heavy objects weighing over 201bs are the most difficult to maneuver, reducing maximum height and distance to 15ft (4.6m). I.S.P. cost for large, heavy objects is 81.S.P. for the first 201bs (9.1kg) plus one I.S.P. for each additional 10 lbs (4.5kg) of weight. This means it would cost 19 I.S.P. to move a 1251b (56.7kg) weight (8 I.S.P. for the first 201bs+ 11 I.S.P. for the remaining 1051bs). Remember, the height and distance of effect is limited to 15ft (4.6m) for such a heavy item.

Combat Bonuses:

• + 3 to strike with telekinesis; physical/skill bonuses to strike do not apply when telekinesis is used.

• +4 to parry with telekinesis, by using a controlled object to parry or sheer telekinetic force to block an attack. Counts as a medium heavy object; costs 8 I.S.P.

• Damage from Hurled Objects:

Small: 6 ounces to 1 pound — 1D4

Small: l 1/2 to 2 1bs— 1D6

Medium: 3 to 41bs — 2D4

Medium: 5 to 10 lbs — 3D4

Medium: 11 to 251bs — 3D6

Large: 26 to 401bs — 4D6

Add 1D6 for each additional 201bs of weight.

Note: Telekinesis is not a force field, thus, while it can be used to parry/block a punch, kick, club, knife or even sword, it can not stop bullets, arrows, gas, flying tackles, and similar attacks. Furthermore, a failed roll to telekinetically parry means the psychic did not parry and is struck by his opponent.

Ectoplasmic Armor

Range: Self

Duration: 5 minutes per level

I.S.P.: Special

This ability enables the psychic to mold ectoplasm into a hard, rubbery covering which acts like Bio-Armor (major super ability). The Ecto-Armor starts out with 100 S.D.C./50 M.D.C. and an A.R. of 2; for every I.S.P. point you spend on it (after the 10 I.S.P. you spend to create it), it gains either 30 S.D.C. or 2 A.R. points. Ectoplasmic Armor disappears when the psychic is knocked unconscious. Extra S.D.C. and A.R. (max A.R.= 16) can be added at any time.

Note: For every A.R. point above 8, the character gains cumulative penalties of -1 to Parry, Dodge, and Strike and -2% to physical skills, because of the increasing stiffness of the Armor.

Sixth Sense

Range: 90ft/27.4m

Duration: Until the danger passes or happens.

I.S.P.: 2

Savings Throw: None

The sixth sense is a power that gives the psychic a precognitive flash of imminent danger to himself or somebody near him (within 90ft). The character will not know what the danger is or where it will come from, nor who it will be directed at when in a group. All he will know is that something life threatening will happen within the next 60 seconds (4 melees)! The advance warning time is 1 minute +1 minute per level. +4 ME. Will know direction and threat level The sixth sense is triggered automatically, without the consent of the psychic, whenever his life is in great peril or the life of somebody he greatly cares about (friend, loved one, etc.). The sixth sense is only triggered by an unexpected, life threatening event which is already set into motion and will happen any second. The power can not be called upon at will to sense for traps or ambush. Instead, it works like an automatic reflex. If the character has used all his I.S.P. the sixth sense is temporarily rendered inoperative.


The sudden flash of insight provides the following bonuses. All bonuses apply only to the initial melee when the attack occurs.

+ 6 on initiative roll

+ 2 to parry

+ 3 to dodge

The character cannot be surprised by a sneak attack from behind.

See Aura

Range: 60ft and must be visible.

Duration: 2 melees (30 seconds)

I.S.P.: 6

Savings Throw: None, but a mind block will hide the presence of psychic abilities, the level of P.P.E., and possessions by a supernatural


All things, organic and inorganic, have an aura. The aura has many distinctions and can be used to see or sense things invisible to the eye. Seeing an aura will indicate the following: Estimate the general level of experience.

Low (1-3),

medium (4-7),

high (8th and up).

The presence of magic (no indication of what or power level).

The presence of psychic abilities. High or low base P.P.E.

The presence of a possessing entity.

The presence of an unusual human aberration which indicates a serious illness, non-human, or mutant, but does not specify which.

Note: Cannot tell one's alignment from "see aura".

Aura Colour






Light Blue


Bright Crimson
















Rapidly rippling colours

Meta abilities present

Myriad Sparkles

Magic Use

Dark stain in centre of aura

Undead or Necromantic magic

Spirit's aura overlays mortals


Total Recall

Range: Self

Duration: Permanent I.S.P.: 2

The character remembers every word he reads. Specific blocks of information can be recalled in perfect detail at will. Each block of information costs 3 I.S.P. to recall in absolute detail. If all I.S.P. have been expended the memory is a little fuzzy, so that exact quotes and details may be impossible to recall.

Roll percentile:

1-50—remembered in full detail, word for word;

51-80 — details are forgotten, but the full essence of the ideas are clear;

81-00 — can only recall the most basic concepts; no details nor strong comprehension.

O.C.C. Skills

Blind-Fighting: Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)


Base Meditation Skill: M.E. +5% per level of experience. (45%)

Base Meditation Time: The amount of time that a character can continue to meditate: One hour at first level, with an additional fifteen minutes at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels. At 6th level the meditation time jumps to three hours, and the character picks up another advancement into 7th level and beyond. (2hr)

Philosophy: (Taoism, Buddhism, Bushido, Shinto, Ninja Code of Honor, Tendai Buddhism, Kokka Shinto, Mikkyo Buddhism, Niñpo, Ryobu Shinto) Base Skill: 36% + 6% per level of experience. (60%)

Recognize Weapon Quality: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (45%)




Climbing: Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.

Rappelling Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (+15%)

Disguise: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. Reduce the character's skill by half when he tries to determine if someone else is wearing a disguise. (65%)

Escape Artist: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)

Forgery: Skilled forgers can recognize other counterfeits at -10%. Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (+10%)

Imitate Voices and Impersonation: Base Skill: 36%/16% + 4% per level of experience. (+14%)

Palming: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (+15%)

Pick Locks: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (+10%)

Pick Pockets: This skill is also useful for planting small items in a person's pocket without the person being aware of it, but at a penalty of -10%. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (+10%)

Prowl: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (+10%)

Streetwise: Base Skill: 20% + 4% per level of experience. (+20%)

Language and Literate in Japanese [stage 4], Chinese [stage 4] (Mandarin), (Cantonese), (Han), & English 98%

Tracking: Persons attempting to follow a skilled tracker are -25% when following his trail if he is trying to conceal his trail. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)

Swimming: A character can swim a distance equal to 3x his PS in yards/meters per melee. This pace can be maintained for a total of minutes equal to his PE/endurance (indefinitely for naturally aquatic life forms). Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (100%)

Swimming - Competitive: . Base Skill: 70% + 8% per level of experience. (102%)

Swimming - S.C.U.B.A.: A character can swim a distance equal to 2x his P.S. in yards/meters per melee, maintained for total of melees equal to his P.E. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)

Camouflage: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (40%)

Detect Concealment: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience (60%)

Mathematics: Basic: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (95%)

Lore: Demons & Monsters: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (45%) [Eastern & Western]

Lore: Faerie: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (45%) [Eastern & Western]

Lore: D-Bee: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (45%) [Eastern & Western]

Radio: Basic: Basic Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)

Detect Ambush: . Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (70%)

Trap/Mine Detection: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. Add +50% when using special detection equipment to locate mines/ explosives, or +10 to locate other types of traps with detection equipment. (+10%)

Detect Concealment (+10%)


Strategy/Tactics: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)

Ninja Psychological Warfare: . Base Skill: 30%+5% per level of experience. (50%)

Hotarubi: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (70%)

Ninja First Aid Techniques: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (70%)

Ninja Cryptographic Codes: Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience. (55%)

Use Ninja Equipment: Base Skill: 35%+5% per level of experience. (55%)

Prepare Doku: Base Skill: 34%/26%+4% per level of experience. (54/46%)



Meteorology: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience (50%)

W.P. Blunt: Training with all types of blunt weapons including mace, hammers, cudgels, pipe, staff and clubs. Bonuses: +1 to strike at level one. Add +1 to strike at levels 3, 5, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to parry at levels 2, 6, 9, 12 and 15. +1 to throw at levels 4, 7, 10 and 13. - paired

W.P. Chain: Training with all types of chain weapons including ordinary lengths of chain, nunchaku, flail, and ball or mace and chain. Bonuses: +1 to strike and entangle at level one. Add another +1 to strike at levels 3, 5, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to parry at levels 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to throw at levels 6 and 12. +1 to entangle at levels 2, 5, 8, 11 and 14.

- paired

W.P. Sword: Combat skills with large and small swords, including fencing type training. Includes rapiers, sabers, two handed, and short swords. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one, an additional +1 to strike at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.+1 to parry at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 5, 10 and 14. -paired

W.P. Small Thrown Weapons: Includes shuriken, throwing spikes, etc. Bonuses: Start with being able to fire off 3 per melee round. +1 to throw at levels 4, 7, 10 and 13. Extra shot per melee at levels 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14 and 15. -paired

W.P. Archery and Targeting: This is an expertise with thrown and bow weapons. It includes throwing spears, forks, slings, short bows, long bows, crossbows, and modern bows. Bonuses: Add 20 feet to the normal effective range per level or the character, +1 to parry with that weapon (effective at level one), and +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 6, 8, 11 and 14. Note: The character loses all bonuses and rate of fire is half when riding on horseback or a moving vehicle. Rate of Fire: Two at level one, +2 at level three, +1 at levels 5, 7, 9 and 12. – paired

W.P. Improvisation: This is simply the ability to use any available materials at hand and use them as effective weapons. This includes the use of dirt to temporally distract/blind your opponent, the the use of sharpened tree branches to use as spears. With this skill almost anything can be a deadly weapon.

W.P. Mouth Weapons: Includes blowpipes, mouth darts, and other weapons that depend on a person's lungs and aim out of the mouth. Bonuses: +1 to strike at 1st level. Add 1 to strike at 4, 8, and 12th levels. An extra shot per melee round is added at 3, 7, and 11th levels.

W.P. Staff: Combat skill with large and small staffs. Bonuses: +1 to strike and parry at level one. +1 to strike at levels 4, 7, 10 and 14. +1 to parry at levels 2, 5, 8, 11, and 14. +1 to throw at levels 4, 8 and 14.

W.P. Bow: Includes short bow, long bow, samurai bow, Mongol bow, and Ninja short bow, as well as modern compound bows. Bonuses: Start with +1 to strike and two shots per melee round. Add 1 to strike at 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, and 14th levels. An extra shot per melee round is added at 2nd, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, and 14th levels.

W.P. Knife: Training with all types of knives. Bonuses: +1 to strike when thrown on level one. +1 to strike at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 and 13. +1 to parry at levels 2, 4, 8, 11 and 14. +1 to throw at levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13 and 15. -paired

Hand to Hand: Arashikage Clan Ryu Ninjutsu

O.C.C. Related Skills:

Parkour/Free Running

simply put, Parkour and Free Running is the practice of getting from point A to point B in the fastest most direct path possible, whether it be climbing a wall, jumping off a building, walking on railings, or many other feats of speed and agility. For the first few levels, the skills are all for getting from point A to Point B. At level 4 is when more free style comes into play.

Requirements: Must be part of a Skill program or if using an O.C.C. system, an O.C.C. related skill. Secondary skills cannot be used to acquire Parkour/Free Running.

Character Bonuses: +1 to P.S., +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E., +1D6 to Spd and +2D6 to S.D.C. Can jump strait up 2ft +4in per level and can jump forward 4ft +6in per level. +10% to Climbing, Prowl, Balance Sense, Back flip and climb Rope skills

Automatically starts with the skills of:

Roll 80%+1% per level of experience , Cat leap 65%+3% per level of experience, Back-flip 45%+5% per level of experience, Speed Vault 60%+5% per level of experience, Monkey Vault at 50%+5% per level of experience, Revere Vault at 40%+5% per level of experience, Superman at 55%+5% per level of experience, Dash Vault 50%+5% per level of experience, Precision 45%+5% per level of experience, Rocket Vault at 50%+5% per level of experience, and Triple Kong 40%+5% per level of experience, Wall Flip 35% +5% per level of experience. This special move uses the Back Flip bonus but must be done off a wall and must require having the initiative or as a dodge. The character can Wall Flip into a standing position and can dodge melee attacks as long as the Wall Flip is successful. A failed Wall Flip dodge cannot be negated for damage by a Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact and the fall does 1D6 damage plus the character takes full damage from the opponents attack.

Basic Moves and Special Techniques: Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Back Flip – Escape, Somersault – Escape, Vault*, Maintain Balance, Grab, and Automatic Dodge.

Level Advancement Bonuses

1st: Add +1 to Vault and +2 to Back Flip +6 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact.

2nd: Add +2 to Vault, +1 to Back Flip and +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5% to Monkey Vault and +5% to Revere Vault at +5% to Superman and +5% to Dash Vault

3rd: Add Leap – Escape, The PC can now jump from great heights and land safely, usually by throwing themselves into a roll. +10ft +1ft per level.

4th: Add +2 to Vault, add +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact and +1 to Somersault

5th: Add +1 to Spd and +2 to Maintain Balance +1to roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +5% to Precision. +5% to Rocket Vault.

6th: Add +1 to Grab and +1 to Vault +5% to Triple Kong

7th: Add 8th: +2 to Vault and +1 to Grab, + 5% to Wall Flip.

8th: +2 to Vault and +1 to Grab

9th: Add +1 to Automatic Dodge +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

10th: Add +1 P.S. +1 P.P. +1 Maintain Balance and +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

11th: Add +1 to Back Flip and +1 to Somersault

12th: Add +1 to Vault and +2 to Maintain Balance

13th: Add +1 to Vault and +2 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

14th: Add +2 P.E. +1to roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Maintain Balance

15th: Add +1 to Grab and +1 to Somersault

Massage: Base Skill: 50%+5% per level of experience. (85%)

Shiatsu: Base Skill: 25%+5% per level of experience. (60%)

Acupuncture & Moxibustion: Base Skill: 30/20%+5% per level of experience. (65/55%)

Acupressure: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)

Holistic Medicine: Base Skill: 20% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)

Intelligence: Base Skill: 32% + 4% per level of experience. (58%)

Xenology: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)

Biology: Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (50%)

Surveillance: Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)

Hojo-Jutsu: (-15% to the opponent's Escape Artist roll). Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. (60%)

Use/Recognize Poison: Base Skill: 24%/16% + 4% per level of experience. 68/46%)

Plus select an additional skill at levels 5, 7, 9, 11 and 15. All new skills start; at level one proficiency.

Communications: Any

Domestic: Any (+10%)

Electrical: None

Espionage: Any (+10%)

Mechanical: None

Medical: Only First Aid, Massage, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Acupuncture, and holistic medicine

Military: Camouflage only

Physical: Any (+5% when applicable)

Pilot: Horsemanship: exotic animals, motorcycle & hover car only.

Pilot Related: None

Rogue: Any, except computer hacking (+10%).

Science: Any

Technical: Any (+10% on all language skills)

Weapon Proficiencies: Any; tend to stick with ancient types.

Wilderness: Any (+5%)

Secondary Skills:

Play Musical Instrument[Flute]: Base Skill: 35% + 5% per level of experience. (55%)

First Aid: Base Skill: 45% + 5% per level of experience. (65%)

The mystic ninja also gets to select two secondary skills at levels 5, 9 and 12. These shadow warriors adapt to their environment, so many learn a handful of tech-skills. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus listed in the parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previously indicated in the list.

Special Martial Arts Form:

Arashikage Clan Ryu Ninjutsu

Arashikage Clan history:

Centuries ago the Jewel of Amaterasu was bestowed to the Emperor's general, who formed a clan to protect this Jewel, that clan became the Arashikage Clan.

The Jewel of Amaterasu allows the user to harness all chi that surrounds them, the force of life itself. This Jewel is so powerful and dangerous that it had to be hidden and protected for centuries. Omikana Clan & Arashikage Clan formed a truce and a pack to hide the Jewel of Amaterasu from the powerful Nobunaga and men like him. The Omikana Clan would hide & protect the Scroll of Tokagura, which identifies the temple the Jewel is at and the Arashikage Clan would pass on the living map called the Kata (a series of secret fighting moves) that reveal the actual placement of the hidden Jewel once at the correct temple. The Kata is so secret that if any non Arashikage Clan member ever saw it they would have to be killed.

The Arashikage are an ancient, respected clan of shinobi for hire that were known and feared for their great skill and determination. Generations ago the clan disappeared without explanation. If they were wiped out, no one took credit for it, and if they are still operating, it is with the utmost secrecy.. Centuries ago in Japan, the Arashikage clan was a renowned family of ninjas. The clan was famous for their techniques, including the:

"Arashikage Mind-Set," the "Sleeping Phoenix," the "Ear That Sees," and the "Cloak of the Chameleon."

Entrance Requirements: No Alignment restrictions. Requires minimum M.E.: 10, P.S.: 10, P.E.: 10, and P.P. of 10.

Skill Cost: 14 Years

Costume: Shinobi Shozoku: The ninja outfit consists of jacket, hakama (loose pants), hand gauntlets, sandals, tabi socks, double belt, leg ties, separate leg and arm pieces, and quilted groin and body protector. Numerous pockets are designed for concealing shuriken and other Ninja items. Also comes with a two-part hood. All of the clothing is relatively loose, with ties around the waist, wrists and ankles. (For just the clothing, A.R.: 8 and S.D.C: 15) For fighting operations on the battlefield there were chain mail jackets and leggings. Chain mail guards for the wrists, hands and neck along with a metal chin guard completed the armor. Armor triples the price of the outfit. (For chain mail armor additions, A.R. 13 and S.D.C. 59) The clothing is traditionally died one of several colors, depending on the environment in which the shinobi is working: the default color is off-black for night and utter blackness, (signifies: Student LV), brown for fields and forests, gray for stone and urban settings, (Signifies Graduate Lv), and white for snow, (Signifies Master Lv). True black is not available, the closest being a nearly black, dark red or dark indigo, dark brown or rust colored, due to the available dyes. For more theatrically inclined ninja, the following colors are available; blue for ninja which clumsy, incapable, or poor, red (signifies Outsiders and Family Hopefuls), and/or orange for villainous ninja (especially ninja assassins), grey for neutral ninja, (Family graduate lv), white for good ninja and evil ninja attempting to mend their ways, and no color or shinobi shozoku at all for powerful ninja. Reversible forms of shinobi shozoku may be made (or bought), with a second color or even a complete set of faux garb that can be used as a disguise (such as common bonge garb, priest’s garb, etc.) when the garb is turned inside out. A second color on the reverse of the garb adds +50% to the listed cost; having a set of faux garb on the reverse doubles the cost of the shinobi shozoku.

Stance: Shizen no Kamae: This is the natural stance, where the hips and the shoulders are square to (facing) the opponent. The hands hang naturally and the feet are shoulder width apart. The knees and elbows are not locked; they are soft, slightly bent. The head is erect.


Add +9 to P.S. Add +3d4+2 to P.P., Add +7 to P.E., Add +8 to Spd. Add +5+1d6x12 to S.D.C, Add +1 to M.E., +x8to Chi


Attacks per Melee: 4

Escape Moves: Maintain Balance, Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, Leap, Cartwheel, Back Flip.

Attack Moves: Roll, Somersault, Cartwheel, Back Flip.

Basic Defense Moves: Automatic Parry, Dodge, Parry, Cartwheel, Back Flip.

Advanced Defense Moves: Disarm, Breakfall, Circular Parry.

Hand Attacks: Strike (punch), Claw Hand, Fingertip Attack, Fore Knuckle Fist, Thumb Drive Fist (Boshi Ken).

Basic Foot Attacks: Kick Attack, : Backward Sweep, Forward Sweep, Kick Attack, Snap Kick.

Jumping Foot Attacks: Jump Kick.

Special Attacks: Roll/Knockdown, : Choke, Death Blow (REVISED!), Death Blow from Behind (NEW!), Death Strike (NEW!), Death Touch (NEW!), Elbow, Hip Throw (New!), Knee, Pommel Strike (New!), Roll/Knockdown, Shoulder Throw (New!), Shuriken Stab (New!), Sweeping Throw (New!).

Holds/Locks: Arm Hold, Elbow Lock, Neck Hold/Choke, Wrist Lock.

Special Ninja Attacks:

Jab: 3d6MD+P.S.

Straight Punch: 4d6MD+P.S.

Roundhouse: 5d6MD+P.S.

Shuto Roundhouse: 4d6+6MD

Kamikaze Strike: 1d6x10+10MD+P.S., but does 1/8 of the damage inflicted to the character (I.E.: Hit for 70, does 8 to the character, rounded down)

Flying Punch: 1d4x10MD+P.S. (counts as two attacks)

Snap Kick: 4d6MD+P.S.

Front Thrust Kick: 5d6+6MD+P.S.

Side Kick: 5d6MD+P.S.

Roundhouse: 6d8MD+P.S.

Jump Kick: 1d6x10MD+P.S.

Flying Roundhouse: 1d10x10MD+P.S. (counts as 2 attacks)

Weapon Kata: (Choose Five): W.P. Bisento (Polearm), W.P. Black Powder (or Matchlock), W.P. Hanbo (Blunt), W.P. Jo (Staff), W.P. Jutte (Forked), W.P. Katana (Large Sword), W.P. Kodachi (Short Sword), W.P. Kusari Fundo (Chain), W.P. Kusarigama (Axe & Chain), W.P. Kyoketsu Shoge (Knife & Chain), W.P. Naginata (Polearm), W.P. Ninjato (Short Sword), W.P. Rokushaku Bo (Staff), W.P. Shuriken (Thrown), W.P. Tanto (Knife), W.P. Tessen (Fan), W.P. Yari (Spear).

Modifiers to Attacks: Critical Strike, Critical Strike from Behind, Knockout/Stun, Knockout from Behind, Pull Punch, Death blow from Behind.


Martial Art Powers: (2) Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri, Falling Technique, Deception, Leaping Technique, Poison Hand Technique, Kuji Kiri (Finger Weaving Technique), Kosshijutsu, Koppojutsu, Instant Stand, Ankokutoshijutsu, Art of Stealth or P1 Mi Using Tung, Art of Disguise or Hensho jutsu, Art of Escape or Inton Jutsu, Art of Hiding or Inpo Shinobi Aruki, Chikairi, Shinobi Iri or Art of Stealthy Entering, Plus Select a total of Ten (10) Martial Art Powers from among: Atemi, Arts of Invisibility, Martial Art Techniques, Body Hardening Techniques, and Special Kata, Chi Mastery Techniques. If desired, any number of Martial Art Powers can be traded, on a one-for-one basis, for Basic Skill Programs (excluding Physical).

Languages: Japanese, Chinese, and English.

Cultural: Camouflage, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fortress Design & Penetration (New!), Geography (New!), Meteorology (New!), Strategy, Tactics, and Use Ninja Equipment (New!), Use Ninja Tools (New!)..

Physical: Blind Fighting, Wrestling, Boxing, Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Tumbling, Prowl, Climbing, Swimming, and Swimming: Scuba, Swimming Competitive. Blind-Fighting: The skill of fighting in conditions of poor or no light. The character only suffers half the normal penalties for fighting in complete darkness or when blinded, and only suffers one quarter the normal penalties of blindness when fighting under starlight (characters without the skill normally only suffer half of the normal penalties). Also when dealing with invisible opponents, the character only suffers half the normal penalties. To receive these benefits the player must roll under the blind fighting skill percentage. Also the character has a chance of detecting the presence of an invisible creature, equal to half the skill proficiency. Base Skill: 10% + 5% per level of experience.

Meditation: Involves engaging the mind and body so that the body remains motionless, but without fatigue or pain, and the mind stays in a clear, calm and rested state. While meditating a character recovers Chi, I.S.P., P.P.E. and other internal resources at an accelerated rate. Although it is not a substitute for sleeping, characters will usually feel alert and refreshed after any period of meditation. When in a meditative state they character is, at a subconscious level, well aware of what is happening in the environment and can instantly leave the meditation position with no combat penalties.

Base Meditation Skill: M.E. +5% per level of experience.

Base Meditation Time: The amount of time that a character can continue to meditate: One hour at first level, with an additional fifteen minutes at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th levels. At 6th level the meditation time jumps to three hours, and the character picks up another advancement into 7th level and beyond.

Pressure Point Control Tactics: Developed by physicians in association with law enforcement personnel, PPCT is a relatively simple, reliable system of pressure point manipulation designed to aid the officer in apprehending and controlling a suspect with minimal use of force. In game terms, it acts as a supplement to the character's Hand to Hand skill, similar to Boxing or Wrestling. It is available only as a Scholastic or "Other" skill, and should ideally be restricted to characters with a law enforcement/security or martial arts background. Bonuses:

o +2 to Hold/Lock, Pin/Incapacitate, or Entangle (this bonus applies both to the initial attack/defense and to subsequent attempts to maintain or break the hold). If the character does not possess one or more of the above attacks, the training includes an Entangle attack.

o Knock-Out/Stun on Natural 20 (if the character already has a Knock-Out/ Stun attack, from Hand to Hand training, Boxing, ect, reduce the target number by one.

o Knockdown attack - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's leg briefly; just long enough to force them to fall. May be performed with a kick or with a blunt weapon (commonly a nightstick or similar instrument). Does normal damage for the application method (i.e., normal kick or weapon damage), and the opponent loses initiative and one attack. Requires a called shot (12 or higher, bonuses included). Rolls under 12 which hit do normal kick damage only. Successfully rolling with a knockdown kick means the character does not fall, but suffers normal damage. Maintain Balance rolls are at -5 vs a knockdown kick of this type.

o Disarm punch - using basic pressure points, the character numbs the opponent's arm briefly; just long enough to cause them to drop their weapon or other carried object. Does the character's normal punch damage (1d4 or higher; N&SS/MC characters may use the Fore-Knuckle, Double Knuckle, and Power Punch strikes as well), and acts as a Disarm attack. The disarm punch takes two attacks. As with the Knockdown kick, a called shot (12+ with bonuses) is required; lower rolls do normal damage but do not cause the Disarm effect. Rolling with a Disarm punch means it does normal punch damage, but does not cause a Disarm. At the GM's option, the Disarm punch may be used to force opponents to break Locks, Holds, and similar attacks, as well.

o +1 to Save vs Pain

Weapon Proficiencies

Temple: Meditation.

Weapon Proficiencies: (Pick Ten): W.P. Axe, W.P. Black Powder (or Arquebus & Matchlock), W.P. Blunt, W.P. Bow, W.P. Chain, W.P. Fan, W.P. Forked, W.P. Knife, W.P. Large Sword, W.P. Mouth Weapons, W.P. Net, W.P. Polearm, W.P. Short Sword, W.P. (Demon) Snare, W.P. Spear, WP Improvised, W.P. Staff, and W.P. Thrown.

Philosophical Training:

Ninja Code of Honor: The ninja code of honor stresses four areas, motivation towards the mission, loyalty to the clan and ryu, improvisation through awareness, and disguising one's true nature. Motivation to the mission is stressed by accepting missions only from the ninja's chunin, considering the enemies of the employer as one's own enemies, never refusing or questioning a mission, failure not being an option in the mission, putting the mission before oneself, killing in a mission when necessary and avoiding killing when not necessary, escaping when captured, killing one's self when escape is impossible, resisting when suicide is impossible, and taking the life of a comrade rather than allowing them to be captured. Loyalty to the clan and ryu is achieved by never betraying the clan, putting the clan before oneself, not striking another member of the ryu, aiding a genin of the ryu, and not ever leaving the ryu, even to the point of killing ninja who do leave the ryu. Improvising through awareness is achieved by always observing other people and knowing one's surroundings with the thought that one is always being observed and being mentally and physically alert enough to make use of anything at hand. Disguising one's true nature is accomplished through maintaining disguises, never revealing one's true self, speaking in circumlocutions and obfuscation while in public, using code words and metaphors which jeopardize neither one's self or the mission.

TENDAI BUDDHISM: The Japanese founder of the Tendai school was Saichou. Not long after he was ordained, he retreated to a small hermitage at Mt. Hiei northeast of present-day Kyoto. His scholarship and skill at lecturing attracted the emperor's attention, and he was selected to join an official mission that departed for China in 804. Having studied Tendai scriptures at Hiei, Saichou proceeded to the head temple of the Chinese Tendai (T'ien Tai) school. He studied there for nine months or so, then returned to Japan with many volumes of Buddhist scriptures. His attempts to establish an autonomous Tendai school--one that did not have to have its monks ordained at Toudaiji-- succeeded shortly after his death.

Kokka Shinto: State Shinto. The prewar Japanese state distinguished the religious ceremonies of the imperial court and of the shrines from those of other religions. Shrine rites and education fell under public administration, as well as shrine administration and policy. After the second world war, the Occupation authorities issued an order calling for the abolition of this system, which it termed State Shinto. State Shinto was founded on the idea that the prosperity of the nation, the safety of the imperial house, and the happiness of the people are blessings granted when human politics coincide with the will of the gods. This view is expressed by the term saisei itchi, or unity of worship and rule. In ancient Japanese, the same word (matsurigoto) was used to refer to both religious rites and government. Some use the term kodo (Imperial Way) to designate this ideal conduct of politics, seeing the emperor's official worship of Amaterasu omikami and the gods of heaven and earth as fundamental conditions of government.

Mikkyo Buddhism: This form of Buddhism is also known in Japanese as mikkyo, meaning "secret teaching". Mikkyo is one of several streams of practice within the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Mikkyo blends many doctrines, philosophies, deities, religious rituals, and meditation techniques from a wide variety of sources. Assimilation of Hindu and local deities and rituals was especially marked in the Buddhism that became Mikkyo. Such diverse elements came together over time and, combining with Mahayana philosophical teachings, formed a comprehensive Buddhist system of doctrine and practice. Esoteric (Tantric) teachings, central to the Tendai and Shingon schools, also contributed to Buddhism's eventual broad acceptance. These teachings, termed "esoteric" because they were transmitted orally and in secret from master to qualified disciple, were designed to lead a practitioner to Buddhahood in his present life. In this sense esotericism was highly elitist, but it was also laced with folk elements, such as techniques of healing and magic, that enhanced the appeal of Buddhism to simple people. Aristocrats and commoners alike were also attracted by the expressions of esoteric Buddhism--Sanskrit syllables uttered as charms, splendid and colorful rites, and images of the buddhas carved on mountain cliffs. The Tendai and Shingon schools, two new versions of Buddhism introduced from China, both established their most important monasteries in the mountains, and mountain temples soon became quite common.

Niñpo: This is an eclectic combination between a code of honor and a spiritual path of seeking enlightenment.

The ninja code of honor stresses four areas, motivation towards the mission, loyalty to the clan and ryu, improvisation through awareness, and disguising one's true nature. Motivation to the mission is stressed by accepting missions only from the ninja's chunin, considering the enemies of the employer as one's own enemies, never refusing or questioning a mission, failure not being an option in the mission, putting the mission before oneself, killing in a mission when necessary and avoiding killing when not necessary, escaping when captured, killing one's self when escape is impossible, resisting when suicide is impossible, and taking the life of a comrade rather than allowing them to be captured. Loyalty to the clan and ryu is achieved by never betraying the clan, putting the clan before oneself, not striking another member of the ryu, aiding a genin of the ryu, and not ever leaving the ryu, even to the point of killing ninja who do leave the ryu. Improvision through awareness is achieved by always observing other people and knowing one's surroundings with the thought that one is always being observed and being mentally and physically alert enough to make use of anything at hand. Disguising one's true nature is accomplished through maintaining disguises, never revealing one's true self, speaking in circumlocutions and obfuscation while in public, using code words and metaphors which jeopardize neither one's self or the mission. Due to the unique requirements of the ninja code of honor, the character does not have to have an alignment with a discipline of honor.

A ninja's path toward spiritual enlightenment stems from the mixing of Ekkyo (I Ching divination), Gogyo Sestsu (five elements of Taoism), In-yo (yin-yang) duality of Taoism (in-yo do, where the yin philosophy of yin-yang is stressed, but balanced with inner yang), Kyojutsu Tenkan Ho (the ability to 'interchange falsehood and actuality'), Mikkyo Buddhism, moral strength, naturism (studying and understanding the workings of nature), Onmyodo (divination and astrology), perseverance when facing overwhelming numbers, Seishin (purity of heart, taught to embody a sense of completeness), Shugendo (the mixing of Mikkyo Buddhism with Taosim and Shintoism), and sincerity. The ultimate goal of this spiritual path is to strive for peace, harmony and enlightenment in all things.


Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho: 'Method of interchanging truth and falsehood'. This refers to the Ninja's preference for utilizing deceptive and non-direct means to accomplishing his goals. Violence and direct confrontation are to be avoided unless no other option is viable. This involves the use of stealth, political manipulation, espionage, reconnaissance, illusion, reverse psychology, suggestion, sabotage, and surprise tactics such as ambushes. Even when the Ninja is forced into a direct battle, he will attempt to make use of evasive and deceptive tactics, including Sneak Attacks.

Wa: 'Harmony and balance'. In Ninpo, life is regarded as the most sacred, superseding value in the universe and it is to be protected at all costs. This refers to the lives of not only the Ninja's friends and family, but those of the supposed 'enemy' as well. Killing another sentient being is regarded as violating the Laws of Nature, unless deemed absolutely necessary as a last resort. Connected with this ideal is Ninpo's prescribed goal of continually attempting to ensure a peaceful balance within human society --- by any means necessary. As something of a paradox, it is sometimes required to perform acts of violence to maintain this balance (but always as a last resort). However, the motivation of the true Ninja must always be to fight not only for the peace of his loved ones, but for the peace of one's enemies as well.

Ninniku Seishin: 'Spirit of perseverance'. The true Ninja is expected to receive all threats, insults, and oppression with a calm, enduring heart. He is not to allow his personal desires to dictate his actions, and is not to indulge himself in such things as hatred, anger, guilt, jealousy, sadness, or malice. Such motivations are not only unhealthy but can also interfere with the success of the Ninja's mission.

Nagare: 'Flow'. In the end, there should be no such thing as surprise to the true Ninja. He is expected to constantly prepare himself for any situation in not only his martial arts training but his mental outlook, as well. He is to develop the flexibility of mind and adaptability of spirit to face any unforeseen obstacles.

Fudoshin: 'Immovable spirit'. The true Ninja is not to allow himself to be possessed by such things as greed, personal desire, luxury, laziness, pride, or egotism. He is discouraged from relying too much on others, even close friends, to accomplish his goals.

Jin: 'Humanity'. The true Ninja is expected to develop a kind and compassionate, yet detached, understanding of others. He is taught to allow his heart to grow into a warm palace and not wither away as a cold fortress. According to Ninpo traditions, the Ninja is encouraged to develop the Kajo Chikusei (Flower Heart, Bamboo Spirit) --- a heart that is as kind and pure as a flower, but as firm and flexible as the bamboo.

Gambatte: 'Keep going'. The true Ninja is expected to train intensively in all the prescribed areas of training, and master many forms of weaponry. The Ninja no Hachimon ('Eight Gates of the Ninja') are Ninja no Kiai (harmonizing of spirit), Ninja no Taijutsu (skill with the body), Ninja no Ken (sword), Ninja no Yari (spear), Ninja no Shuriken (throwing blades), Ninja no Kajutsu (use of explosives), Ninja no Yugei (deceptive skills), and Ninja no Kyomon (philosophical training).

Bunbu Ichi: 'Pen and sword are one'. The true Ninja is expected to study and master many things in addition to the martial arts. These include varying different arts, sciences, philosophies, and so forth. Besides the personal development afforded such study, the goal is to be prepared for any situation one might encounter --- particularly during espionage missions.

Giri: 'Duty and obligation'. First and foremost, the true Ninja is loyal and respectful to his clan and its allies. He is not to betray his clan for any reason and not to go against the teachings of Ninpo. If the Ninja is asked to do something that either weakens or endangers the clan and its members, or that violates the teachings of Ninpo, he is to report the request to the clan heads to determine what the appropriate course of action is to be.

Ryobu Shinto: Dual Shinto, a term used to refer generally to Shinto as syncretized with Buddhism, and specifically to that syncretic Shinto as interpreted by the Shingon sect, in contrast to Tendai Shinto. In the esoteric Shingon sect, the unity of the metaphysical world with the phenomenal and natural world is explained via the dualistic principles of the Kongokai (vajradhatu or diamond world) and Taizokai (garbhadhatu or womb world). According to this interpretation, the relative is equivalent to the absolute and phenomenon is equivalent to noumenon. This principle was extended to assert that the native Japanese deities are equivalent to the Buddhas; for example, Amaterasu omikami is viewed as equivalent to Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana). This school of thought was said to have been initiated by Kukai (773-835), the founder of the Shingon sect in Japan, but it is in fact a later development. Kukai was, however, a strong believer in Shinto deities, and established the shrine Nibutsuhime Jinja as the tutelary deity of Koyasan, the mountain monastery which he founded. Also called Shingon Shinto. Shugendo: The first Japanese mountain ascetics, Shugyosha or Hijiri, were thought to attain great power by meditating and performing austerities on mountain peaks. The best known of these was En-no-Gyoja (En the practitioner or ascetic) also known as En-no-Ozuno or En-no-Ubasoku (En the laic). He is an ascetic who primarily wandered the mountains in Yoshino and Kumano south of Kyoto and Nara. Enno is credited with converting many mountains from Shinto to Buddhism and the founding of Shukendo (Shu=search, ken=powers, do=way; therefore Shugendo would be the "way of supernatural powers"). By practicing ascetic rituals they empowered themselves with Holy and mystical powers to use for the benefit of the community. The maintain these holy powers, Yamabushi often had to perform these rituals with frequent regularity often doing things like chanting the Lotus sutra hundreds of times in a day. they made regular pilgrimages to holy mountains once a season-often in difficult to reach places. When the esoteric Buddhist schools (Tendai and Shingon) came to the mountains of Japan, they brought with them the idea of military prowess. The Yamabushi embraced this idea and begin to train themselves in the martial ways. Stories often circulated of Yamabushi performing extraordinary feats such as walking across burning fires and climbing up ladders of swords as well cutting stones in half by prayer alone or jumping great distances.

If this is your Primary Martial Art then the following other styles can be learned in a shorter time: Fudo Ryu (4 Years), Fukushima Ryu (4 Years), Fuma Ryu (5 Years), Gyokko Ryu (6 Years), Gyokushin Ryu (7 Years), Koto Ryu (5 Years), Kukishinden Ryu (8 Years), Kumogakure Ryu (6 Years), Shinden Fudo Ryu (7 Years), Takagi Yoshin Ryu (5 Years), Togakure Ryu (7 Years).

LEVEL ADVANCEMENT BONUSES: The Character has learned to do Aerial and Ground feats of agility, endurance and strength, such as walking tightrope, high wire, trapeze, and stunts performed above and on the ground. Other physical abilities include, rolls, somersaults, leaps and falls, falls, rolls, tumbles, cartwheels, and to work on rings and parallel bars. Note: Characters with Leap Attack can use these distances in a strike.

1st: +11 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +2 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Strike, +1 to Dodge, Critical Strike or Knockout/Stun from Behind, Death Strike on a Natural 20.

While usually used on a cooperative partner, this judo-type flip can be used on an opponent, doing 1D6+ P.S. damage, plus the victim loses initiative and one attack that melee (Note: The tumbler must be weaponless, using both hands to grab his opponent and throw/flip him to the ground).

Sense of Balance: is the ability to maintain grip, hold or footing, 9''

0%+5% per level. (%)

Stilt Walk: To construct and walk on stilts, 50%+5% per level of experience. A failed roll means a fall off the stilts (roll every 15 feet walked). (%)

Pole Vault: 8 feet for every other level of experience. Success ratio is 50%+5% per level. Failure means only half the intended height is achieved

Walk Tightrope or High Wire: 60% + 5% per level - (%)

Rings & Bars: 60% + 3% per level - (%)

Back Flip and Somersault: +4 to dodge quickly by flipping out of harm's way or over one's opponent. Always ends in a tumble and crouched stance. Like all dodges, it takes place of one attack that melee. However, because the tumbler has flipped a fairly great distance, the attacker also loses one attack, as he must turn around or lunge forward to renew his attack. 70%+8% per level, (106%).

Climbing: Knowledge of the tools and techniques for climbing up sheer surfaces. Players should roll once for every 20 ft of a vertical climb. Every "skilled" climber gets a second roll to recover his/her hold. Base Skill: 50% + 8% per level of experience (%)

Rappelling is a specialized, rope climbing skill used in descending from helicopters, scaling walls, and cliff facings. For game purposes, rappelling will include ascending and descending climbs. Base Skill:

30% + 5% per level of experience. A failed roll means a slip or fumble; roll again to regain hold or fall. (%)

Climb Rope:'' 80% + 5% per level - (%)

Prowl:''' This skill helps the character to move with stealth; quietly, slowly and +20% carefully. Techniques include balance and footing, short steps and pacing, rifle positioning, prone positions for low visibility, and crawling. A failed Prowl roll means that the character has been seen or heard. If the Prowl is successful, then the character is not seen and may make a Sneak Attack. Base Skill: 46% + 8% per level of experience. (%)

Leap: (20’6” long) +5ft/level (14’4” high) + 5ft per level

Direction Sense: %

Vault: is a skill where the character runs, gains enough acceleration over a certain obstacle and uses either a hand or foot to “vault” over the obstacle. Timing is critical in the use of a vault but it can propel the character either up to gain a hand or foothold, or over an obstacle that a character without this skill cannot climb. Like several skills the GM requires a 1D20 roll to determine a successful vault;18 for a difficult vault, 14 for a tough vault, 12 for a standard vault, 8 for a mediocre vault and 4 for an easy vault. A failed vault means not climbing it, and being trapped or requiring successive attempts. Vaults can be attempted once per melee action unless there is a failure; then it costs three melee actions before the next Vault can be attempted (hope you have the climbing skill if you need to climb fast). Also, add 1d4 feet to leap distance, and allow for precision landing

Damage from falls 1D6 from a 10 foot height plus 1D6 for each additional 10 feet of height, or fraction thereof.

(Note: Characters with Leap Attack can use these distances in a strike.)

Crush/Squeeze does 1D4 damage

Body Block/Tackle does 1D4 damage and opponent must Dodge or Parry to avoid being Knocked down.

Leaps: 10ft long plus 8 feet every level, 8ft high plus 8 feet every three levels Fearless of Heights. Damage from Falls 1D6 from a 10 foot height plus 1D6 for each additional 10 feet of height, or fraction thereof., +9 to Roll with Punch/Fall,+ 1 to strike and parry when combined with W.P. Sword, Note: Paired Weapons is a separate skill. See the W.P. Tables in the Combat Section for details. Pin/Incapacitate on a roll of 18, 19, or 20

2nd: +1 to Strike, +2 to Parry/Dodge, +2 to Cartwheel/Back Flip, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

3rd: Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Power from Martial Powers +1 to Roll/Knockdown, +1 to Throw.

4th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Maintain Balance, +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap(+4 ft to height and length), Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

5th: Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Power from Arts of Invisibility, Death Blow (Can be used whenever desired (i.e. No Natural Number required), however, character must announce intentions to use the Attack per Melee, costs two melee attacks).

6th: +2 to Strike, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Dodge Knockout/Stun on a Natural 19 or 20, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

7th: +2 to Parry/Dodge, +1 to Cartwheel/Back Flip, Critical Strike on a Natural 19 or 20.

8th: +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Leap (+4 ft to height and length), Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

9th: Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Power from Arts of Invisibility,+1 to Roll/Knockdown, +1 to Throw.

10th: +1 Attack per Melee, +2 to Somersault, Death Blow from Behind on a natural 19 or 20, Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Powers, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

11th: +2 to Strike/Parry/Dodge, +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 to Maintain Balance.

12th: +1 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact, +1 Attack per Melee, +1 to Leap (+4 ft to height and length), Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Powers, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

13th: +1 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Cartwheel/Back Flip, +1 to Parry, Knockout/Stun on a Natural 18, 19, or 20.

14th: +2 to Somersault, +1 to Roll/Knockdown, +1 to Throw, Critical Strike on a Natural 18, 19, or 20, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

15th:. Death Touch on a Natural 18 thru 20, Select Three (3) additional Martial Art Powers, Select another Mudra from the Kuji-Kiri.

Why Study Arashikage clan Ninjutsu?

Stealth and strategy are the mark of the shadow warrior, And Pure mastery of the unarmed and weapon techniques of Ninjutsu

Special Jutsu Powers of Arashikage Clan Ninja Art:

Arashikage Clan Ninja Art Genjutsu

Level of Ability: Roll on the following table to determine Genjutsu abilities:

10-24 Major Ability: The character is limited to Genjutsu abilities levels one through six, but I.S.P., duration, range, and other considerations continue to increase as the Ultimate Ninja Art practitioner progresses in experience beyond sixth level. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E. number as the base, plus rolling 2D4x10 and adding it to the the base number. The character also gets an additional 10 I.S.P. points for each level of experience, starting at level one.

25-40 Master Ability: All levels of genjutsu powers are available to the master Ultimate Ninja Art Genjutsu practitioner as he increases in experience. I.S.P. is determined by taking the character's M.E.x10 number as the base, plus a roll of 3D6x10 added to the base number. The character gets 120 additional I.S.P. points for each level of experience.

41-00 No Ability: The character gets none of the genjutsu powers.

Genjustu Level Advancement Bonuses:

1st: Automatically receives the psionic abilities of Telelpathy, Empathy, and Mind Block, gains the Illusionist ability of Simple Sound (Old Ones, page 20), +2 to save vs illusions, +1 to save vs Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs, +2 to save vs Horror Factor.

2nd: Gains the Illusionist ability of Advanced Sound (Old Ones, page 20).

3rd: Gains the Illusionist ability of Visual Images (Old Ones, page 21).

4th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Sound & Image (Old Ones, page 21), +2 to save vs illusions, +1 to save vs Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.

5th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Smells & Odors (Old Ones, page 21) and the ability of Senbonken (Thousand Swords: This illusion creates the image in the target or targets that he (or they) are surrounded by a number or duplicates (of the character using the ability) equal to the one half of the character's M.E., rounded down.).

6th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Image, Sound & Order Combo (Old Ones, page 21).

7th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Taste, Image, Sound & Order (Old Ones, page 21).

8th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Mass Hypnotic Illusion (Old Ones, page 21), +2 to save vs illusions, +1 to save vs Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.

9th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Touch (Old Ones, page 22).

10th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Images with Sound (Old Ones, page 22) and the ability of Nimanzakura (Twenty Thousand Cherry Blossoms: This illusion creates the image of a swirling mass of small objects (cherry blossoms, snowflakes, tree leaves, etc) surrounding the target and making it impossible to see very far. Victims who fail their saving throw are -6 to all combat rolls.).

11th: Gains the Illusionist ability of All Five Elements (Old Ones, page 22).

12th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Images with Sound and Order (Old Ones, page 22), +2 to save vs illusions, +1 to save vs Mind Control/Hypnosis/Saiminjutsu/Possession/Mind Altering Drugs.

13th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Multiple Illusions with All Five Elements (Old Ones, page 22).

14th: Gains the Illusionist ability of The Panorama (Old Ones, page 22).

15th: Gains the Illusionist ability of Magnified Illusion (Old Ones, page 22) and the ability of Akuma Fu (Devil Form: This is an illusion of the character seeming to grow in ferocity and size, taking on the form of a great devil, completely detailed. The devil illusion has a Horror Factor of 15.).

(連撃), which means "combo." 3 hit combo doing 3d20 x 30 + psx5

Kuji Kiri Techniques:

Mudra of Subtracting Oneself from the Sight of Others-- Ongyo-in (Kuji Kiri)This is sort of invisibility where the passive, quiet nature of the character provides a natural concealment. Of course, the character isn't really invisible and can be seen, heard, smelled, or touched normally, it's just that the character seems less noticeable.No attacks or other fighting moves are possible while maintaining the Mudra. So long as the practitioner sits quietly, without moving, and maintains the Mudra, he will be invisible to most others (75% chance of not being noticed). If the character is moving slowly the chance of detection drops to 50%. Normal movement negates all effects.Another important aspect of this Mudra is that it conceals the chi of the user, so the character blends in with the natural flow of chi in the area. This means that the Mudra completely shields a character from detection by means of chi. For example, entities of Pure Chi who are able to see chi, will have no chance of detecting the character using this Mudra, it is particularly effective against demons, undead and other creatures of Negative Chi.Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: Half usual meditation levelDescription of Hand Positions: Right hand covering Left hand. Thumb tips touchingChi Required: Eight Range: Self Mudra for Control over Matter- Nichirin-in (kuji-kiri)This Mudra grants the ability to move objects without any means other than directed chi energy similar to telekinesis. The character can make an object hop, fall, roll, rise into the air, suspend it there (hover) or make it fly across the room. In order to move an object by using this power, the item must be clearly visible, within the character's range (60 ft/18.3 m) and the point of focus. The character must concentrate on what he is doing, thus each telekinetic feat counts as one of the character's physical attacks. The total number of telekinetic attacks is equal to the character's number of physical attacks per melee; usually 3 or 4. Telekinetic attacks can include hurling an object as if thrown, or causing it to buzz about a room, or to swing and hit with it as if a club controlled by an invisible hand. Several objects can be thrown around by this power within the same melee round, but not simultaneously. The character can only concentrate on one item at a time. For Example: A character with four hand to hand attacks per melee can perform four attacks with telekinesis. First, he makes a flower vase fly from the table, aiming it at his opponent's head. Second, he makes the lantern hurl at the guard by the door. Third, the table is suddenly flipped up on end and, fourth, the door flung open. Four melee attacks or actions using this power. As we can see in the example, this power can be used to do more than making objects fly around. The telekinetic power can be used to open doors, flick switches, press buttons, turn knobs and dials, open windows, make a rocking chair rock, and so on. The range of possibilities is extensive, when you stop and think about it. It is easiest to move or hurl small objects weighing two pounds (0.9 kg) or less. Maximum height or distance is 60 feet (18.3m). Medium-size objects weighing 3-20 pounds (1.4 to 9 kg) are more difficult to manipulate and the maximum height or distance is reduced by half; 30 feet (9 m). Large or heavy objects weighing over 20 pounds (9 kg) are the most difficult to maneuver, reducing maximum height and distance to 15 feet (4.6 m).Combat Bonuses:· +3 to strike with telekinesis; physical/skill bonuses to strike do not apply when telekinesis is used.· +4 to parry with telekinesis, by using a controlled object to parry or sheer telekinetic force to block an attack. Counts as a medium, heavy object.· Damage from Hurled Objects:Small: 6 ounces to 1 pound (0.17-0.45 kg) m 1D4 Small: 1.1 to 2 lbs (0.5-0.9 kg) -- 1D6 Medium: 3 to 4 lbs (1.0-1.9 kg) -- 2D4 Medium: 5 to 10 lbs (2.0-4.5 kg) -- 3D4 Medium: 11 to 25 lbs (4.6-11.3 kg) -- 3D6 Large: 26 to 40 lbs (11.4-18.1 kg) -- 4D6Add 1D6 for each additional 20 lbs (9 kg) of weight.Note: This power does not create a force field, thus, while it can be used to parry/block a punch, kick, club, knife or even sword, it cannot stop projectiles, arrows, gas/fumes, flying tackles, and similar attacks. Furthermore, a failed roll to parry with this power means the character did not parry and is struck by his opponent. Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: meditation level. Description of Hand Positions: Fingers outspread, palms out. Index fingers and thumbs touchingChi Required: 3 for small objects, 8 for medium, and 8+1 per 10 pounds of weight for large objects. Range: Up to 60 feet (18.3m) away. Mudra of the Knowledge Fist- Chiken-in (kuji-kiri)This Mudra enables the character to see or feel glimpses of the Possible future. This is achieved through meditation or intense concentration in which the character thinks about a particular person, event or place. Add +5% to the base skill if the person involved is a friend or loved one. Sometimes this power works (if the roll is under the base skill) and sometimes it does not (when the roll is above the base skill). A failed roll meals the character received no insight to the future, despite the expenditure of Chi.A clairvoyant trance can be attempted as often as twice every day. The message can be a sudden feeling that somebody is in need ("... something's wrong. It's ... it's ... Janet! I've got to see her!") or, more often, a sudden flash of insight -- a sudden image that races through the mind. The image is like a brief snippet from a movie or a dream. Often all the details are not clear, but the potential danger is. For example, the character is in a trance or meditation, thinking about his/her friend Janet. Suddenly, the mind is flooded with an image of Janet rushing down a crowded street. It's twilight, like morning or evening. She seems very upset. Janet races into the street, ignoring the traffic. There's a gang of thugs riding down the street like madmen. The squeal of horses (or bystanders). Janet screams. The image ends. Is Janet hurt? Killed? Unknown, but the danger is clear. There are also other hints of information: the time of day, Janet seeming upset, rushing, etc. The glimpse into the future could be twenty minutes, eight hours, 24 hours, or a week. The character has no way of knowing. Of course, he has the advantage of recognizing the potential danger as it begins to unfold and may be able to avoid it, stop it, or change the outcome. The image may last a few minutes or be a sudden flash lasting but a few seconds. The flash could be a peculiar noise, insignia, a face, or a specific image like a particular door, object, or person.Game Masters: Be careful not to reveal too much. Use the examples provided as a guide. Remember, these are brief glimpses of the possible future, not a motion picture. The character cannot engage in any actions, combat or otherwise, while using this power, or the image will instantly stop. It usually requires one minute (four melee rounds) of meditation before the image occurs. Remember, a failed skill roll means absolutely nothing happens, but still burns up the four Chi and time.Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: Half meditation levelDescription of Hand Positions: Index finger of left hand pointing up with the fingers of the right hand curling round it. The thumb of the right hand should be pressed against the outside edge of the nail on the index finger of the left hand).Chi Required: fourRange: Self Mudra for Knowing the Thoughts of Others- Naibakuken-in (kuji-kiri)The power of telepathy allows the character to eavesdrop on what a person is thinking at a particular moment. This is done by focusing on that one person and picking up on his or her surface thoughts. Surface thoughts are those thoughts and musings uppermost in a person's mind. A deep probe into memory is not possible. Although the psychic can read the thoughts of several people, he can only do so by focusing on one person at a time. Simultaneous, multiple mind readings are impossible.Limited telepathic communication is also possible. The character can send a directed thought message to one person at a time. The message must be as brief and as clear as possible. Like, "John, I need you immediately. Hurry!" or "Stop! Don't do that." "Come here," "Look Out" or "Press the green button." However, two-way telepathic communication is not possible except between two characters using this Mudra.Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: meditation levelDescription of Hand Positions: All fingers interlocked inwardsChi Required: four Range: Read surface thoughts up to 60 feet (18.3m) away or two-way telepathic communication up to 140 feet (32.7m). Mudra of the Outer Bonds Fist- Gebakuken-in (kuji-kiri)With this Mudra the character can attempt to ascertain whether or not there is a danger to him in the near future (the next 24 hours). The Mudra will only give vague impressions of a life threatening event. This will include a rough time estimate (within one hour of the event) and the type of event (such as falling, combat, and accident, etc.) This Mudra will only identify one such danger within the time period, regardless of how many times it is used in that time period. For example, when the character gets up in the morning, he decides to use the Mudra, and gets the impression of combat in the afternoon. Shortly before lunch, he decides to use the mudra again and gets only the impression that the combat will occur around four P.M. After he gets into a fight with a street punk, who he chases off, he decides to use the mudra again, only this time he would get a null reading since he was still well within the 24 hour time period since he originally used the Mudra. The first time the character would be able to use the Mudra to detect a new danger would be the next morning.Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute) Duration: Meditation levelDescription of Hand Positions: All fingers interlockedChi Required: fourRange: Self Mudra for Strength Dokko-in (kuji-kiri)This Mudra gives the character incredible strength, making the character as strong as a superhuman. Add 20+2D4 points to the P.S. attribute. The character with this Mudra in effect can lift 300 time the new P.S. attribute in pounds and can carry 200 times the attribute. Also, the character will fatigue at one half the normal rate. At the end of the duration P.S. and the other bonuses will no longer be in effect.Meditation Time Required: Two Melee Rounds Duration: One quarter meditation levelDescription of Hand Positions: Middle fingers extended, others interlocked Chi Required: four Range: Self

Special Martial Abilities:

Kuji Kiri Techniques known:

Mudra for Harmony with the Condition of the Universe Sotojishi-in (kuji-kiri) [TOH]This Mudra can be used against any intelligent creature or living creature. It can temporarily bend the will of its victim so that he (it) is under the complete control of the character. The affected person will do absolutely anything the controller requests (other than kill himself or a loved one). All questions will be answered truthfully and in as much detail as requested. However, the controlled character will answer and obey only the person controlling him. A situation in which the controlled character can be made to fight or do something dangerous. All victims of control are -2 on initiative and -1 to strike, parry and dodge because of the disorienting influence of being controlled. Victims will remember their actions after being controlled. This Mudra can be used on a victim 12 feet (3.6 m) away +5 feet (1.5 m) per level of experience. Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: One quarter meditation level Description of Hand Positions: Last two fingers extended to form a V (tips touching). Thumbs extended, others interlocked Chi Required: eight Range: Self Mudra for Control over Energy Daikongo-in (kuji-kiri) [KYO]While this Mudra is in effect the character can channel his chi into energy which can be released as directed pulses. These pulses are directed with and originate from the hands. Damage is equivalent to 1D6 per point of chi channeled, so a character who decides to channel 5 points of chi would do 5D6 damage. Roll to strike as normal with no bonuses from Martial Art forms, Martial Art Powers, skills, natural abilities or Hand to Hand. Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute)Duration: One Blast. Description of Hand Positions: Index fingers and thumbs extended, middle fingers curled over index fingers. Others interlocked Chi Required: four plus however many chi the character wants to invest in the energy blast. Range: 600 feet Saiminjutsu:Utilizing simple Mudra techniques, the character can attempt to hypnotize one person. This involves the rapid weaving of the Mudra of the Kuji- Kiri in bizarre, dazzling patterns. None of the Mudra of the Kuji-Kiri need be known to use this enchantment and it confers none of the powers of the Mudra of the Kuji-Kiri. In combat, this power causes a victim who fails his saving throw to be slowed (loses initiative, is -2 to Strike, Dodge, and Parry). When used out of combat, this power can be used to implant one suggestion into a victim who fails his saving throw. Similar to the psionic power of Hypnotic Suggestion except that instead of working the suggestion subtly into a comment, the suggestion is implanted through the use of repetitive chants. The suggestion must be kept simple and clear in the same manner as Hypnotic Suggestion. Additionally, the spell can make the victim hear sounds or see things just like the psionic power. Mudra for the Evocation of Healing Energy- Ushijishi-in kuji-kiri) [RIN]Note: Must be performed in an area of Positive Chi. This Mudra is ineffective in any area dominated by Negative Chi. If performed in an area with Positive Chi it will automatically cause Positive Chi to wash through the character's body. Negative Chi will be driven out of the body at the rate of one point per minute. Then, when the character is at Zero Chi, the body's normal Positive Chi will be filled, at the rate of one point per minute. Once the Chi of the body is brought back to its full level (or if it is already there), the body's natural healing mechanisms will then be stimulated. Hit points are the first to heal, at about one every five minutes. When hit points are returned to normal, the Mudra will then start to repair any missing S.D.C. at a rate of one per minute. Meditation Time Required: Four Melee Rounds (one minute) Duration: Half meditation level Description of Hand Positions: Index fingers and thumbs extended, others interlocked Chi Required: Four Range: Self

Martial Arts Techniques Known:

Arashikage Mind-Set:

A very little known, very rare Arashikage Ryu Ninjutsu Martial Arts Meditation Technique, combined with Intense training and study of the body and how the mind works, this mind-set allows those who are trained in its use, once they make eye contact or By touch, to instantly free a body from any sort of brainwashing or other mind control power or influence, calm” the mind, and to Speed up the healing process. This skill can be use on oneself and up to 2 other people at the same time, in line of sight or touch range.

This technique includes a thorough study of the art of acupuncture (healing by inserting needles into the body). The result is the ability to resuscitate a character by touch alone. Duatsu can be used to instantly reverse the effect of any other Atemi attack, except Dim Mak! It can also be used to snap a character out of a Knock-Out, Stun, Paralyze or any other form of temporary shock or it can help a person to: Gain great resistance to the effects of insanity or drug addiction. Of course, the character can still have insanity, be a drug addict or an alcoholic, it’s just that the character can hide the symptoms and resist the temptations. This resistance will disappear when the character chi is weakened and drops below 10.

For example:'' Let’s look at our old friend Akuma, who is a recovered alcoholic. So long as Akuma has a high level of chi, he can easily resist the temptation of drink. However after a battle has depleted his chi, he finds himself shaken and tense, suddenly, he needs that drink. Rather than meditating to recover his chi he succumbs to his desire for a beer, from that point on the character is lost, either too drunk or too shaken to recover his lost chi, Akuma will continue to drink and have the affects of an alcoholic until he is made to recover. See the Effects of alcohol & drugs on chi in the Insanity Section

Any character with Arashikage Mind Set can use Mindset to regain lost chi A full hour’s meditation will recover all lost chi no matter what the amount. Note: that this does cure Chi “damaged” Dim Mak and it does work if the character is infected with Negative Chi, it only takes one melee round attack/action to perform. ,

This Also allows the character to heal damage to the body or Chi by hand. One point of SDC/Hit Point damage or Negative Chi infection can be cured per minute of Arashikage Mind Set. A character can perform up to his/her PEx10 in minutes of Arashikage Mind Set before requiring rest, and each minute drains him/her of one point of Chi (which must be Positive).

The result is that the victim will instantly be freed from any possession spell or entity, Chi Control or mind controlling spell, go to sleep instantly, eat without indigestion, relax in the face of danger, and otherwise ‘cool it” whenever necessary.

To use the Arashikage Mind Set on another person; first the martial artist uses the Kuji Kiri as a method of hypnotizing the recipient by intertwining the fingers in a rhythmic manner, then In a two-handed move, the martial artist pushes his palms toward the victim, pulling the hands apart an instant before they would contact the face, then By flooding the mind with a current of positive Chi, it’s possible to attempt a curing of many mental ill nesses. Note that a character can do self-healing with this ability.

The move uses up ALL the actions/attack of an entire melee round and must be done within striking distance from the victim. When used, the character and or those it is used on; is resistant to fear, horror factor, panic, and similar acts.

To use this technique on another person one needs to also have access to the skill of

This means the character can go to sleep instantly, eat without indigestion, relax in the face of danger, and otherwise ‘cool it” whenever necessary

Saving Throw: First the target must save vs. psionics or be hypnotized (without using the modifiers for K.O./Stun). The opponent receives a -4 to save at levels 5, 9, & 13. At 7th level this skill can be done using the entire body, with a -2 on the target's save. Then the subject must roll a save vs. psionic attack/insanity with no ME bonuses, at -10. If the roll is successful, the healing fails. All attempts to heal the Mind are automatically resisted by the subject, no matter how much he may want to be cured.

Cost: All types of Heal the Mind have the same cost, one point of Positive Chi per attempt.

There are the three ways that The Arashikage Mind Set can be used:

Temporarily Healing Insanity: Heal the Mind cannot permanently cure such mental afflictions. However, it will temporarily stop the character from experiencing the usual negative effects of their insanity. For example, a character with a ghost phobia will not be affected by the phobic panic for as long as the healing lasts. Aside from the temporary relief from the symptoms o the insanity, this is a useful in that it allows some characters to come to their senses, realize that they have been acting irrationally and seek some kind of long-term help. Note: It’s impossible to heal an insanity that a character is either born with, or comes about as a result of the character’s own guilt/self-blame or self-hatred, even temporarily. Duration: 1d4 hours per level of the Chi Master.

Healing Induced Madness/Insanity: This permanently heals a character that has been driven Insane by some outside influence, such as results from physical and/or mental torture, drug induced hallucinations, illusions, and magic. By restoring the mind to its proper state, any outside influences are eliminated. This includes changes brought about by hypnosis (for example, this will expose a post-hypnotic suggestion), suggestion, enslavement, or other forms of mind control and psionic manipulation.

Healing /Duatsu: Includes a thorough study of the art of acupuncture (healing by inserting needles into the body). The result is the ability to resuscitate a character by touch alone. Duatsu can be used to instantly reverse the effect of any other Atemi attack, including Dim Mak! It can also be used to snap a character out of a Knock-Out, Stun, Paralyze or any other form of temporary shock. It only takes four melee rounds attacks/actions to perform Arashikage Mindset. Note: Healing Atemi does restore hit points, SDC or Chi. At a rate of: One point of SDC/Hit Point damage or Negative Chi infection can be cured per minute of Arashikage Mind Set. A character can perform up to his/her PEx10 in minutes of Arashikage Mind Set before requiring rest, and each minute drains him/her of one point of Chi (which must be Positive).


+5 to save vs. horror factor, horrific illusions, hallucinations, nightmares, and magic or psionic induced fear. Applicable so long as the character retains at least one point of Positive Chi. (Special Note: The Mind Set is signified by its signature casting pose, where the caster stands with his index fingers touching the center of his forehead, his eyes fixed on the target’s own. To start then the caster uses the Kuji Kiri; a person has to have their eyes open at the beginning of the spell, and must not go unconscious until it is complete. The caster must not break his concentration.)

(Kenzan Motte No Mimi/Seeking with Ears/The Ear That Sees):

A very little known, very rare Arashikage Ryu Ninjutsu Martial Arts Technique called The Ear that Sees, an uncanny ability to tune his hearing to a super human degree. When using this technique, the ninja can locate a target by the sounds they make - no matter how quiet they may be. This allows them, when doing nothing else, to find or locate and see the opponent just by the sound of their heart beat or breathing alone. This ninja-enhanced hearing ability is so potent that the ninja can target opponents without seeing them, even through solid objects such as walls or a door, thus ending their threat before they know what hits them.

Training in this technique allows the character to attack a foe or target that is only heard, but not seen. This technique enhances the character's hearing to allow this aural detection of an opponent. Base Skill: 40%+5% per level of experience. A loud noise is automatically detected. The base skill is used to detect a slight noise, to hear a particular noise in a noisy environment gives the character a penalty of -30%, and to hear an almost inaudible noise, for instance, a snake sliding over a carpet, the penalty is -45%.This technique provides two advantages to characters who train in it. The character can attempt to defend, with no bonuses, against ambushes or sneak attacks from behind, if they successfully hear an opponent make a noise. When fighting in darkness or against invisible opponents, they suffer none of the normal penalties, as long as the opponent is successfully heard.

Bonuses: All negative modifiers for blindness are reduced to zero, , Sense of Direction: 75%. Enables the character to hear tiny, almost inaudible sounds several hundred feet away. 656ft/Lv

At 656ft/Lv he/she can hear sounds as quiet as one decibel. At 1476ft/lv he/she can hears sounds as quiet as 10 decibels. At 3609 ft/lv the audible perception is greatly taxed, allowing him/her to barely hear a normal conversation in the 30 decibel range. Loud or constant noise will reduce the quality of hearing perception. If surrounding noise in the 70 decibel area, the hearing range will be reduced by 98ft/lv. Continue to reduce by 7ft/Lv for every additional ten decibels.

Other Abilities Include:

Estimating the distance of the sound at 60%+5% per level

Estimating the speed and direction of approach at 50%+5% per level

Recognize a voice or sound through intense concentration at 40%+5% per level (-10% if the person is trying to disguise his voice and -20% if the person is using ventriloquism and /or impersonation/imitate).

Imitate a voice at 30%+5% per level of experience.


+1 to Mental Endurance

+1 to Rearward Attacks

+1 to parry

+2 to dodge

+6 to initiative

+2 to Perception

Cloak of the Chameleon:

This A very little known, very rare and unique Arashikage Ryu Ninjutsu Martial Arts Technique is one that they can use to disguise themselves as another person. Not in the visual sense, mind you. This is far more than the simple use of makeup and clothing. The Cloak of the chameleon trains the character to radically change posture, stance, walk and expression also in the actual assumption of their heart and breathing rate, their style of movement, and even the sounds they make when doing so., all those clues that people usually use for identifying each other. Consider how you usually look at someone, generally you don’t study them, you simply glance at them. And you don’t have to see them from the font, you can spot most people you know just by the way they walk and the way they hold themselves. With the Cloak of the chameleon the character has the ability to imitate the movements and postures of many different people. For example, to have the walking and sitting position, groans, and non-verbal complaints of a truck driver exhausted from hours on the road. Using this ability means being able to change instantly. Here’s an example, two policemen are chasing a woman in ordinary dress. She goes around the corner and the police run after. Just around the corner they pass an old woman, she too slowly tries to move out of the way and they easily side step her. A few feet later they discover they’ve lost their quarry. Of course the “old woman” was the woman they were searching for, she had the same clothes, the same face, but her visual clues were so different that they completely missed her. In a large crowd (50 or more people) with the character able to blend in, this trick works automatically. However, in most circumstances a roll for success is required. Characters start with 82% and get an extra 3% per level. Combining the Cloak of the chameleon with the Disguise Skill gives the character a bonus of + 30% to avoid detection. Incidentally, this won’t work if the character is dressed in some outrageous manner. For example, someone in a ninja outfit is still going to look like a ninja no matter what stance they take. However, it takes just a moment (one melee 5 seconds) to whip off the hood, or change the garments in some other way. This technique, the Cloak of the Chameleon, is a powerful complement to any disguise skills that one may utilize. In fact, it is so potent that it is about the only way to fool the Ear that sees, another Arashikage technique that is on a par with superhuman senses of hearing.

Sleep of the Phoenix:

This is another Rare Arashikage Clan technique, a state of mind over matter and extreme bodily control that slows the metabolism to such a degree that it creates a temporary state of suspended animation, simulating death and can slowly over time heal the character. (Special Note: This technique has all of the characteristics of 4 other martial arts techniques all rolled into one ability and required the user to be a minimum of lv 5 to gain it and one must be privy to the secrets of the Arashikage ninja Clan to gain access to it. )

Feign Death: 74% +2% per level of experience. A form of bio-feedback and meditation that enables the character to fall into a death-like trance. The metabolic rate is slowed to the point that the Arashikage Master’s body temperature drops, the pulse is undetectable and breathing seems to have stopped completely. Without hospital facilities, even a Medical Doctor or Paramedic is likely to believe the character is dead. Requires six

Melee rounds (90 seconds) of meditative preparation, and can be maintained for one day per PE point per level of experience without harming The Arashikage Master (no dehydration, starvation, muscle atrophy.).

In this state of suspended animation, drugs, toxins, and chemical damage and effects are immediately stopped, but will take effect the instant the death trance is ended, unless the Trance is used to cleanse the spirit (see the Power Cleans Spirit). 24 hours of Cleansing meditation will purge the body of all impurities, making it safe for the character to awaken.

The Cleansing Spirit: 70% +2% per level of experience. The character can mentally will his body to destroy disease, drugs or poisons, as well as to heal itself of physical damage. This is another spectacular example of bio-feed-back/mind-over-matter. The character is so attuned to his body that he/she can actually boost his/her recuperative power a hundredfold.

To purge his body of poisons or to heal, the character must slip into a deep, uninterrupted trance for 24 hours. While in the trance, the character can not engage in conversation, combat or anything else. Although this will leave him/her vulnerable to attack (it takes one full melee round to snap out of the trance), he will appear to be dead. After the Cleansing Spirit has purged the body of lingering infections, poisons, etc., it can be used to heal physical damage (if uncontaminated by impurities, the character can go right into healing, consequently, the Master will usually cleanse himself/herself once a week). Bodily injury is healed at the astonishing rate of 20 Hit Points or S.D.C., or 40 M.D.C. per 24 hours of meditation. Cuts heal with only slight scarring and infection from wounds that aren’t completely healed is impossible.

A failed skill roll means the character cannot concentrate enough to meditate properly and the healing trance state is not possible. Can try again every five minutes, but each anxiety filled attempt is done with the cumulative penalty of -5%.

Vital Harmony:

Taking control over the body’s digestive system, the character creates a closed system. In other words, the character becomes much more efficient and requires far less food and water. At first level, the character can go up to one week without food and water or, with a small supply of water (a small sip every day) up to three weeks without food. Each additional level allows the character to extend the time an extra day without water and an extra three days without food. Vital Harmony also allows the character to more rapidly rid the body of poisons. Given sufficient water (a 100 pound/45 kg characters will need about 4 glasses of water), the character can rid the body of virtually any toxin within one hour

While in the death-like state, the Arashikage Master cannot be roused or respond to any type of stimulation, including psychic probes. This means he/she is incapable of attacking or defending himself/herself in any way until the trance is broken.

Chi Healing: Specifically, this ability allows characters to heal themselves using Chi energy. It has two uses and is a bit costly. However, it is well worth it. The character can do two types of healing—Trance healing and Instant Healing. A Trance Healing involves the character meditating for a few or so hours to harness Chi into their body and regain S.D.C. or Hit Points. It costs one P.P.E. per point being healed and the character must meditate for 1 hour per 10 points being healed. Instant Healing is the second type of healing and is used best in combat situations or desperate situations. The character has the ability to heal 1 S.D.C. or H.P. per 10 P.P.E. spent. In one attack (not action), the character can heal up to one S.D.C. or H.P. per point of M.E. and P.E. the character has (i.e. a P.E. of 10 and M.E. of 10 would be able to heal up to 20 S.D.C. or Hit Points per one attack). The healing begins at the start of any attack. If a character is interrupted while healing was induced (i.e. a simultaneous attack), then only half of the amount they tried to heal will heal and the character won’t lose the full sum of P.P.E. they put into the healing, they only lose enough for the amount of S.D.C. recovered. Another simple ability that Chi Healing has is ridding the body of infections, poisons, etc. at the cost of 15 P.P.E.—30 minutes of meditation is required.

Bonuses: Save vs. pain, +1 to ME., +1 to P.E., +5 to S.D.C., +1 to save vs. horror factor.

5 Deadly Venoms Body and Strike:

One of the most deadly of the attacks of the Arashikage Ninjutsu style capitalizing on the serpents precise deadly strikes; mixing snake kung fu, Tai-Jutsu and Atemi it is one of the most feared abilities as it introduces sickness or death through the blood stream. This can be done two ways; this is not as much magic as a means of attack, forbidden due to the fact this style corrupts two known martial arts making it simply a deadly offensive attack due to the amounts of ki used. The first method: calls upon the Ki/Chi/PPE/ISP of the attacker centering it around the two striking fingers, so much of the bodies Ki/Chi/PPE/ISP is gathered at this single point to make this attack even possible, the striking hand is said to hold a green aura prior to the strike. The attacker then strikes at key pressure points causing internal damage, ranging from temporary paralysis, blindness, loss of hearing to simple stunning, loss of bodily functions or in more serious cases causing death. Or the most difficult form: specialized training and a very special elixir, and finger fangs, which slip over the finger tips forming hollow pointed fang like spikes to inject an actual poison of choice into the victims system this way.

A very little known, very rare and forbidden Arashikage Ryu Ninjutsu Martial Arts Attack technique, mentioned in very few texts. It's existence is very questionable, as most skeptics point out the absurdity of such an ability.

This technique involves taking a large very poisonous centipede, a very venomous snake, a scorpion, a very poisonous lizard, and a very toxic toad, and placing them into a clay pot. The pot is then sealed, and buried underground for 30 days. During this time, the animals fight each other, as the animals die; the other venomous creatures eat their corpses, who in turn, are also eaten. By the time the jar is pot is reopened, there is only one large corpse. The venomous remains are then mashed up, and mixed with other very poisonous herbs, and then made into a very special elixir. This elixir is then drunken in VERY LITTLE sips SLOWLY, VERY SLOWLY! If successful, the drinkers very body becomes used to the toxin, and it itself, becomes venomous. The blood, the saliva, the sweat, and the urine, everything. All bodily fluids are toxic to living things. During combat, as the martial artist fights, he/she begins to sweat. Eventually, the artist is sweaty enough where a single palm strike has enough deadly sweat to kill a person. In game terms, any contact with the artist's bodily fluid, especially sweat, requires a save vs. lethal poison. A failed save means a victim suffers 1D6+PS HP damage, and continues to suffer 1D6 HP damage for 1D4x10 melees. Additional contact with the bodily fluid (aka, more hand strikes), add ANOTHER 1D4 melees. Ingesting any of the artist's body fluid does DOUBLE damage instantly. The problem with 5 Deadly Venoms is that while obtaining this technique, only 1 person out of 50 actually finished the elixir, and lived to become a venomous person. That means there is only a theoretical 2% of surviving the process! Realistically, it's about 1D6%. Another problem with 5 Deadly Venoms, contact with anyone is potentially lethal. The flesh itself isn't venomous, but sweat, blood, and spit are. A kiss is very lethal, and of course, no prostitute for you unless you want a dead hooker in your bed. On the plus side, the user is also immune to poison. Or the artist can use their chi to cause the same effect as a touch with the body fluid, or use the fluid to cause one of the below effects:

NOTE: The character must already have the death blow ability to take this ability. However, to even have a successful strike requires a roll of 14+ with bonuses, and the attacking character can neither dodge nor roll, only parry. Unsuccessful death blows that are not parried or dodged, inflict 1D4 damage plus bonuses to SDC. Successful death blows inflict the following (roll percentile): [All blows also have a 30% chance of instant coma and possible death within 1D6 minutes, except for snake hand to the eyes] this attack power can be a layered attack, and bypasses armor its effects are:

Dragon claw to the throat. Crush and tear out throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*4 to hit points. Additional 4 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to double critical damage and shock.

Crane forearm to the temple. Potentially lethal if the attacker breaks the temporal bone. 1D6+ damage bonuses)*2 to head SDC and another half of that to hit points. Speed, attacks, and skills reduced by 25%. Equivalent to medium injury and shock.

Tiger palm to the nose. Drive the cartilage into the brain. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Additional 2D6 hit points lost per minute. Equivalent to triple heavy injury and shock.

Snake hand to the eyes (or crane hand or mantis hand etc.). Poke out the eyes. (1D4+damage bonuses)*2 to hit points. Additional 2 hit points lost per minute. Blindness with all its penalties! 50% chance of irreparable damage to the eyes. Equivalent to triple medium injury and shock.

Panther paw to throat. Crush the throat. (1D6+damage bonuses)*3 to hit points. Double medium injury and shock. [On the other hand, you can just use the table for normal death blows...]

Hit to the Groin: This can be performed with the hands, knees, feet, clubs, or whatever. Requires a strike roll of 13. If successful, the victim must roll a saving throw versus pain of 13 or better. If the saving throw fails, the victim loses initiative and two attacks. Inflicts 1D4 damage.

Eye Gouge: This is an attempt to plunge one of your thumbs into the opponent's eyes. Requires a strike roll of 14. If successful, the opponent must roll a saving throw versus pain, or be incapacitated for 1D4 melee rounds. He will be blind in that eye for 3D6 hours, and there is a 75% chance of permanent blindness. Inflicts 1D6 damage.

Agony: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike, parry and dodge.

Blind: Temporarily knocks out the victim's optic nerves, rendering that person quite helpless. Victims are -10 to strike, parry and dodge.

Deafness: Can be caused by manipulating the eardrum. Victims cannot hear anything, and are -6 to parry or dodge attacks from behind. In addition, the shock of suddenly becoming deaf makes them -3 to strike, parry or dodge any other attacks, and they automatically lose the initiative on all attacks while deaf.

Ecstasy: This attack is a very dangerous reversal of the Agony attack. While the Agony attack activates all of the victim’s pain centers, the Ecstasy power does the reverse and activates all of a victims pleasure centers. The attack creates the same effects to a targets activity that the agony attack does but does it for the opposite reasons. For the first minute, the victim will be able to do nothing but writhe in pleasure. After that initial minute, the target takes another full minute to regain full composure and during that time the number of his attacks will be reduced by half, speed will be reduced by half, and will have a penalty of -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and has a 10% chance of victim being addicted to it per application cumulative.

The big danger of the power is not the effect the power has in combat but that some psychics have used the spell to profit off of victims similarly to the way drug dealer will addict people to drugs. They can do this by using the power for free or a reduced price and then once the person is addicted, they raise the cost of the power astronomically or make the person do jobs for them under the threat of not using the power anymore. The process of addiction takes from two to four weeks normally. The other disadvantage is that addicts of this power will get no save against the power even if it is cast on them in combat

Rumored and only whispered is that some shinobi’s have used the powers agony and ecstasy together. For every two sessions of this, the target must save against insanity. If this power combination is used often for over two months, their pleasure and pain centers will get mixed up and whenever a person feels pain, they will feel pleasure as well (GM's choice of actual effects).

Mute: Impairs the victim's vocal cords, making speech impossible. Victims are likely to be shocked and panic, making them -2 to strike, parry and dodge for the first melee ONLY.

ORGASM: Effect: Probably the gentlest and most pleasurable incapacitation attack to date that functions by stimulating the victim's body into feeling an intense sexual orgasm. While under the power of the attack the victim will have no melee actions, can barely move, and cannot make any intelligible sounds other than a faint moan of pleasure. There is no physical damage inflicted by this attack, although the character may wish to clean their shorts shortly after succumbing to the attack's effects. After the brief incapacitation period, the victim will need another 1D4 minutes to regain their composure. Until such time the characters attacks per melee and speed will be reduced by half. They will also suffer a -1 penalty to all combat bonuses and -5% to skill performance. Only one person may be affected per use of this attack. It should be noted that although this attack suffers from a shorter incapacitation time than the Agony attack, of which it is derived, it is more sought by characters of good alignments who would not bring such pain as the Agony attack on any living creature while at the same time, totally incapacitating the victim of the attack.

Pain: By manipulating the nerve centers the Martial Artist can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.

Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while paralyzed.

PINS & NEEDLES: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5% skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm, that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5% skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries, even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.

Release: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions, must have art of offense and art of defense to gain

Stun: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.

Tissue Manipulation: Affects the tissue's connecting nerve fibers which can cause a variety of effects. By irritating the nerve fibers, a victim will suddenly feel itchy, as if breaking out in a severe rash. Through endothermic manipulation the victim can also be made to suddenly feel cold or hot while everyone around him feels fine. ALL three conditions are more annoying or frightening than physically impairing. In each case the victims are -1 to strike, parry and dodge.

(Special Note: You may sacrifice all your attacks and Spend Ki/Chi/ISP/PPE for a focused punch or kick strike to do quadruple damage combined with one of the above mentioned effects: Every Chi spent while concentrating on the target gives either an additional +1 to strike or +1 to damage (must decide before using it).[this skill can also be delivered with a stabbing weapon strike.]

Layout Tracking: This is special technique that allows a character to memorize the terrain of an area just by glancing at it (takes one melee attack). At that point, they can do any feats in that area without seeing where they are going! They have a base chance of 75%+5% per level to successfully perform layout tracking and it has a 60 foot radius maximum.

Combat Sync:

The character is so comfortable with feats of agility that they can perform any acrobatic, gymnastic and/ or feats of balance in combat with no penalties! So, they can forward flip and front kick someone or back flip and fire a gun at someone, with no penalties, full bonuses apply.

Tamashiwara(“Art of Breaking”):

This is the Ninjas & Super spies’ version of Breaking boards, bricks, ice, wood or bones, and eventually, glass —it makes no difference to this character what it is; they are likely to break it. Characters practice breaking wood; bricks, stones, ice and glass, and they use their fists, feet, elbows, knees and even foreheads. However, this skill goes beyond looking for the weak point in a target. In this kind of attack the AR. and S.D.C. of the object are irrelevant because the martial artist is really breaking the Chi of the object. The character actually learns to break the Chi of an object—which occurs the moment before impact. This ability does not burn up any additional attacks or actions. It is an addition to a normal attack, but it has varying modifications to combat depending on the outcome. A natural roll to strike is necessary and depending on what the character is trying to break (living beings or inanimate objects), effects will vary. Against inanimate objects, a roll of 1 to 4 will mean the object was not broken and instead the character takes full damage, instead of the object! A roll of 5-13 means the object takes half damage and the character takes half damage, but at least the object breaks. This usually happens when the Chi of the object is broken upon impact, instead of breaking it right before impact. A roll of 14-20 is perfect shot—the character breaks the object no problem, without taking damage! It does not matter how much damage was inflicted, the desired effects were achieved (broken in half, has a hole in it, shattered, etc.). Nor does an objects A.R. matter (this includes natural A.R.’s as well) this ability completely bypasses them. Using this skill on living beings is particularly deadly. A roll of 1 to 4 means the character only did normal damage (if a natural A.R., then effects are unchanged—treat it as if the character did not use this skill). A roll of 5-13 means the character did double the normal damage (if a natural A.R., then the character bypasses it and does full normal damage to the character, but takes none themselves). A roll of 14-20 means a perfect shot, the victim takes double the normal damage direct to Hit Points (effects are unchanged with a natural A.R.). This ability may only be used once per melee, because it strains the character and if the roll (against either) was 1 to 4, they lose their next available initiative. Also, this ability can only be used as the characters attack; it may not be used with Combo Parry/Attack (or Dodge /Attack), Power Parry or any Attack Modifications. If find weakness and iron hand is also possessed then always breaks objects with no damage to character using tamashiwara. When attacking another person; A roll of 14 or higher means successfully punching or kicking another human being inflicting double damage (plus damage bonus) directly to hit points (not SDC) +1d4x10 to power punch.

Martial Art Awareness or Zanshin.:

In Japanese, this is often called Tsuki No Kokoro which means “Mind like the Moon.” That’s because it is said that the martial artist’s mind floats above the body, calmly sensing all activity around it. A threat, no matter how slight, will disturb the calm. Zanshinshi might put it, “As someone thinks to attack me, that person’s Chi comes toward me. I have only to follow the Chi, and I will know the source of the attack.’ This ability is one of readiness and awareness. Training involves being constantly on the alert, even while sleeping or when in the bathroom! The martial artist will instantly sense anybody who enters his Zanshin circle, including animals and even those with intangibility and/or invisibility (although he can not see the invisible). Bonuses: +6 on initiative, +2 to parry, +4 to dodge, and can not be surprised from attacks from behind. When fighting an invisible foe (or character with superhuman speed) these Zanshin bonuses do not apply, but his other combat skills remain unimpaired due to his mystic awareness (this character does not suffer the usual penalties from fighting an invisible foe). Characters with this ability also have a reduced form of Chi Awareness that allows them to evaluate the Chi of anyone they can see who is inside their Zanshin circle. At first level, Zanshin extends for an area of 600ft ( Sm) around the character. This is increased by 20ft for every level of advancement.

Iai-Jutsu: Actually, the “sword-drawing art,” but used here for its extreme quickness. The character simply gets a bonus on initiative. At first level it’s + 1, and an additional +1 is added at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th levels.

Light Body Climbing:

Characters learn to time their breathing and movement to synchronize with the natural flow of Chi through Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood (the five elements). As a result characters can climb, up or down, with the ease and speed of walking (roughly half their maximum Speed.). No skill rolls or saving throws are required for climbing while doing Light Body Climbing. Light Body Climbing requires full concentration, so characters can not fight even to defend them self. Nor can they use Chi, engage in magic or do anything else that diverts the mind, except talk. This doesn’t mean that the character will fall when doing other things; it just means they’ll have to resort to conventional climbing skills. For example, they must roll vs. the skill for every 200 feet (6.1 m) traveled when using the conventional climbing skill. Rappelling is not possible while doing Light Body Climbing. Note: Characters must first have the climbing skill in order to use this special ability.

Deception (also an invisibility technique)

Ninjutsu, Capoeira. Drunken Style Kung Fu and even Aikido will use feints and deceptive body movements to gain advantage over an opponent. Any martial art can incorporate deceptive techniques, if the instructor is willing to teach them (or even knows how), Deception is not necessarily a sinister thing — it’s just another way of manipulating an opponent, and isn’t that what all martial arts are about? A character with this power may use it at any time, at no cost in actions. He weaves the deceptions into his normal movements. By spending three (3) Chi, once per melee, he can force his opponent to make an attribute check vs. his ME. (attempt to roll under it on a D20; 20 automatically fails). If the attribute check fails, the opponent has a -2 to dodge or parry any of the martial artist’s techniques that round. More Chi must be spent and new attribute checks must be made each melee round. The martial artist may affect as many people as he is in hand to hand combat with, at multiple Chi costs.

Okugi Yaiba (Hidden Blade)

This is an Iaijutsu variant where character can draw and strike in one action with hidden or concealed weapon. At first level, this skill provides a +3 to initiative, and an additional +1 is added at third, fifth, eighth, eleventh, and fourteenth levels.

Triangle jump: a wall to wall jump going up an over x2 leaping distance

Yuk Gum Techniques (Inverted Sword Techniques)These are a set of techniques that stress using, and drawing, a sword in an ice pick grip, rather than the standard method. These techniques also stress circular and spinning motions while fighting. This allows you to draw and fight more quickly, and in a smaller area.Bonuses: +1 to Initiative when drawing a sword, +2 to Circular Parry with W.P. Sword, +2 to Rear Attacks with W.P. Sword. Learn to perform Back Strike (A backwards thrust with the sword), Spinning Slash (Combination Strike/Dodge), and Circular Parry with W.P. Sword. Pre-Requisites: W.P. Sword Two-Hand TechniqueThis is mimicry of the techniques of Centipede Boxing. It allows the fighter to act as though they were wielding paired weapons (Thus allowing them to parry/strike with both hands in the same action… etc.) It also provides Katas: Knife - paired. Suwari Waza (Seated Techniques)The character has learned to fight from seated or kneeling positions. Bonuses: +1 to Strike, Parry, and Dodge when in a seated or kneeling position. Martial Arts Techniques: Kuji Kiri (Finger Weaving)This is a method of hypnotizing an opponent by intertwining the fingers in a rhythmic manner. The target must save vs. psionics or be hypnotized (use the modifiers for K.O./Stun). The opponent receives a -1 to save at levels 5, 9, & 13. At 7th level this skill can be done using the entire body, with a -2 on the target's save. KosshijutsuThis is the art of finger weak-point attacks to organs and muscles. Similar to Atemi, except that the primary purpose of Kosshijutsu is to inflict damage. Kosshijutsu strikes are done using Fore-Knuckle Fist, Finger Tip Attack, Chuk, Crane Fist, Gou Strike, Negative Gou, and Spear Hand to target sensitive organs and muscles. If a style does not have one of these hand strikes, this martial art power cannot be taken. A Kosshijutsu attack can only be used once per melee round and requires a 16 or better to strike. A successful attack results in doing damage directly to Hit Points and the target must save vs. pain at -2/hit or lose consciousness. If the roll is less than 16 the strike fails but still does normal damage to the target. KoppojutsuThis is the art of bone breaking. Characters with this skill are trained in the techniques, required force and knowledge of where to strike in order to shatter bones. A Koppojutsu attack can only be used once per melee round and requires a 15 or better to strike. A successful attack results in the target bone being broken, doing damage directly to Hit Points. If the roll is less than 15 the strike fails but still does normal damage to the target. Can be done with any hand strike except Finger Tip Attack/One Finger Attack, Spear Hand, any Claw Strike (including Black Tiger Claw Strike, Claw Hand, Bear Slap, Crane Fist, Duo-Claw Strike, and Eagle Claw Hand), Push Open Hand, Two Palm Push, and Sticky Hands. Martial Arts Techniques: Jeet Kune Do Concepts 1There are those who believe that JKD is meant to be a constantly evolving, changing form. Techniques that no longer work are discarded in favor of newer, more functional techniques. To simulate this in game terms, the practitioner of JKD is able to select a new technique from any martial art form ( only those techniques listed under COMBAT SKILLS )at levels 3,6,9,12,and 15. Martial Arts Techniques: Jeet Kun Do Concepts 2A training mindset that focuses on constantly expanding the character's range of skills, adapting what is useful from other arts while paring away what is less useful from his own martial art form.At 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, and 13th levels, the character may EXCHANGE any of his combat moves for any other from another style.At 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and 14th level, the character may EXCHANGE his level advancement bonus for that of another style.Both exchanges are at the character's option, and subject to GM approval (i.e., if the character has never even MET an Eagle Claw Kung Fu practitioner, it's unlikely s/he would learn the Eagle Claw technique, or learn any of Eagle Claw's LAB's) Instant StandThe character is able to deftly return to his feet after being knocked down. He loses no actions when he is the victim of a knock-down attack. Ground FightingThe character has been trained to fight from the ground. He loses no actions when he is the victim of a knock-down attack, unless he chooses to get up, and he can attack from the ground with no penalty. FukuwajutsuA kind of ventriloquism often combined with hypnotism, whereby a ninja would project his voice into another creature. The ninja was usually hiding somewhere nearby. This ability allows the character to make other people (or animals) seem like they are talking (or saying something different from what is actually said). Maximum range is 10 feet (3 m) away. A failed roll means the voice is not well thrown or the ventriloquist's mouth is seen moving, so the trick does not work. Base Skill: 20%+5% per level of experience. AnkokutoshijutsuThis is the technique for seeing in the dark. Training includes on techniques such as not looking at lights, paying attention to movement in peripheral vision, and how to study objects at night by not looking directly at them. A character with this skill can detect movement at night up to 30 feet plus one foot per level of experience. Discerning what an object is at night is also possible with a 25%+4% per level of experience chance.

Body Hardening Techniques Known:


"There was this other instructor and he did a lot of kicks... you know a lot of high kicks and all that. Kicking was *his* thing, you know. So he starts thinking, "What do I need this Leishman guy for? I got this stuff down." So he starts bothering Master Leishman right... wants to spar with him... see where he's at right... So finally, Brian decides that this is not going to stop until they do this. The guy sets up, all ready to do his kicking thing. Next thing we know, Master Leishman's got his foot millimeters off the guy's chest and just lightly taps him.... When we took a look at the guy's back... footprint shaped bruise. Hydro-static shockwave..."- My recollection of something said by my instructor Gary Braniff. "How do I know you can't see it? Because I can't see it either... and I'm doing it."- Gary Braniff on No-Shadow

No-Shadow - To strike as fast as humanly possible. Through awareness of muscle tension and the limiting of thought, the character can strike out a speed that even she/he can barely follow. Note: Because of the advanced nature of No-Shadow (and the bonuses), characters need to be at least level 3 to choose it. No-Shadow Kicking requires the Body Hardening ability of Kick Practice

Bonuses:+2 strike +2 parry +2 damage +2 dodge +2 attacks +1D4 to PP +2D4 Spd

Shintai no Chushin wo Tadasu

Long hours of practice maintaining one's body in a balanced, correct posture. Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +2 to Maintain Balance.

Mei Hua Kung Kung / Mui Fa Gung Gung (Plum Flower Post Training)

The Plum Flower Posts are a series of long posts, about twenty feet tall, that are buried in the ground until only the very tops show. The amount left sticking out of the ground varies between three and five feet. The posts are also spaced about two to five feet apart. The posts are arranged in a pattern that resembles a flower from a plum tree. The training is conducted by practicing forms (Crane/hsing/kuen) on top of the posts. Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +5 to S.D.C., +2 to Maintain Balance, +1 to Dodge.

Makko Ho (Meridian pair stretches)

The Makko Ho exercises are used as a self healing technique by allowing the practitioner both sedate and tone the meridians through specific stretches that were developed to improve the flow of Qi. There is a stretch for each pair of meridians and, as they are based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine, they should be done in the sequence shown (i.e. Metal, Earth, Primary Fire, Water, Secondary Fire, and Wood). Begin the exercises by grounding yourself through relaxed, regulated breathing, while you focus on centering the Qi within the Tan Tien. Keep centered throughout the exercise. It is important that you settle into the stretches on exhalation and the nothing is forced. Hold each stretch as you inhales, being aware of tension (whether through excess or deficiency) that you feel along the meridian path. Do not force yourself into positions that you find uncomfortable - pain is not the goal, letting go of tension is. As with Qigong exercises, the emphasis is not so much on the physical stretch but on opening up and moving the Qi. It is therefore vital that you focus on the breathing and that you are aware of the changes going on within you during each stretch - this includes physical, emotional, and consciousness (Body, Mind, Spirit). Bonuses: +2 to P.P. +5 to Chi

Junan na Shintai

This is training to keep the body flexible, so one doesn't use excess, or unnecessary strength. Bonuses: +1D4 to P.P., +1 to P.E.

Iron Hand or Kanshu:

This is the development of the ‘Penetration Hand,” a toughened hand that will not take dam age from hitting hard objects. This training focuses on making the hands stronger and able to withstand lots of impact, so that the character may deliver more powerful attacks with the bare hands. Training is long and continuous as the ability to strike things without sustaining damage gets harder and harder. The hands are plunged into barrels of rice, then sand, then pebbles. This constant training toughens the hands enormously. The end result being that the character can hit nearly anything and not take any damage him/herself. They can also do things like pick up hot coals with their bare hands Bonuses: +2 to P.S., +15 to Damage on all hand strikes regardless of form, and +5 to SDC +2d2 +2 to power punch, and also lower the treat the characters hand attacks as if it were a P.V. of 2..

Note: Combined with Tamashiwara (see Martial Art Techniques), a martial artist can break things with hand strikes and take no damage, even when failing a roll and never fails to break an object, when using hand attacks!.

Wrist Hardening: The wrists, often the weakest part of the body, are built up using special exercises. Characters with this augmentation have a + 5% to escape from Arm Holds and can escape Wrist Joint Locks without harm. Bonuses:+ 3 P.S., +5 to S.D.C.

Kick Training Practice or Chagi:

Focusing on precision, accuracy, speed and the power of Leg Attacks is what this training is all about. Repeated kicks at all heights. The character develops the flexibility to do the “splits,” to kick straight up over the head, and to jump up, kick something directly overhead, and return to a standing position. Training is considered complete when the character can do the splits and control their kicks to the point of being able to stop their foot a centimeter short of impact and hold it. Bonuses: +2 to strike and +15 to damage on all kick attacks regardless of form and + 3D6 to Speed +10 feet to leap distance and the character can hit fist size targets without any penalties +2d6x2 to power kick.

Blind Fighter Training:

This skill is extremely useful to have. Characters are able to abandon their sense of sight, to fight using only their other senses. Characters with this ability cannot be the victim of a sneak attack (except by long range sneak attacks) and enjoys several bonuses when they are able to see: +6 on initiative, +2 to parry and +4 to dodge. If the character is blinded then this ability allows the character to fight without the previous stated bonuses, however, they retain any other bonuses they normally have! Maximum range when fighting blinded (i.e. using the other senses to combat others) is just past Long Range (about 10 feet).

Reflex Training:

Characters train themselves to try to react as fast as possible in combat. In the end, they are able to track attacks, react to them and move on to another attack, all before doing anything. Add +6 on initiative at level one and add +1 more at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15.

Speed Training

This exercise is designed to improve action and reaction speed. Practitioners

throw kicks, punches, boards, bricks, knives, and, finally, shoot arrows at each

other. Bonuses: +2D6 to Speed and +3 to Initiative (or +1 Attack per Melee)

Punch Training

Repeated punches from every position and at every angle possible. This

develops the strength of the hands and the flexibility of the arms. Bonuses: +2 to

Strike and +1 to Damage on all hand attacks and a +2 to Parry.

Body Training:

A very hard and harsh method to train that involves taking various attacks with full damage without defending. The character will stand still and attempt to keep bearing while being punched, kicked or hit with weapons so their body becomes resistant to the effects of physical attacks. The characters’ body becomes as tough as a rock able to take lots of damage. Add 1D4×10+40 S.D.C., 6D6 Hit Points and +4 to save vs. pain.

Endurance Training:

Those who train in this method attempt to master the effects of fatigue and physical strain that the human body can withstand. This kind of training involves pushing and pushing oneself above and beyond normal limits of the human body. Characters will train and train until they can no longer lift their arms and pass out from exhaustion and when they wake up they will train some more. This characters capacity for endurance is almost supernaturally high—they fatigue at only 1/10 the usual, and their strength is considered “Extraordinary.” Add +2 to P.S. and +1 to P.E.

Tie Zhou Kung (Iron Broom Training):

Add 2 to P.S., Add 3 to Maintain Balance, Trip/Leg hook and backward sweep now do 1D6 damage each.

Tie Tou (Iron Head):

This is the development of the "Stone Head", a toughened skull that will not take damage from breaking boards, bone, or brick. To toughen the head it is struck against sand, then wood, then bricks, then stone. An unfortunate side-effect of this training is that the martial artist goes bald.

Bonuses: +1 to PS +3 to Damage with head strikes +2 to Escape Neck Holds +6 to S.D.C.

Tie Gwong Kung (Iron Forearm Training)

Add 3 to P.S., Add 5 to S.D.C., Add 2 to Forearm Strike Damage.

T'ieh Chi Kung (Iron Foot Training)

Like the other types of "Iron Body" training, this one involves striking things repeatedly. The character kicks objects until the feet are conditioned to withstand heavy impact. Bonuses: +1 to P.S., +5 to S.D.C., +2 to Damage with foot strikes.

Steel Feet

This is a variation on the Iron Hand ability. The martial artist goes around kicking trees, walls, cars, whatever, with his bare feet in order to toughen them up. He also walks on hot coals, broken glass, desert sands, etc...Bonuses:+1 P.S. Feet are immune to heat and fire up to lava temperatures suffer ½ damage from magical fire/plasma +2D6 S.D.C.


The stamping of feet on the ground to strengthen the legs. +1 to all kick attacks, +2 to P.S., +5 to S.D.C.


The striking of a wooden pole to strengthen the arms and shoulders. +2 to P.S., +2 to damage on all hand strikes, +10 to S.D.C.

Arm Strengthening:

Repeated wounds to the arms increases durability, providing +2 to save vs. Pain, +5 S.D.C. and +1D4 H.P.)

Atemi Techniques:

Healing Atemi or Duatsu: Includes a thorough study of the art of acupuncture (healing by inserting needles into the body). The result is the ability to resuscitate a character by touch alone. Duatsu can be used to instantly reverse the effect of any other Atemi attack, except Dim Mak! It can also be used to snap a character out of a Knock-Out, Stun, Paralyze or any other form of temporary shock. It only takes one melee round attack/action to perform Healing Atemi. Note: Healing Atemi does not restore hit points, S.D.C. Or Chi.

Grasping Band Atemi or Kansetsu Waza: The character can, at will, dislocate the joints of any opponent. These are damaging bone-locking techniques that have been outlawed by most martial arts. The attacking character must first Succeed in a hold or joint lock maneuver. The victim takes no damage on the first attack/action that melee of the hold, But the rest of that melee and subsequent melees, this hold inflicts 2D6 damage per melee round. The character also gets an additional bonus of + I to damage at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th and 14 levels,

Dim Mak: Available to characters with the Tien-Hsueh Martial Art Form automatically. One of the most insidious attacks in the history of martial arts, a successful Dim Mak dooms the victim to a slow and wasting death This works by disrupting the body’s natural ability to regenerate chi and therefore loses the ability to heal. Gradually the victim’s thi wears away to zero. At zero chi the victim can not recover S.D.C. or hit points, becomes more and more vulnerable to injury, disease and death. Unable to heal themselves, the characters are in serious peril and a legendary cure must be sought.

Characters must use a one finger attack in order to deliver the Dim Mak. Strike. Parry and Dodge rolls work in the usual way. If successfully parried or blocked Dim Mali is avoided. If the parry or dodge roll fails the character is struck, but can try to roll with the Dim Mak attack to avoid full damage. A successful Roll with Punch/Fallllmpact means the victim takes one (1 point of damage, plus the attacker’s damage bonus, direct to hit points, but is not afflicted by Dim Mak.

NOTE: Character’s with good alignments will never use Dim Mak. It’s just too evil. See the Game Master Section for finding a cure to Dim Mak

Enlightenment Strike: In a two-handed move, the martial artist pushes his palms toward the victim, pulling the hands apart an instant before they would contact the face. The result is that the victim will instantly be freed from any possession spell or entity, Chi Control or mind controlling spell. The move uses up ALL the actions/attack of an entire melee round and must be done within striking distance from the victim.

Chi Block Strike: This is a strike that disrupts the victim’s ability to control his own Chi. Once disrupted, the Wctim is blocked from doing anything that requires Chi, including Chi combat, Chi magic, and even Chi-Gung Body Hardening. It will take 2D6 minutes of intense, uninterrupted concentration, or 1D6 minutes of continuous meditation for the victim to regain control over Chi.

A successful Chi Block requires a roll to strike of 10 or bet- ter, without benefit of attribute and combat bonuses. The oppo nent can attempt to patty or dodge and, if successful, will avoid any damage. If the victim manages to roll with punclilfallfam pact, instead of the Chi Block, the character will lose 31)6 Points of Chi (Positive or Negative, whichever the victim is currently charged with).

Since the exact location of the “Chi Control Center” is differ ent from person to person the atemi expert must observe his op ponent before attempting this attack. If the adversary is seen engaging in combat or in any fonn of Chi control, it will only take a single melee round to discover the exact spot. Otherwise, if the victim is simply engaged in normal activities (eating, walking, sleeping, etc.), the atem, expert will need to observe the victim for at least ten minutes.

Tien Hsueh Amnesia: This ability will not work in com bat situations. Victims must either be willing and passive partiç pants, or must be rendered unconscious before the Tien Hsd Amnesia can begin.

Short-Term Amnesia: If successful, the victim will forget all the events of the preceding 1D6+5 minutes. Note: The memories of the “lost” time will NEVER be recovered. It will be as if the character never experienced the events of that time period. This is the only Tien Hsueh Amnesia that is permanent. Traditionally, Short-Term Amnesia is done on those who have witnessed either the forbidden or the horrific, and when the victim volunteers to have hk memory ‘erased’ forever.

Alignment Amnesia: The victim remembers everything, in cluding his or her name and previous life, but somehow “for gets” his/ber alignment/moral view of life. To those who can detect alignment, the character will seem uncommitted and un formed, as if he had never figured out what alignment to be come. Usually this is used as a means of infiltrating an enemy group (i.e.: it allows ‘good” alignments to sneak into evil groups, or “evil” alignments to pass undetected among princi pled and scrupulous). Lasts 1D6 days.

Full Amnesia: The victim remembers absolutely nothing from his or her life previous to the Tien Hsueh, nor any shred of identity. Although the character still has all hisTher usual skills, abilities, and bonuses, he/she won’t remember what they are (they just occur when needed). Because of the total loss of memory, the victim is easy prey for anyone who wants to ‘fill in” their memory. The amnesia lasts three hours per experience level of the character who caused the amnesia in the first place.

Finger-Snap Tien Hsueh: The sharp sound from this special “snap” of the fingers disrupts the victim’s inner ear and he loses all sense of balance. Finger-Snap Tien Hsueh attacks must be made close to the victim, so the ‘snap” takes place no more than 3 feet from the ears; closer is better. To succeed, the attacker must roll a natural 8 or better to strike, with no strike bonuses of any kind allowed.

After being affected by Finger-Snap Tien Hsueh, the victim can still think normally and perform most skills and other actions, but he cannot stand, walk or make sudden movements. If the character lays on the floor, is seated solidly, or stands with their back anchored against a wall, he will be comparatively okay. However, every time the character attempts to stand unassisted, walk, turn, or make a sudden movement, a wave of dizziness comes over him and he’ll lose his balance and fall down. Note: Even when “propped up,” the Finger-Snap victim is -3 on initiative, -7 to dodge and cannot kick, leap, or turn quickly without falling over.

There is no defense against Finger-Snap Tien Hsueh, except wearing noise-proof ear plugs or being in the middle of a rock concert or similar noisy environment. There is also no way for the victim to roll with punch/fall/impact. Recovery takes 3D6 minutes, although a Healing Tien Hsueh can cure the problem instantly.

Puppet Dance Tien Hsueh: The first step for the attacker is to get a good grip on the back of the victim’s neck. This can be done with any sort of combat “grab” orjust by moving a hand into place when the intended victim is unaware or helpless.

Once the attacker has a hand on the back of the victim’s neck, it takes another roll to strike (normal bonuses allowed) and a single melee action for the Puppet Dance Tien Hsueh to be activated. The victim has one last chance to dodge/pull away, but there is no possibility of a roll with punch/fall/impact.

Mastering complete puppet control over his victim usually takes about one full melee round of experimentation with finger pressure. The puppet victim is completely aware but helpless. The attacker maintaining the puppet hold can manipulate his vic tim like a living puppet via pressure from his finger on the neck

— the perfect hostage hold. The victim can be made to walk, skip, dance, open doors, or otherwise move around. The arms can be made to move, gesture, pick up or drop objects, scratch, point, etc. Even the face can be made to change gestures, with forced smiles, frowns, winking and blinking, mouth movements and the like. In fact, the only things the Puppet Dance can’t do is get the victim to speak, although humming and grunting are possible. The victim can be forced to fight, but such actions will be terribly slow and clumsy. Note The puppet has only two melee actions per round and has no combat or attribute bonuses avail able (natural rolls only). Skill performance is at -60%.

As long as the Tien Hsueh expert maintains the hold, the victim will be manipulated like a puppet. However, the attacker cannot perform any other Tien Hsueh, cannot use Chi, and will have difficulty in combat because he’ll be distracted by the ma nipulation of his puppet (- attack per melee round, -2 on initiative and -2 to dodge). The attacker can continue to talk normally, walk around (with the victim), and use the other hand to fight, parry, shoot, or perform skills (one-handed of course).

Once the hold is released, the victim will be instantly back in charge of his/ber own body and will remember (and resent) hav ing been manipulated.

Bakusai Tenketsu (Breaking Point Technique)

Everything in the world, living or not, has one vulnerable point, the ‘Breaking Point,” whether it be boulder, frog, cricket, or, yes, the human body. However, this version of the Breaking Point Technique is incomplete as it was designed by ancient Chinese martial artist miners; it only works against stone. Against stone, the character could bring down a mountain if they so choose! By interrupting the flow of Chi at a key point, the structure of an object can be disrupted. It takes 1 point of Chi (negative or positive) to use the Breaking Point in its most basic form. When striking a stone target, the character can shatter 6D6x10 lbs. of stone (it explodes in a cloud of shrapnel--doing 2D6x10SDC/MDC in MDC worlds to all within 10 feet) per 1 Chi (3D6x10 SDC to stone targets).

Once the character has mastered the Breaking Point, the second function of this technique is revealed. Since every time the character uses the ability they are at ground zero of an explosion of stone and shrapnel, they become much tougher! The character gains +5 PS, +2 PE, +100 SDC, and any blunt, kinetic attack (hand to hand attacks, blunt melee weapons, etc.) do 1 point of damage for the first two dice in the attack. (Also, the character is never banned by his own use of the Bakusai Tenketsu)

Example: Ryoga is hit by Ukyo for 2D8 damage. Since he is a practitioner of Bakusai Tenketsu, he takes 1 point of damage per die, for a total of 2 SDC regardless of what Ukyo rolled. However, if she hit him for 4D6 damage, Ryoga would take 2 points for the first two dice, and whatever was rolled for the second two dice.

Because the character still takes damage, however minimal, they can eventually be worn down in an attack (this is how Ranma would usually beat Ryoga--hit him enough times in the same place, and he would eventually fall down).

Bakusai Ten-Satsu (“Breaking Point Kill”)

This hideous and debilitating variant of the Bakusai Tenketsu was accidentally discovered by an enemy of Ryoga Hibiki, Ryo Muhoshin (at least, in two known universes it was). Muhoshin had devoted his life to the defeat of Ryoga and had determined that the best way to do it was to beat him at his own game—learning how muse Ryoga’s weapons, Ryoga’s moves, even Ryoga’s attitude, against him. To beat Ryoga, he had to know Ryoga better than Ryoga knew himself.

In his training, he found that the Bakusai Tenketsu did work against bone, a substance with enough calcium in it to be affected by the stone-shattering aspect of the power. The problem with the Bakusai Tenketsu was that it worked by touch, forcing Clii into the pattern of an object through the medium of touch, making such an attack utterly useless against living beings; after all, there was all that soft tissue in the way.

Muhosh’m noticed that Ryoga could channel the Bakusal Tenketsu through his umbrella by treating it as an extension of his own body. Through extensive and harsh training, Muhoshin duplicated this feat and then went one better: by attaching a sharpened spike or needle to the umbrella’s tip, he could use the umbrella as a piercing weapon (like a spear). Then, when the spike would hit an opponent’s bone, he would channel Chi through it, shattering the bone like fragile china. This method of combat became even more dangerous when used against a particularly vulnerable spot like the skull or spine. Only two of the megaverse’s “Ryo Muhoshins” are thought to know this technique; one of them has since been reduced to little better than a vegetable, and the other has reformed,

Author’s Note: Complicated? Read “ Series and “The More Things Change/The Pursuit of Happiness You’ll be glad you did.

Of course, a true Hibiki would never use the Baskusai Tensatsu training they so arduously pursue for such an evil purpose; however, they do feel that the best way to keep the Bakusai Ten-Satsu out of the hands of people who would misuse it is to keep it safely within the family. Most Hibikis who learn this technique do so entirely on their own, by accident (much as Muhoshin did), and then only find out where it really came from after questioning an elder.

By spending five Chi a user of the Bakusai Ten-Satsu (who must be of an alignment worse than Scrupulous, and an Unprincipled Hibiki will only use this move for self-defense) may charge a piercing weapon (a spike-tipped umbrella is traditional) with destructive force. If the strike against a target is an unmodified 17-20 (natural 20 only for head and spine shots), and is not parried or dodged, then the Bakusai Ten-Satsu takes effect; otherwise the Chi is simply lost and the weapon must be recharged. The strike on a Bakusai Ten-Satsu acts precisely as a called shot, hitting whatever portion of the victims anatomy is desired.

The victim is permitted a saving throw to avoid the worst effect If successful, the target merely takes an extra three dice of damage from the weapon (ie; if the weapon normally did 1D6 SDC, it does 4D6 SDC on this strike) and a small hole is cored through the bone struck (it will heal in a few days); the shot wasn’t precise enough to trigger a breaking point. If unsuccessfu’, too bad--they had more than enough chances already.

An unsuccessful save means that the bone’s breaking point was triggered, shattering the bone into fragments and flechettes; this strike inflicts 1D4x 10 SDC damage (which cannot “spill over” into HP) and an extra 3D6 damage straight to hit points. In addition, the bone struck is broken so badly that heavy medical care (or magic healing) is required to repair it; otherwise, that bone is rendered permanently useless--and whatever it was supporting. Bakusai Ten-Katsu strikes near vital organs may have more dangerous effects (a saving throw versus Coma/Death would not be inappropriate). A shot to the skull or spine grants +5 to the save (the skulls plates are flexible and strong and the spine is mostly nerve tissue and fluid); if failed, let your sickest desires as GM take over--an instant frontal lobotomy or life in a wheelchair are the kindest things you can do.

As a final note, there are over two hundred bones in the average human body (though most of them are in the hands and feet) and a Bakusai Ten-Satsu strike is necessary for each and every one of them (with some exceptions--an exploding bone will likely destroy very small surrounding bones).

Kotegaeshi or Paralyzation Defense AtemiThis defensive technique allows the character to perform a paralysis attack (as per N&S rules, page 132) in place of a parry, as a countermove against the following Holds and Locks; Arm Hold, Finger Lock, Wrist Lock, Arm Lock, and Elbow Lock. It costs one melee action to do and is considered a defensive move for the purpose of combat (which means a tie allows this move to be performed successfully). Atemi Abilities: Er Qiao An Xi Tien Hsueh (2 Strike Knockout Atemi)This is exactly what the name says, a 2-part atemi strike that produces unconsciousness in the target. To use this attack the character must make 2 consecutive strikes within the same melee round, each roll to strike must be a natural 9 or better. If successful the unconsciousness lasts 2d6 melees. Yang Qi Bi Tien Hsueh (Positive Chi Block Vital Point)This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using positive chi. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not succesful, but the target loses 4D6 positive chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.) Yin Qi Bi Tien Hsueh (Negative Chi Block Vital Point)This is a more selective version of the Chi Block Tien Hsueh. It only prevents the target from using negative chi. For this to be successful a Natural roll of 12 or better must be made. If the target manages to successfully Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact the chi block is not succesful, but the target loses 4D6 negative chi. (For more information see Mystic China page 150.)

Needle Vital strike: this attack uses a needle struck to a Atemi vital point to activate the attack power, this atemi power can be a layered attack does no damage and bypasses armor effects are:

Agony: A particularly cruel and painful attack that incapacitates its victim with pain. Under the influence of the attack, the victim has no attacks per melee, cannot move or even speak; only writhe in agony. Although there is no physical damage (no S.D.C. or hit points are lost), the pain is very real, and it will take another minute for the victim to regain his full composure. During that minute his number of attacks per melee are reduced by half, speed is reduced by half, and he suffers a penalty of — 1 to strike, parry and dodge.

Blind: Temporarily knocks out the victim's optic nerves, rendering that person quite helpless. Victims are -10 to strike, parry and dodge.

Deafness: Can be caused by manipulating the eardrum. Victims cannot hear anything, and are -6 to parry or dodge attacks from behind. In addition, the shock of suddenly becoming deaf makes them -3 to strike, parry or dodge any other attacks, and they automatically lose the initiative on all attacks while deaf.

Ecstasy: This attack is a very dangerous reversal of the Agony attack. While the Agony attack activates all of the victims pain centers, the Ecstasy power does the reverse and activates all of a victims pleasure centers. The attack creates the same effects to a targets activity that the agony attack does but does it for the opposite reasons. For the first minute, the victim will be able to do nothing but writhe in pleasure. After that initial minute, the target takes another full minute to regain full composure and during that time the number of his attacks will be reduced by half, speed will be reduced by half, and will have a penalty of -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, and has a 10% chance of victim being addicted to it per application cumulative.

The big danger of the power is not the effect the power has in combat but that some psychics have used the spell to profit off of victims similarly to the way drug dealer will addict people to drugs. They can do this by using the power for free or a reduced price and then once the person is addicted, they raise the cost of the power astronomically or make the person do jobs for them under the threat of not using the power anymore. The process of addiction takes from two to four weeks normally. The other disadvantage is that addicts of this power will get no save against the power even if it is cast on them in combat

Rumored and only whispered is that some psychics have used the powers agony and ecstasy together. For every two sessions of this, the target must save against insanity. If this power combination is used often for over two months, their pleasure and pain centers will get mixed up and whenever a person feels pain, they will feel pleasure as well (GM's choice of actual effects).

Mute: Impairs the victim's vocal cords, making speech impossible. Victims are likely to be shocked and panic, making them -2 to strike, parry and dodge for the first melee ONLY.

ORGASM: Effect: Probably the gentlest and most pleasurable incapacitation attack to date that functions by stimulating the victim's body into feeling an intense sexual orgasm. While under the power of the attack the victim will have no melee actions, can barely move, and cannot make any intelligible sounds other than a faint moan of pleasure. There is no physical damage inflicted by this attack , although the character may wish to clean their shorts shortly after succumbing to the spell's effects. After the brief incapacitation period, the victim will need another 1D4 minutes to regain their composure. Until such time the characters attacks per melee and speed will be reduced by half. They will also suffer a -1 penalty to all combat bonuses and -5% to skill performance. Only one person may be affected per use of this attack. It should be noted that although this attack suffers from a shorter incapacitation time than the Agony attack, of which it is derived, it is more sought by characters of good alignments who would not bring such pain as the Agony attack on any living creature while at the same time, totally incapacitating the victim of the attack.

Pain: By manipulating the nerve centers the psionic can induce terrible pain, shooting throughout the body. Victims are -6 to strike, parry, and dodge, and take one point of damage off their Hit Points (not S.D.C.) per each minute affected.

Paralysis: Immobilizes the motor part of the brain, causing legs and arms to stop functioning. Victims are completely incapacitated for the duration. Note: A paralyzed character can still use psionics but only if he has line of sight on his intended target. Spell casters need to speak, so they cannot cast spells while paralyzed.

PINS & NEEDLES: Effect: This unique attack causes its victim to experience the stinging "pins and needles" sensation as if the blood flow in that particular limb of the casters choice has been temporarily cut off and then restored. If used on a leg the victim will run at 1/2 speed, -4 to dodge, and have a -5% skill penalty from the distraction. Any skill requiring the use of a leg will be at -25%. If used on an arm, that particular arm will be -4 to strike and parry, and any skills requiring manual dexterity will be at -25%, other skills will only have a -5% penalty. If used on the head, the victim's face will become flush and is very distracting giving them a -1 on initiative, strike, parry, and dodge bonuses as well as a -5% skill penalty unless trying to speak in which the character has a -40% language penalty! They will also have a temporary -2 to their M.A. and P.B. as no one can take their appearance and voice seriously. Using this attack on the torso will give the victim a -2 initiative, -1 strike, parry, and dodge, and a -5% skill penalty. Also when used upon the torso, sex will be no pleasure less no matter how hard the victim tries, even if affected by the orgasm spell. On the plus side, however, any limb affected by this spell is impervious to all other pain, which can be a boon to wounded people with no anesthetics handy.

Release: The attacker manipulates the victim's pressure points in such a way that the victim either vomits or defecates or urinates. This attack requires a natural Strike roll of 14 or better. The attacker chooses the effect. If the attack is successful, the victim loses initiative, and 1D6 melee actions, must have art of offense and art of defense to gain

Stun: This attack disorients and confuses its victims. Victims forfeit one attack per melee, speed is cut by half, and the character is -4 to strike, parry, dodge, disarm, and all combat moves.

Tissue Manipulation: Affects the tissue's connecting nerve fibers which can cause a variety of effects. By irritating the nerve fibers, a victim will suddenly feel itchy, as if breaking out in a severe rash. Through endothermic manipulation the victim can also be made to suddenly feel cold or hot while everyone around him feels fine. ALL three conditions are more annoying or frightening than physically impairing. In each case the victims are -1 to strike, parry and dodge.

Chi Techniques Known:

Negative Chi Control: The character can “flush” the normal, positive, Chi out of the body, and replace it with negative chi. it also works in reverse, draining negative and filling with positive. This takes 2 melee rounds (30 seconds); 1 to flush, and 1 to fill. During the transition the character cannot use any Chi skills. This process also works in reverse, allowing the character to clear out negative Chi and replace it with positive Chi. NOTE: When a character is charged with negative Chi, negative Chi attacks directed at him/her do no damage.

Control Negative Chi:

You may have noticed in Ninjas & Super spies that there was no immediate horrible consequence to being infected with negative chi. It made healing difficult and depleted positive clii, thereby blocking the use of many chi based powers. However, it didn’t put the character in any dan ger, it didn’t hurt, and it wasn’t even particularly dangerous. After all, isn’t that the way it should be? Shouldn’t the good guys be able to walk away relatively unharmed?

Dream on. Once a positive chi creature or character is infected with negative chi, they become vulnerable to a whole range of attacks. From the point of view of a Negative Chi Master any character filled with Negative Chi is a hepless victim and a potential pawn!

To successfully manipulate the Negative Chi of another character, 1) the victim must already be infected with at least one point of Negative Chi, 2) the attacker must roll a four or better to strike against the victim, and 3) the attacker must be within 1000 feet (30.5 m) of the victim. Characters with no powers over Negative Chi are helpless victims and cannot parry, dodge or roll to evade the Control over their Negative Chi. However, characters who have at least 1 Negative Chi Mastery Ability can automatically parry or dodge any Control Negative Chi attack.

Here are the three possible uses of Control Negative Chi Activate Negative Chi, Enslave/Control Through Negative Chi and Inflict Temporary Insanity Through Negative Chi:

Activate Negative Chi: The negative Chi flares up, influencing the cells of the victim’s body and does the reverse of healing, spreading brutal damage. Victim takes 3d6 damage directly to hit points for every point of Negative Chi infecting the body. For example, if the victim is already infected with 4 points of Negative Chi, then that character would take 12D6 points of damage, direct to hit points every time Activate Negative Chi was used. Cost: Each use of Activate Negative Chi costs 1 point of Negative Chi.

One Finger Chi or Negative Empty Chi: The character can “focus” negative Chi into a completely disembodied force. This can then be used to attack from a distance, without the character actually touching the target. Maximum range is 300 feet . Roll 11 to strike as usual, but the physical bonuses to strike do not apply, instead the Chi force is +3 to hit its target (mentally directed), Knock-Outs, Critical Strikes and Death Blows are not possible with the One Finger Chi attack. When negative Chi is used as a telekinetic force to attack and damage, the amount of force available varies according to the number of Chi points expended. One point per melee round gives the character a force equal to 3 points of S.D.C. damage. Victims of this attack can not Parry or Dodge, so any strike roll above a4 hits, but can Roll with Punch/Fall/impact to reduce the damage. There is no limit to the number of negative Chi that can be “pumped” into this attack. Negative Empty Chi can only be used once per melee round, and takes the place of all physical attacks.

Vacuum Blades

Cost: 10 PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 7 attacks.

Damage: 1d4x5 per level experience.

Permanent statistic change: A side effect of the training is that the character can survive 10 minutes per level of vacuum or airlessness.

By the use of Chi the character swipes his hands in an X shape in the air in front of him. The air is disrupted leaving two traveling "blades" of vacuum and negative Chi. this is actually a physical cutting attack that is very difficult to parry, requiring a magical weapon, a countering Chi technique, or dodging to avoid the attack.

Find Weakness (neutral): A character can “focus” Chi on an opponent (or an object) and eventually “feel” any inherent weak nesses. The first melee round the character must devote his/her energies on “focusing” the Chi. this might be though of as a sort of combat meditation. During this first melee of intense concentration, the martial artist can not attack/strike, but only defend. The next melee round, the character can add a + 1 to Strike and a + 2 to Damage on the person or object of the focus. As long as focus is maintained on that one target only, the bonuses will remain for all subsequent combat melees until the opponent is defeated or a new opponent is engaged. This skill requires no expenditure of Chi points, and can be used so long as the character isn’t drained of Chi.

Fill Object with Chi: The idea is to fill up an object, usually a weapon of some kind, with Chi so that it becomes “solid” from the perspective of the flow of Chi. For example, creatures of pure Negative Chi are usually unaffected by daggers and arrows. However, if the dagger or arrow is filled with Positive Chi, then the weapon will do the usual amount of damage, direct to the creatures Negative Chi. How long the object will stay filled with Chi depends on how it is handled. As long as it stays in physical contact with a creature filled with the same kind of Chi, the effect will last indefinitely. So a spear filled with Positive Chi will stay “charged” as long as it’s held by the bare hand of a character filled with Positive Chi. The same spear, slung on a strap over the character’s back, will only maintain its ‘charge’ for an 4 hours or so in a place of Positive Chi. In a place of Negative Chi, where the Chi of the environment is disrupting the Positive Chi of the spear, the Chi will only last for 4 melee rounds per level of the characters experience.

Another way of making objects come along when characters Mind Walk (see Zenjorike power) or otherwise move around in Pure Chi Form (transforming the body, or leaving it behind). The “Chi Aspect” of the object can then be carried or used as an object of Pure Chi. For example, a creature of Pure Negative Chi could carry the Chi Aspect of a sword or gun and use it as a weapon, - inflicting damage based on Negative Chi. When used in this way, the Chi Aspect of the object will last as long as it is held or in contact with the character. Cost: 1 point of Chi per object, plus the amount of Chi used to fill the object.

The amount of Chi needed to fill an object depends on its size. Small items, like daggers, bullets, arrows and shurikens, take only one point of Chi. Medium sized objects, like swords and spears, take two points of Chi. Larger objects, anything twenty pounds (9 kg) and over, usually require three points of Chi for every twenty pounds (9kg) of mass.

Channel Chi: This is a very simple ability that allows the character to channel P.P.E. The character can channel an amount of P.P.E. equal to the amount they spent to activate this power; however, the maximum amount that may be pumped is equal to the characters’ M.E. This ability only lasts for only one melee and must be activated again if the character wants to use this ability next melee. It can be used to restore lost P.P.E. or to store P.P.E. Stored P.P.E. will remain for an amount of melees equal to the characters’ M.E.—after that it does one damage to the character for every point not used. The act of channeling burns a characters’ action, not attack—only one action within an attack may be used to channel P.P.E.

Elemental Aura: can link to battle aura, also provides immunity to element usedFire (Red):+12protection/chi +12 damage/chi 1ft radius/chiWater/Ice (Blue):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chiEarth/Acid (Brown):+12protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15ppe/chiMetal/Electricity (Silver):+50protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chiWood/Poison (Green):+5protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15isp/chi Wind/Gas (Yellow):+5protection/chi +12damage or KO 2d6melee/chi 20x20x20 Cloud/chi 20+20ft/lv/chiManna (Gold):+7protection/chi +12damage/chi 1ft radius/chi absorbs 15chi/ppe/isp/chi

Bean Jam Blowout

Cost: 50 PPE.

Range: 10ft per level of experience level.

Area Affect: 5ft per level of experience level.

Creates a directed tornado-like funnel that sweeps the opponents, and carries them hundreds(1d6x100) of feet away, taking 1d4 MDC/HP damage per level of Exp, are knocked down and confused for 2 rounds (-5 strike, parry, & dodge) and suffer the effects of Wind Rush. Opponents/objects weighing over 10 tons are merely knocked down for a round (15 sec). Once targeted the only way to escape the effects of the funnel is to roll a natural 18, 19, or 20 dodge. Takes four attack actions.

Breaking Point

Cost: 20 PPE.

Requirements: Must be able to channel Chi, minimum 25 PE.

Permanent statistics change: +10 PS, +6 PE, -2PP, 1d6x10 M.D.C. /H.P./S.D.C. per level of character(this is in addition to what the character normally receives). Minus 3 attacks.

Damage reduction: -1d6 points of damage per level of Exp times 10 MDC/HP.

this is a technique originally used for mining. Merely touching objects like a rock, ceramic, steel, etc. caused it to explosively shatter. The theory behind this is that everything has a breaking point or a point where it is weakest. By sensing this point, touching it and channeling Chi in a certain way into this point the object is violently disrupted. The training for this technique is ingenious. The trainee is hung from a rope while tied up like a mummy, with only his arm sticking out. Meanwhile an approximately 10 ton boulder is swung at the victim…er… trainee. The trainee must find the breaking point of the boulder or be smashed by the boulder. This serves two purposes, one since it is very rare to succeed on the first few tries each impact toughens the character's body making more resistant to impact and damage for the next attempt. It is quite common to be knocked unconscious on the first few tries. People who do not have sufficient control over their Chi and who do not meet the minimum requirements are will most likely die if they attempt this training. If some talented freak of nature were to actually succeed in the first few tries the second purpose of this training would be demonstrated. Without the toughening up process the boulder will explosively shatter and the trainee will take full damage at ground zero. Said talented freak of nature would be wise to just sit back and let himself be pounded by the boulder and concentrate his Chi on getting more resistant to damage. Training takes 1d6 week, unless 1/10 martial arts analysis skill is rolled. The effect of this technique is awesome but has limitations. Most living creatures are soft and do not fracture in this manner, however robots, armor, most walls, floors and so on are rigid enough to explode quite nicely. Sentient rock creatures, magic object and other borderline creatures roll a save versus magic 12 or less, or suffer normal damage. The attack counts as two actions. Any creature within 5 ft of the blast point receives 1/5 damage. The character takes no damage from this technique. Masters of this technique are MDC in MDC type environments. Variants: There are rumors that it might be possible to strike a breaking point in one place and if calculated correctly it may cause a chain reaction or travel along a "fault" to take effect at another place. This is unverified and would take extra-ordinary skill (1/10 martial arts analysis and GM approval).

Butterfly Kiss

Cost: 30 P.P.E. /Chi/I.S.P.

Requirements: Must be able to channel Chi.

Permanent statistic change: +50 S.D.C. /H.P. /M.D.C.

Through this method the martial artist is able to translate chi energy directly into kinetic energy and apply in to an object. The lightest touch can carry the energy of a truck. This is of limited use when used directly on people or creatures of large mass. The energy is applied to the object as a whole and cannot be applied to part of an object such as a hand or appendage. If this is attempted the energy will be distributed to the entire object. An example of this is applying the technique to a person's hand, the energy will be evenly distributed throughout the subject's body and the entire body will be moved in the direction it was applied. It can be applied directly to objects such as guns, swords, and other parts not an integral part of a larger mass. To a martial artist trained to take falls this is merely a method to put lesser skilled opponents in their place. When used on those without such capabilities or indirectly applied through missiles it can be a deadly technique. The initial transfer does no damage due to the entire mass being given a kinetic charge. When the object impacts with another is where true danger lies. Each level of experience the character may impart up to 3,000 Joules of Kinetic energy/level to an object. Impact with another rigid body will cause 1d10+ Knock back and or up 1D10 ft+ knockdown per 3000 Joules. Successfully rolling with the impact/fall will reduce the damage to 1/4. When carefully applied by the martial artist it is possible to partially, or completely negate the effects of an external impact. (12000)

Dimensional Cloak

Cost: 20 P.P.E./Chi/I.S.P.

Duration: 10 minutes per level.

Permanent statistic change: Sense dimensional anomalies, rifts etc.

originally used for evil and perverse purposes, it is hoped that someday the name of this technique will have the original taint purged through noble actions. It is doubtful. The user becomes invisible as he has removed himself from our plane of existence. He can see, hear, and talk but has no other ability to interact with the people he watches as long as he employs this technique. Physical barriers also seem immaterial to a user of this technique. Magical, psionic, and dimensional barriers seem to reflect themselves into whatever dimensional hole the martial artist has thrown himself and will stop bar his progress. Of course he is also invulnerable and undetectable (unless you’re a Shifter, Temporal Wizard etc.). Variants: Time does not seem to affect to user in that place. It might even be possible to hibernate or go into some state of suspended animation and just wait out a bad millennium or two.

Splitting Cat Hairs

Cost: 50 PPE.

Requirements: Chi Control, minimum 15 ME.

Permanent statistic change: +2 ME, detect illusion 5% per level experience. (20%)

This ancient technique makes up to 1 image per level experience of the character. The images split and rotate around the target. They are indistinguishable from the real form in all but the sense of touch. The character may attack at will and the subject will still be unable to tell truth from fiction. Each time an image is attacked roll 100%/image to see if the real character is aimed for. Even if the character is hit once the enemy must still roll the same percentage to choose the correct image next time. The only weakness in this technique is that it requires intense concentration. No other special attacks are usable and if something truly unexpected happens the character must roll versus ME, or the images will fade due to his distraction. The images also all rotate about a single point and are therefore not as effective on multiple attackers. Area affect attacks also work well since for the character to actually hit hand-to-hand all images must be within 10ft. If attacking is not an issue or the character has a long distance weapon the maximum radius is 5 ft per level.

Fire KickCost.: 10 Range: Must be physically touching the victim. Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of experience.Saving Throw: Parry or DodgeSimilar to the fire fist, the martial artist envelopes his foot in a flaming ball. The flame adds 2D6 to kick damage and has a 32% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike. Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage, unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water and ice elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire. Fire FistCost:8 Range: Must be physically touching the victim.Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of experience. Saving Throw: Parry or DodgeThe martial artists can envelope one or both fists in a fiery ball which deal in more damage and are able to parry magic attacks. The fist does 3D6 damage plus has a 28% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike. Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire. Fire Cracker Kick: The martial artist uses short, but sudden and powerful, bursts of Chi to attack their target. To use, the martial artist must use a hand or foot enveloping the foot in a flaming ball, then striking against their target. A successful strike means that there will be a sudden, explosive impact of Chi against the target, dealing 5D6+ P.S. Damage to a target, in addition to knocking a target back 2D6ft. Parries result in half damage from the Chi explosion, as well as a 1D6ft. knockback, but no punch damage. Dodges mean no Chi is used. Explosive Chi can be done up to twice a melee successfully (yes, a parried strike still counts as a success). Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage, unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water and ice elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire. And has a 32% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike.Cost: 12 Range: Must be physically touching the victim. Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of experience.Saving Throw: Parry or DodgeSimilar to the fire fist, the martial artist envelopes his foot in a flaming ball. The flame adds 2D6 to kick damage Fire Cracker Fist: The martial artist uses short, but sudden and powerful, bursts of Chi to attack their target. To use, the martial artist must use a hand or foot enveloping the fist in a flaming ball, then striking against their target. A successful strike means that there will be a sudden, explosive impact of Chi against the target, dealing 3D6+ P.S. Damage to a target, in addition to knocking a target back 2D6ft. Parries result in half damage from the Chi explosion, as well as a 1D6ft. knockback, but no punch damage. Dodges mean no Chi is used. Explosive Chi can be done up to twice a melee successfully (yes, a parried strike still counts as a success). Unarmed opponents cannot parry without taking damage, unless they are impervious to fire. The attack does double damage to water and ice elementals, zombies, mummies, and those who are vulnerable to magic or fire. And has a 32% chance of setting combustibles on fire with each successful strike.Cost: 10 Range: Must be physically touching the victim.Duration: Instant to use; can be maintained one melee per level of experience. Saving Throw: Parry or Dodge

Arts of invisibility Known:

Art of Stealth or P1 Mi Using Tung: This is the martial art equivalent to the skill of Prowl. Using stealth a character can move silently and out of sight of observers. So long as the character is in the dark and unsuspected, this is done automatically, without needing to roll the dice, If the character’s area is subjected to inspection (for example, a guard tower turns a spotlight on the character) then the chance to remain undetected is 50% with +3% per level.(99%)

The character also learns Ju Hua, the Art of Melting: Like a snake, the character learns to swiftly and silently melt away into his environment. This is especially important when moving in or out of the water, when even the slightest splash can draw unwanted attention. Also used for traveling over or slipping into/under sand, gravel, dry leaves, etc., without making a sound (equal to a Prowl skill of 60% +3% per level of experience). If out of sight or concealed by darkness, she/he is not likely to be discovered until the character attacks or makes a sudden motion. If visibility is compromised, or if some detection device or ability raises an alert or locates the character’s position, the base chance for successful escape is 70% plus 2% per level of experience. Note that the character must have the Swimming Skill in order to use this ability while in deep water.(76%)

Art of Hiding or Inpo: Training in the art of hiding in involves studying the essential characteristics of all kinds of objects. For example, how does one move when hiding in long grass so as not to be different from the surrounding blades? The character learns to become “One” with another object, remaining motionless, and moving imperceptibly when necessary. There is usually no chance that the character will be detected while hiding. However, if the area is well lit or subject to careful inspection, then the chance of remaining undetected is 43% + 3% per level.

This ability works only as long as the character stays motionless and has something to hide behind or among. The character can stay motionless for hours, and even days, using this technique. However, the moment he or she moves to attack, the character is completely visible. The character cannot hide while in clear view and being watched. (52%)

Art of Evasion or Hsing Tsia: Ever play a kids game where you try to stay behind somebody, turning as they mm, constantly trying to stay out of view, until they’re turning and twisting like a dog chasing its tail? That’s what evasion is all about. This works automatically if the enemy is unaware of the character’s presence. If the enemy knows or suspects that someone is behind him then the character must roll to avoid being seen. Character’s with this skill have a chance of success of 30% + 3% chance per level.(39%)

This is a particularly deadly ability if the character uses

Critical Strike or Knock-Out from Behind. The character can attack continuously so long as he can remain unseen. This does not work if the victim has a friend handy who can yell, ‘look out,” or if the victim backs up against a wall. If the character using evasion is ever sighted by his opponent then there’s no chance of returning to the evasion, unless one can vanish as well (see next ability).

Art of Vanishing or Sun Shih K’an Chien Chih: From clear view, even in the middle of combat, the character has the ability to simply disappear? The way it works is resembles sleight of hand magic trick. The character distracts the ob server and instantly falls to the ground, rolls to the side, or otherwise vanishes from sight.

Chance of success at vanishing depends on conditions. In darkness (full night), with many objects to hide behind, the character has a 70% chance plus 1% per level, of success. However, there is a penalty of -30% in good light, and -20% on clear, flat, featureless ground (Penalties are accumulative).(73%)

For example, let’s say two characters are fighting in the middle of a fully lit baseball diamond. A successful vanish for a first level character would require a roll of 20% or less on percentile, because the area is well lit and flat with no place to hide, If the roll is successful then the character has just disappeared for an instant. The art of vanishing lasts only a moment (about 4 seconds or one melee action). To remain invisible the character must try one of his other skills, like the Art of Evasion or Art of Hiding.

Art of Disguise or Hensho jutsu: This is far more than the simple use of makeup and clothing. The Art of Disguise trains the character to radically change posture, stance, walk and expression, all those clues that people usually use for identifying each other. Consider how you usually look at someone, generally you don’t study them, you simply glance at them. And you don’t have to see them from the front; you can spot most people you know just by the way they walk and the way they hold themselves.

With the Art of Disguise the character has the ability to imitate the movements and postures of many different people. For example, to have the walking and sitting position, groans, and non-verbal complaints of a truck driver exhausted from hours on the road. Using this ability means being able to change instantly. Here’s an example, two policemen are chasing a woman in ordinary dress. She goes around the corner and the police run after. Just around the corner they pass an old woman, she too slowly tries to move out of the way and they easily side step her. A few feet later they discover they’ve lost their quarry. Of course the “old woman” was the woman they were searching for, she had the same clothes, the same face, but her visual clues were so different that they completely missed her. In a large crowd (50 or more people) with the character able to blend in, this trick works automatically. However, in most circumstances a roll for success is required. Characters start with 52% and get an extra 3% per level. Combining the Art of Disguise with the Disguise Skill gives the character a bonus of + 10% to avoid detection. (74%)

Incidentally, this won’t work if the character is dressed in some outrageous manner. For example, someone in a ninja outfit is still going to look like a ninja no matter what stance they take. However, it takes just a moment (one melee l5 seconds) to whip off the hood, or change the garments in some other way.

Art of Escape or Inton Jutsu: This is a skill like that of Escape Artist. The difference is that the character learns to actually dislocate the bones of the body. In just a few 1d6 melee rounds the character can escape from any handcuffs, chains, manacles, rope or plastic bonds automatically (no die roll is needed).This is also extremely useful against the martial art moves holding and joint locking. Against holds, the character can escape in one melee round attack. Escaping from joint locks requires one full melee round. Note that this does not give one the ability to pick locks or squeeze through bars.

Art of Mystic Invisibility or Chi Zoshiki: The character learns to use Chi to cloud the minds of observers. Unlike the Chi Mastery abilities, this gives the character no other control over Chi. It is oriented toward the single purpose of deceiving the opponent (affects only one person per melee). The most amazing thing about Chi Zoshiki is that the character can simply stand in full view, stare into the eyes of the enemy, and simply ceases to exist! The character will remain invisible to his opponent for the full melee, if he remains completely motionless. To move and remain invisible uses one point of Chi for every melee action/attack. Obviously, this means it’s a good idea to hide in a more conventional way before all Chi points are gone. This ability can also be combined with any of the other Arts of Invisibility. By expending a Chi point for each movement/action, the character can remain invisible while running or attacking. The martial artist can attempt invisibility at any moment, but such an attempt costs one melee attack/action and one chi point. A failed roll means the character is not invisible. Chance of Success: 50% + 3% per level.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This ability automatically shields the character from a Chi Masters Chi Awareness, the ability to sense the presence of other characters with high chi

Art of Body SwitchThis is a old Ninja trick, to allow the foe or defender of a castle to strike at the ninja with a blow, and discover that the ninja was gone after the attack failed. usually in the place of the ninja was a object, traditionally a log or a statue. However in serious cases where the ninja has no such object, only the clothes of the ninja were left. After the art, the ninja, who was hiding at the time after the trick, usually ran away or counter-attacked the surprised foe, who usually had no idea where their enemy was. This art involved in it's more effective form a mind trick, based off of chi zoshiki (chi invisibility), but used for a shorter time. Also the ninja must hide or run from the area of combat to use this technique, and leave behind some object to maintain the illusion that the ninja was still there. Cost in chi: 4 points Mind trick lasts: 3 attacks (about 6-8 seconds)Attacks used: 1 (can be used as a dodge) Chance of success: 50% +3% per level (rolled by the PC) Note: This art must be combined also with prowl or another art of invisibility to avoid being seen. Generally how it works is one attack is used to dodge (no bonus or penalty to dodge), one attack is used to hide (while enemy is confused and looking around) and one attack to take some action (run, fight, etc.) This art also can shield ninja from Chi awareness and Zanshin if the chi is doubled. (Shields only for the 3 attacks) (59%) YamikeigoThis is the Ninja ability to fight in the dark, combining elements of nightfighting, zanshin, and stealth. With this ability the character can move and attack silently completely aware of where his opponents, allies, any neutrals, inanimate objects are all located. This ability can be maintained for one minute per level of experience. Bonuses: +4 to Initiative, Dodge, Strike in darkened conditions. Shinobi ArukiShinobi Aruki are the special walking arts of the ninja. These techniques are an advanced form of prowl that enable the character to move silently through more difficult terrain and situations. Joei no jutsu is the ability to move without making noise or shadows. Ko ashi are small steps learned for moving through plants or water. Taijutsu sosoku is the ability to walk like the wind. Yoko aruki is the art of silently walking sideways. Shikko is the method of silently moving on one's knees. All types of walking are done at two thirds of the character's Spd. attribute. Base skill is 45%+5% per level of experience. (65%) MokutonjutsuThis is the art of escape and concealment within trees. Characters with this skill are taught how to move from tree to tree by jumping from branch to branch and also by using a kamayari to hook branches and swing or pole vault from tree to tree. Also learned are silent movement through trees and the ability to use trees for maximum concealment. Base skill is 50%+3% per level of experience. Movement is equivalent to character's Spd attribute in heavily forested areas and half that (½ Spd) in lightly wooded areas. Characters can also use this skill to move from telephone pole to telephone pole. Note: A good example of Mokutonjutsu can be seen in the anime Ninja Scroll. (62%) GotonpoGotonpo are various escaping and concealing moves based on the Godai (five elements). Dontonjutsu is the art of earth concealment and is equivalent to the camouflage skill, Base skill is 40%+5% per level of experience. (60%) Katonjutsu is the art of using fire and smoke to escape, base skill depends on the area and conditions this skill is used in: at night in the forest or a castle (or similar heavy concealment area) has a 80% chance of success while at night in an area of moderate concealment or during daylight in an area of heavy concealment has a 50% chance of success, an area of light concealment during the day would have a 25% chance and an area where no concealment during the middle of the day would have only a 5% chance of success. Kintonjutsu, the art of using metal to escape would include such things as throwing shuriken at a pursing enemy, dropping caltrops to slow a pursuer, or even using a piece of highly polished steel to catch a ray of light and blind or distract an enemy, base skill is 30%+3% per level of experience. (42%) Gotonpo also includes the Kitsune gakure no Jutsu (imitating a fox hiding under water) technique. This technique includes learning how to hold one's breath for long periods of time, use tightly woven skins to store air and the use of breathing tubes and snorkels. Base skill is 50% +4% per level of experience. The character can hold his breath for a period of time equal to P.E. in minutes, plus one minute per level of experience. (62%)[51minutes] ChikairiThis is the art of infiltration, and includes Toiri no Jutsu the art of infiltrating castles and enemy camps. A character with this skill uses a variety of techniques such as stealth, hiding, climbing, swimming, and even just brazenly strutting to get into a castle or other stronghold of the enemy. For example, to get into a castle may require the character to sneak up through patrols then swim through the moat and climb the castle walls and then into the castle itself all the while hiding from guards and the people who inhabit the castle. The character may also try to just bluff his way past guards and others by pretending that he actually belongs there! This technique actually works, because no one tends to bother someone who looks like they know what they are doing and belong there. Base skill for sneaking into a place is 50%+3% per level of experience. (62%) Base skill for attempting to bluff entry is 30%+3% per level of experience. (42%) Chakuzen no JutsuThis is the art of hiding in the ceiling or attic and includes the ceiling walking technique. Hiding in a ceiling or attic requires specific muscle control and a lot of patience. The ability to cling to the tops of rooms where the crossbeams and such can be employed (usually with the aid of nekode) for hours the drop silently, free of muscle knots and cramps, and be ready to attack is readily handy for ninja on assassination missions. In addition a character with Chakuzen no Jutsu can, by securely pressing his limbs and torso against a wall or ceiling, use the smallest handholds and cracks to keep his body in position while he "crawls" across the ceiling. The base skill for this ability is 45%+5% per level of experience. A character can move in such a manner at one third his Spd attribute. (65%)

Shinobi Iri or Art of Stealthy Entering

An advanced version of the Art of Stealth, this ability focuses on being able to enter buildings and structures quietly and without being seen. Training also includes the balance necessary to traverse a variety of obstacles, such as strung ropes, tight ropes, narrow ledges and roof tops, as well as being able to stand on, and even fight from the tops of narrow poles and posts. The character must have a climbing, prowl, and swimming skills (in addition to the required sense of balance listed below) to take this power. However, the character does not need to roll prowl or climbing when entering a structure so long as the character is in the dark and unsuspected. If the character's area is subject to inspection, then the chance to remain undetected is 25%+3% per level of experience. (37%) This power also gives the character the skill to silently cross moats and other water boundaries silently as well as to enter and leave the water silently. Also useful is the skill of being able to leave water and further sneak into a structure without leaving tell-tale water traces along the character's path. Base skill is 35%+4% per level of experience for (47%) entering, crossing, and leaving water undetected. Note: If the character has the Art of Stealth martial art power, they can use those prowl and water skill percentages while using this martial art power. Due to the balance requirements of this power, it cannot be learned by anyone with a sense of balance skill of less than 80%. However, Maintain Balance can also be used to determine if the character has the sense of balance required, for every +1 to Maintain Balance, the character receives a +5% chance toward their sense of balance skill. In normal situations, such as walking at one fourth the character's normal Speed on narrow surfaces, they do not have to roll against their balance to successfully navigate the surface. Engaging in combat, attempting to walk faster or run, or jumps and leaps to and from these surfaces require a roll against the modified sense of balance skill, with the following cumulative penalties: Attempting to walk at half the character's normal speed -15% Attempting to walk at the character's normal speed -20% Attempting to run on the surface -30% Attempting to jump or leap to or from the surface -40% Attempting to dodge or avoid a trap while traversing the surface -40% Engaging in combat on the surface -40% These penalties are reduced by 5% per level of experience, after the first level that the character takes this martial art power. In situations where more than one penalty applies (for instance, attempting to run while engaging in combat on a surface where the total penalty is -80%), the penalties are combined BEFORE the reduction is applied. For example, a tenth level character who received this skill at fifth level (the first level they had the sense of balance percentage needed, and could take a new martial art power) attempting to run while engaging in combat on a narrow wall top has a normal 98% chance for sense of balance and a -25% penalty reduction against the combined penalties of -80% for engaging in combat while running on a narrow surface would have a resulting skill percentage of 43%. Failure means the character has lost their balance and fallen.

Shotennojutsu or Art of Walking on Vertical Surfaces

This is similar to the martial art power of Chakuzen no Jutsu and allows the character to climb any surface at their normal Speed. Masters of this power (typically tenth level of experience or higher) can move so effortlessly that they can move at their full running speed while climbing. Climbing normally can be done automatically without rolling the dice. Climbing at the character's normal walking speed can be done with a normal roll. Attempting to move at the character's full running is done at a -50% penalty, reduced 5% per level of experience after the first level of experience that they take this ability.

Art of the Doppelganger

(cost-100/double+5/hr+2/double can switch places between doubles) creates live solid duplicates of self out of the chi, duration: 4hr/lv+#of points spent, all doubles have same gear(non magical only) and same aura as you and do same dmg as you all can also do everything you can do and can do everything you do or something different than what you are doing as wished all have a telepathic link to creator and can’t be turned Against creator, mind-controlled, or dispelled but can be reabsorbed at any time wished al so all have the same stats of creator and same abilities except the doppelganger skill.

Standard Equipment:

(2) Set of regular, nondescript clothing (usually peasant and traveler garb)

several simple disguises

(2) Pairs of rubber soled tabi boots, and a black or camouflage ninja outfit.

Equipment will be kept to a minimum, usually nothing more than a:

(1) NG-S2 Survival Pack,

(1) Armored Ninja Jumpsuit (45 MDC, no prowl penalty, black)

(1) Backpack<2ton cap>,

(1) Utility belt/ w40 pouches<1ton cap>,

(1) Battle harness/ w40pouches<1ton cap>,

(1) lg. flashlight, (1) pen flashlight, (1) pocket laser distancer,

(1) 1000ft knotted each foot spider silk climbing rope and grappling hook<+10% climb skill/indestructible>,

(1) Set of superior lock picks,

(8) Sets of fully reversible gimmicked clothes,

(2) Sets of fully gimmicked flexiarmor200mdc+20mdcff/opf/pf/soul bonded,

(1) Set of hand and foot spikes<+40% climb skill +1d6*10 dmg combat>,

(1) Sets of magically bonded Shinobi Battle Armor<150mdc 20mdc ff/pf takes ¼ all dmg done to it regens 10pts/hit/min auto if fully destroyed will reform in 6 hrs is soul bonded turns into a set of body tattoos when not in use

(2) Ghostly Kodachi of Hellish Soul Slaying

This is a powerful martial arts weapon used mainly by the mystic ninja clans, assassins and the like, and then only by the elusive chunin or master ninjas or high level warriors. Some demon fighters, especially the cold-blooded Bishamon monks (see the Bishamon Fighting Monk O.C.C.), use this weapon as well, for its eternally poisoned blades can affect even dragons and supernatural creatures. The swords blades appear to be: The Sword's blade and handle are solid black, but the blade also has a purplish sheen along its length and point, until they are used in combat; then they become ghostly and semitransparent. This ghostly blade goes through armor and any obstacle to strike directly at the body of the target. The sword is particularly devastating to supernatural beings, and utterly destructive to the undead (in fact, one legend claims that vampires have hidden two of the four in some dark place). The ghostly blades can also strike insubstantial beings without penalties (astral travelers, entities, alien intelligences in energy form, etc.). The lethal poison, of the sword inflicts 3D6 S.D.C. to normal beings and 4D6 M.D. to supernatural beings and M.D.C. materials, like the armor of Borgs or bots.

If the flesh of the victim is touched, the target must save vs. poison (15or higher). On a successful save, the poison still inflicts an additional 3D6 point of damage directly to Hit Points or M.D.C. On a failed save, the poison does the 3D6 damage as above, plus it courses through the victim's body, filling it with agony. The victim loses initiative and one melee attack per round, all combat actions are at -2, and all skills are at -15%. These effects last for 1D6+2 hours! Every hour after being struck, the victim loses 1D6 additional Hit Points or M.D.C., and must make a

save vs lethal poison or temporarily lose 1D4 points of P.E.! If the P.E. of the target is reduced to zero, he dies! The poison damage cannot be regenerated by supernatural creatures until the 1D6+2 hours have passed, but magic healing and healing potions can restore some of the damage (half per each application)!

Due to superior craftsmanship, equal to Dwarven quality, +2 to Strike, +3 to Parry, and +4 on Initiative

Damage: 1D4x10 M.D. to supernatural beings, 2D4x10 to vampires and other types of undead. 6D6 S.D.C. damage to normal human beings/mortals.

Ghostly Blade: This semitransparent blade will penetrate all suits of armor (including M.D.C. armor and power armor, but not robots or vehicles), force fields, and other barriers, and inflicts damage directly to the creature's S.D.C. and hit points (M.D. to supernatural beings). The blade can also affect insubstantial creatures, including vampires in mist form!

Sense Evil: The character can sense the presence of the supernatural (treat as presence sense, sense magic and sense evil) within a radius of 30 feet (9 m) plus 10 feet (3 m) per level of experience.

• Null Aura: The Artifact negates all magic and psionic probes that would otherwise reveal information about the character. Thus, the wearer becomes impervious or invisible to see aura, sense magic, and sense evil, sense/detect psionics, and detect magic and even presence sense. On the negative side, it also negates psychic diagnosis, detect poison, object read and being located or communicated with via magic pigeon, ley line transmission and telepathy. The null aura is constantly in effect as long as the Artifact is touching the flesh of its wearer. When this magic is placed on a weapon, it will appear to be an ordinary object despite its magic aura and properties.

• Shape-Changer: This potent magic enables the rune weapon to transform into a less dangerous looking shape. It must still appear as a weapon, but the runes disappear and it looks like a less dangerous item. For example: A rune long-sword can transform into an ordinary looking short sword or even a dagger; a battle axe into a hand axe, a morning star into a cudgel, and so on. However, the rune weapon transforms back into its deadly, true appearance, complete with runes, whenever it is drawn for combat! (Copper dragon necklace)

• The Soul Drinker

The drinking of souls is the actual absorption and imprisonment of one's life essence. The victim's blood must be drawn by the weapon (cut, stabbed or impaled) before the rune weapon can devour the life essence. This may be done slowly or in a spectacular flash. A victim devoured by a rune weapon is forever lost. Most soul drinkers are limited to a maximum of 1D6 souls per day. Victims of a soul drinking attack get to save vs magic, but must roll a 14 or higher. A successful save means the victim's essence is saved but suffers double damage; triple damage if a creature of magic or a supernatural being (or in Rifts, a mega-damage creature).

(200) Flash and Smoke Pellets 20x20x20 area (size of marbles)

(12) Each silver/iron/steel wood throwing stars 1d6*10

(12) Each iron/steel/wood/silver stakes and wooden mallet

(10) days of rations, canteen and some personal items.

The character also has 1D4 Ninja Emergency Kits (see Equipment section) either on their person or stored in the vicinity.

or the tumbler has vaulted into a wall or other solid object (2D4 damage). Will always land in a tumbling roll unhurt, when successful. (%)
