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The Properties of Crystals

What follows are notes on the different uses of crystals, what chakras they are associated with, and their purpose in healing. The information here has been gathered from a variety of sources. If you know of something that should be here, let me know by e-mailing me.




Therapeutic Uses


Brings gifts of heart and mind together for balance, promotes creativity and ambition



Agate (Blue Lace)

Gives protection and courage. Makes self-expression easier. Aids shyness. Promotes patience, paece, and cools you off.


Sooths pain from sore throat and arthritis and helps alleviate the symptoms of autism.

Agate (Crazy Lace)

Energy lows.


Relieves emotional pain. Strengthens the heart, clears energy blockages, vitalizes major organs.

Agate (Flame)

Provides clarity during times of transition. Stimulates awareness.


Enhances vitality (physical). Treats burns and relieves pain.

Agate (Green Tree)

Promotes abundance. Helps one find their purpose.


Many purposes, including the healing of liver and sinus problems. Good for capillaries and pain relief.

Agate (Iris)

Promotes insight


Restores nerve feeling after injury or burns.

Agate (Moss)

Draws new friends, helpful for gardneners, use for money and happiness spells. Helps you find your center. Balances emotions.


Releives exhaustion and heals back and neck problems. Helps with blood sugar, food disorders, and lymph nodes.

Agate (Picture)

Gaze into for meditation. Balances two sides of the brain



Agate (Turitella)

Provides guidance during past life recall, dispels old programming, aids in transition and survival.


Energizes, strengthens the thymus, aids the skeletal system, relieves swelling, tiredness, and fatigue. Sooths the stomach, aids excretion.


Used to channel positive energy, strengthens willpower, protects against psychic attacks on all levels.

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Used to remove emotional blocks.


Opens Heart, Solar Plexus, and Crown Chakras, helps you find your center, improves self-esteem. Opens you to your higher self, psionics, spiritual love, joy, and luck.

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Excellent for tissue regeneration and the central nervous system.

Almandine Garnet

Stimulates Kundalini energy and the entire chakra system. Helps one understand the truth of all matters, provides an understanding of your higher self and universal will. Intense Stone.


Gets rid of laziness.


Balances male / female energies, assists one in making the correct decisions. Opens Heart, Throat, and Solar Plexus Chakras, improves self-expression and creativity. Reduces self-damaging behavior. Improves confidence. Provides clarity, creativity, and insight. Stops self-destructive behavior. Promotes peace and calm. Aligns the physical and astral bodies. Makes you feel good and uplifted.


Heals the heart and soul, protects and heals the heart, lungs, and adrenals. All-purpose healing stone. Soothes the nervous system. Balances the mental and auric bodies.


Has a strong calming effect. Opens Solar Plexus Chakra. Draws in energy. Aligns mental and emotional bodies. Charges body with positive energy. Balances Yin and Yang. Helps attract love. Good luck and protection. Place on altar to boost your rituals. Helps one remember past lives. Uplifting


Protects the healer against the patient's pain. Balances and cleanses energy. Removes psionic attacks and energy drain. Heals stomach anxiety, spine, nervous system, the brain, memory loss, and cellular regeneration. Helpful to the endocrine system. Gets rid of depression.


Enhances psionics. Quiets the mind. Opens one’s spiritual side. Aids sleep. Calms fears, reduces stress, dispels doubt and negativity, absorbs negative energy (cleans it often, or place near citrine). Promotes good judgement. Induces vivid dreams. Has positive affects on the right sied of the brain. Powerful aid to spiritual advancement. Helpful for meditation, inspiration, and intuition.


Reduces symptoms of addiction, helps detoxify the body. Heals headaches and insomnia by rubbing on forehead. Relieves depression. Strengthens the immune and endocrine systems.


Causes change on all levels, collects and retains information. Useful if you are resistant or fearful of change.



Andradite Garnet

Balances entire system and enhances male qualities. Helps one acknowledge and understand the unknown.




Forges psychic link to the universe, angelic realms. Connects oneself with spiritual guidance. Aids Astral Projection, heightens sensory awareness. Aligns physical and etheric bodies.


Regenerates and rejuvenates sick or low-energy areas.

Apache Tears

Protects. Helps you look within. Grounds and unblocks lower chakras (gently). Releases grief. Opens up your past lives. Reveals negative karma. Repels negativity and helps one go on with life. Good for scrying.


Eliminates toxins, fear, and muscle spasms. Releases pain, sadness, anger, etc.


Heals and stimulates Throat Chakra. Aids self-expression and teaching. Reduces hunger. Strengthens bones and muscles.


Heals mouth throat, thyroid, high blood pressure, stuttering, and other things.


Aids in becoming spiritually aware: Increases awareness. Fills aura with light and joy. Useful for Astral Projection, dream recall, and remote viewing. Helps one learn of past lives. Promotes a deep, peaceful stillness. Opens Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Clears scatterbrained mindes and improves concentration. Aids connection to higher self and angelic realms. Helps one to see the truth for spiritual growth.

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Place near your healing stones to enhance their energies.


Brings courage and friends. Opens heart and throat for emotional understanding and self-expression. Tranquility, uplifting, openness, innocence, creativity. Affects etheric and mental levels. Gives clarity of mind, creativity. Helps one lose irrational fears.


Strengthening, Healing, Calming, and Balancing. Reduces fluid retention. Strengthens the kidneys, spleen, thyroid, and cleanses body of toxins.


Helps promote a deep, peaceful meditation. Uplifts emotions. Helps you find your center. Promotes patience when stressed out. Balances Yin and Yang. Opens Third Eye Chakra. Makes you more open. Induces communication with higher planes of existence.


Heals the eyes, brain, nervous system, and heart.


Eases fear of love. Brings love and wisdom.




Protects the heart, enhances creativity, helps you work with spirit guides, inspires creativity, brings abundance and good luck. Promotes adventures in love.


Heals emotional pain, fear, or imbalance, dissolves blocks in the Heart Chakra. Reduces fevers. Stimulates muscle tissue and strengthens the blood. Purifies higher bodies.


Helps relationships, makes times of change easier,


Heals the adrenal glands and fractures


Carries strong vibrations from angelic realm, expands one's consiousness, raises your vibrations, projects aura of positive energy




Helps to connect with spirit guides, helpful to psychics, meditation, and healing. Increases psychic ability and creativity. Bringer of truth. Helpful in any decision making situation. Activates Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Promotes decisiveness, deep insight, seeing the truth. Reduces depression, anger, and abnormal cell growth. Stimulates mental and etheric bodies. Powerfully assists meditation. Enhances dormant abilities. Inspires creativity and intuition.


Dissolves energy blocks and negativity.


Good for those who are exhausted or scattered. Helps one acheive their life path. Brings self-assurance and self-esteem.


Removes toxins and addictions, strengthens nervous system. Brings balance to the Solar Plexus Chakra's energy flow.


Aids Telepathy. Enhances experience of Astral Projection and contact with ET's. Allows one to realize passage through time and space.




aka Heliotrope

Provides clarity and courage. Grounds and revitalizes. Use for wealth. Reduces stress, helps you find your center, inspires intuition, creativity, and spiritual solidity.


Eases PMS, and used in the treatment of kidneys, livers, and spleens. Used for menstrual cramps, anemia, blood clots, hemorrhoids, reproductivity, birth pains, and imbalance. Cleanses heart and circulatory system.

Boji Stone

Balances body’s biomagnetic field. Reduces pain merely by holding one in each hand. Recharges in the sun. Store them separately.




aka New Jade

Stimulates meditation. Useful for opening the Kundalini.


Heals the heart, in all ways, and helps with diabetes and hypoglycemia.


Grounds energy. May be used for protection. Can dull or block energy, reduces sensitivity and awareness.




Activates Heart Chakra. Good for initiation and dreams. Stimulates awareness.

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Re-aligns energy channels and stimulates health.

Calcite (All)

Doubles the potency of all energy sent to it. Balances male and female polarities. Inspires joy and light-heartedness. Improves Astral Projection.


Alleviates fear and stress.

Calcite (Blue)

Promotes spirituality, creates peace.


Eases pain and removes emotional blocks.

Calcite (Clear)

Clearer visions and communication, prmotes wellness.


General Cleansing.

Calcite (Emerald or Green)

Harmonizes all your bodies. Sooths your Heart Chakra, helps one learn lessons from each situation. Clarifies visions, Astral Projection, and memory. Replaces unhealthy fears with healthier ones. Protects against disease causing micro-organisms. Brings back double any time you give.


Heals the heart. Cleans toxins from the body. Eliminates infections and viruses. Cleans out parasites.

Calcite (Gold or Yellow)



Detoxifies kidneys, pancreas, and spleen.

Calcite (Orange)

Promotes spirituality and peace, higher wisdom and philosopher’s stone. Creates joy. Improves intuition.

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Use for headaches, tired eyes, and releasing energy blocks.

Calcite (Red/Pink)

Promotes spirituality and peace, use in love rituals. Calms, centers, and grounds.

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Balances and clears all chakras. Rejuvenates and revitalizes the entire body.


Inspires creativity, sexuality, emotions, and intuition. Releases energy into system by stimulating sacral chakra. Increases physical energy, power, and creativity. Creates confidence and boldness. Helps with analysis. Banishes sorrow. Improves will power. Useful in lust spells. Energies the physical and subtle bodies. Connects you to your inner self.


Helps with exhaustion, weakness, depression, asthma, and bronchitis. Cleans the blood. Helpful in all forms of healing.


Useful for grounding and physical protection.




Enhances intuition. Helps connect one to the spirit world. Use for conception of new ideas and experiences. Removes all unwanted thoughts and behaviors.


Heals at a cellular level.

Celestite, aka Celestine

Advances Channeling, brings about information and light, causes spiritual and karmic growth. Promotes peace. Aids connection with angels. Helps one connect with sacred energy. Helps Reiki practicioners learn more about their clients. Promotes openness and honesty. Reduces stress and worry. Grounds Root Chakra while opening the Throat and Crown Chakras. Expands creative expression. Grants divine awareness.

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Very useful in Reiki, heals the core soul.


Helps you find your center. Improves confidence and versatility. Grounds you. Translates higher concepts to everyday language. Promotes psionics and clarity. Promotes plant growth, and protects them from insects.


Helps one let go of stress and addictions.


Helps one get through hard times. Assists creativity and practicality.

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Balances the blood.

Chalcedony (Blue)

Balances mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Helpful in communication. Improves mental stability (possibly), enhances wisdom and psionics.



Chalcedony (Pink)

Teaches you to love yourself.


Heals the inner child.


Burns negativity and allows for new growth. Makes one aware of karma. Opens Heart, inspiration, clairvoyance. Useful for exorcism.


Speeds healing.


Helps one acquire prosperity.




Aids creative communication. Freedom and intelligence. Improves metabolism. Inspires creativity, joy, and personal power.

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Releases grief, sadness, and fear. Heals heart blocks. Excellent for period pains, premenstrual tension, and other female problems. Prevents ulcers, digestive problems, arthritic conditions, toughens lungs and thyroid glands.


Opens, uplifts, activates, and energizes the Heart Chakra. Has vibrations of courage. Place on heart, neck, or forehead for meditation. Eases sexual frustration and depression. Calms, balances, and heals the inner mind.


Heals on all levels, including depression, excessive self-focus, and emotions.


Does not hold or accumulate negative energy. Instead, it transforms it to positive energy. Helps one acquire wealth. Balances Yin Yang energy. Helps with problem-solving, memory, will power, optimism, confidence, and a lot of other good stuff. Prevents nightmares. Helps one give energy to magick. Good luck stone. Prevents self-destructive behaviors, raises self-esteem.


Clears the aura and aligns energy centers. Removes depression and negative emotions.


Brings desire, sexuality, and vitality. Can be directed to improve personal groth. Brings good luck and positive energy into your aura. Excellent conductor of psychic energy. Sends and amplifies thoughts, balances solar and lunar energy in the body.

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May help with weight loss. Detoxifies the body.


Energizes emotions


Promotes regeneration.


Promotes Kundalini energy and will power. Helps one access past life parent information.


Strengthens circulatory and respiratory systems.


Transforms negative energy and mental blocks into positive energy. Aids connection with angels and guides. Raises love to a new level. Aids all astral pursuits. Encourages play and fun. Fills body, mind, and spirit with joy and loving illumination. Strenghtens the mind, nervous system, life force, and awareness. Holds programming well.

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Excellent tool for healing, as it converts negative energy to positive.

Desert Rose

Gently grounds the body. Clrifies vision, thinking, and perception. Stops worry. Reminds you of the divine.




Powerfully absorbs and amplifies thoughts, attitudes, and emotions of the user and other gems. Opens Crown Chakra. Amplifies wearer’s strengths and weaknesses.


Clears blocks


Opens the heart and minds of others. Increase intuition and empathy.




Clears and stimulates all chakras to a higher level of awareness and action. Enriches one's life. Can heal the earth deeply.


Can be used for treatment of Meniere's Disease. Deeply heals the heart chakra.


Helps one put spiritual ideas into words. Provides patience, eliminates stubbornness, increases stamina. Helps one discover their soul mate. Clears away unwanted behaviors.



Eilat Stone

Aligns subtle bodies.

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Heals emotional and physical aspects of the Heart and Throat Chakras. Good as an antidepressant.


Turns confusion to clarity, aids psionics, opens you to your higher self, God, and spirituality. Stimulates Crown Chakra. Brings infusions of light. Use to enhance connection between the Chakras.


Heals the mind after damage from drugs and alcohol.


Helps one win a competition. Offers will and strength. Emits courage.




Brings out loyalty, sensitivity, and passion. Stimulates the intellect. Brings harmony. Children are drawn to it. Strengthens Heart Chakra, brings abundance, growth, peace, honesty, peaceful dreams. Introduces higher self to the divine self within you.


Helpful for blood and breathing systems, eyesight, labor / delivery, etc. All around healing stone.


Opens those who refuse spiritual groth. Clears the emotional body of old repressed emotions for good. Allows one to regain their personal power. Strengthens overall health. Allows one to improve whatevery you tune into. Augments personal power. Rapid spiritual awakening. Powerfully releases pent up emotions.


Can be used to treat the nervous system. Powerfully cleanses emotional body.


Improves love. Aids you on your personal growth. Makes ESP possible.


Used for Optic Nerve Disorder

Fluorite (All)

Opens upper three chakras. Heightens concentration in meditation.

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Important balancer and healer. Strengthens skeletal system.

Fluorite (Blue)

Atonement relieved.


Helpful to the throat, nose, and ears.

Fluorite (Clusters)

Lowers stress.



Fluorite (Clear)

Enhances other gems. Repels colds. Helpful for eyesight and sinuses. Uplifting.


Cleanses the aura.

Fluorite (Double Pyramid)

Aligns spirit with physical plane, inner with outer awareness, 2 sides of your brain. Illuminates karmic lessons.


Fluorite (Green)

Aids ability to meditate. Gets rid of old unwanted emotions. Stills the mind and heart.


Harmonizes and recharges the Chakras.

Fluorite (Purple)

Aids Meditation. Increases psychic development, and brings spiritual peace and wholeness. Allows one to verbalize what is learned. Enhances other gems. Repels colds. Helpful for eyesight and sinuses. Uplifting.

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Cleanses the aura.

Fluorite (Rainbow)

Stops self-defeating thoughts and patterns.


Used to heal skin, bones, and cell tissue. It may also help with Arthritis, dissolves Mental Blocks, narrow mindedness, and thought constriction patterns.

Fluorite (Yellow)

Enhances creativity and helps you to manifest intellectual endeavors. Aids concentration and focus.


Use for unbalanced cholesterol, liver disorders, and the release of fat cells within the body.

Fluorite (Yttrium)

Good for well-being, serenity, peace, connects one to the universe, God, and the eternal life force.




Use during meditation to help you access information. Improves the good qualities of friendship.


Increases healing effect of potions. Use to treat carpal tunnel. Speeds deeper healing.


Reestablishes power of life forces. It has aphrodisiac qualities.




Used to make contact with higher beings possible. Protects against negative energy and thoughts. Opens the third eye.




Balances sex drive and emotions. Enhances compassion and imagination.


Helps regenerate body systems. Good at purifying the bodies.


Allows information and thoughts to be processed in simple and understandable terms. Increases happiness.




All purpose gem amplifier. Works well on Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. Strengthens the meridians, nerve system, and digestion. Attracts prosperity, stores and amplifies thoughts, emotions, energy, and possibly greed.

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Gold (Pink)

Love, warmth, and spirituality.



Gold (White)

Combines and balances solar and lunar energies. Better than normal gold at storing and amplifying.




Gently uplifts oneself. Somewhat helpful to Solar Plexus Chakra. Protects the center of the body. Powerfully balances the mind. Attracts positive energy. Opens your mind to personal illumination.


Reduces stomach tension. Strengthens the nervous system. Purifies and energizes the entire physical body, speeding the healing process.






Stimulates and opens third eye. Provides insight to the things that happen to you. Use during meditation to advance spiritual growth.

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Hawk’s Eye, aka Falcon’s Eye

Helps one to gain perspective.

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Helps one obtain personal power. Builds character, strength, and endurance.


Use to treat liver and spleen disorders.


Helpful to warriors. Protects your home and yourself against negativity. Reflects negativity back to where it came from. Powerfully grounds your energy. Clarifies scattered thoughts. Improves concentration, focus, memory, and sleep. Increases confidence, will power, and courage. Helps one adjust to being physical. Unlocks blockages. Good for scrying. Inspires a strong will, courage, and personal magnetism.


Reinforces immune and circulatory systems. Oxygenates the blood.


Allows one to create your own reality, and to go back to Lemuria or Atlantis to access information. Enhances Weight Loss.



Herkimer Diamond

Creates mental clarity, expands awareness, draws ones soul-mate. Aids dream recall. Powerfully brings one into an altered state of consiousness. Opens Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Greatly enhances visualization. Aids Astral Projection. Amplifies and stores thoughts and energy.

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Use to stimulate energy flow up the chakras. Draws out toxins. Powerfully amplifies healing, reduces stress and balances the energy of the bodies.


Increases self awareness. Eases losses. Clears the heart. Draws prosperity.


Heals diseases and repressed emotions from this life and past lives.


Gently absorbs and uplifts stress, tension, anxiety, and other bad things. Clean often. Soothing and calming.


Helpful to the skeletal system.


Promotes humanitarian efforts. Dispels negative thoughts and fear. Provides easy access to higher self.




Stone of angelic energy. Helps achieve mediation and relaxation. Clears the chakras. Useful as a worry stone.


Pulls pain out of the body, aids tissue regeneration, Penicillin of the mineral world. Draws out anything negative you have manifested in your body. Cleanse it often.


Gently opens, expands, and heightens psychic abilities. Aids those on their spiritual path, provides psychic protection. Enhances achievement, encouragement, and curiousity. Promotes truth and simplicity.


Detoxifies the blood, removing alcoholism and addiction.

Jade (All)

Smooth and sublte vibes. Increases longetivity and fertility. Promotes justice, modesty, wisdom, courage, and clarity.


Strengthens the heart, kidneys, immune system, cleans the blood, and aids eye disorders.

Jade (Black)

Enhances intelligence. Great for grounding.


Jade (Nephrite)

Good luck stone. Great for grounding.


Use for karmic healing. Aids health and prevents sickness.


Grounds one to the earth. Helps one to scan the body of a patient.


Powerful healer of the liver, gallbladder and bladder, as well as the rest of the body.

Jasper (Green)



Good for healing and tissue regeneration.

Jasper (Ocean)

Grants peace of mind and heart. Soothing.


Use to heal the emotional body.

Jasper (Red)

Protects you during Astral Projection. Uses suns energy to strengthen and rejuvenate the body. Powerful energy stone. Stimulates protection.

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For liver, kidneys, bladder, aura cleansing.

Jasper (Yellow)

Aids memory. Heightens awareness. Brings clarity.


Helpful for the nervous system, digestive system, and urinary tract.


Provides protection. Dispels fears, protects against violence, nightmares, and illness. Use to awaken Kundalini. Good for travelers, prevents jet lag. Maintains proper energy flow in the body.

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Useful in the treatment of headaches, stomach pains, and epilepsy. Use in healing and health spells.


Offers unconditional love, allows one to see through illusions


Brings body to complete health


Renews connection with the divine. Removes compulsive behavior. Soothing and calming.


Strengthens cardiovascular system. Aids manic depressives.

Kunzite Singing Shards

Same as Kunzite, but is has stronger vibrations.




Creates a protective shield while healing. Allows you to connect with others. Boosts immune system. Place on forehead to open Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Enhances psionics, foresight, consciousness, meditation, communication. Aids manifestation. Improves faithfulness.


Helpful to the throat and the vocal cords.

Kyanite (Shooting Star)

Helps you to connect with spirit guides and ET’s, aids dream work, transforms negativity, provides strong protection.



Labradorite, aka Spectrolite

Promotes courage, clarity, intuition, and psychic endeavors. Brings your strengths forward. Opens energy flow to Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras. Harmonizes all of your bodies. Provides clarity and insight. Eliminates interference from your thoughts while pendling.


Heals your will power, co-alcoholism, and co-dependency.

Lapis Lazuli

Changes negative views to positive views. Opens Third Eye Chakra while meditating. Opens Throat Chakra. Aids Self-expression and creativity. Provides insight into dreams. Powerfully augments psychic abilities and communication with the higher self. Brings illumination.


Cleanses mental body while removing bad karmic patterns. Relieves insomnia, autism, shyness, MS, speech, hearing, etc.


Opens creativity, helps soul mates find one another. Promotes assertiveness,


Heals negative karma.


Connects Heart and Crown Chakras to bring spiritual understanding of why one suffers. Balances Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. Brings expression of inner light and happiness.

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Heals fears at there source, regardless of what lifetime they originate from. Helps various mental disorders. Strengthens heart muscles and blood flow.

Libyan Glass

Great for spiritual work and group healing.


Aligns energy centers and removes blocks.


Helps you to bond with the energies of the earth. Protects against negative thoughts. Transmutes negative thoughts into positive energy.


Heals skeletal system and those who are anemic. It also gets rid of fevers.

Magnetite, aka Lodestone

Good for connecting with energies of the Earth. Balances polarities of the body. Has same properties as Hematite.


Very useful on aches and pains, as it pulls them out from their source.


Protects against psychic attacks and negativity. Stimulates vision when placed on Third Eye Chakra. Increases ability to send power towards a goal in magick. Clean frequently. Ensures sleep if worn to bed.

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Very powerful healing stone. Cleanses emotional body, releases old trauma from past lives. Releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression, anger. Heals all blocks. Aids functions of the pancreas and spleen, tissue regeneration, circulatory system. Very good balancing physical and emotional bodies.






Good grounding affect. Pushes one to explore inner self.






Use for treating strokes, cancer, rheumatism, and arthritis.


Symbolizes energy of other worlds. Balances and aligns physical, mental, and spiritual bodies.




Powerfully opens Chakras and expands psionics. Activates the dream state. Helps manifest positive life changes. Helpful to those who have souls not originally from earth.

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Energizes and builds courage / self-esteem.




Brings good fortune. Enhances psychic knowing, psychic sight, and intuition. Aids in development. Helpful for women. Brings out your feminine side. Connects Sacral and Third Eye Chakras.

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Releives PMS symptoms. Sooths, blances, and heals emotions and the mind.


Inspires spiritual love, compassion, and other good emotions. Very high vibrations.


Helps heart, lungs, breathing, throat, oxygenation.

Mother of Pearl

Relaxes, soothes, and reduces stress.


Carries the gentle, healing energy of the sea.

Nebula Stone

Harmonizes your energies and enhances awareness of your place in the cosmos.




Grounds your energy. Powerful protective qualities. Reduces fantasy and escapism. Absorbs and dissolves negative emotions. Absorbs darkness and transforms it to light (metaphorically). Brings higher chakras into lower ones. Changes fear into flexibility. Brings understanding of silence, wisdom, and love.


Clears mental blocks.

Obsidian (Green)

Heals and charges broken crystals.



Obsidian (snowflake)

Aids clairaudience. Aids healthy balance. Brings purity and balance. Sharpens internal and external vision. Important teacher of the new age.


Smooths skin. Clears veins and eyes.


Balances and grounds. Poorly holds programming and energy. Grounding, protection, useful for defensive magick. Excellent against negativity. Protects against psychic attacks and hexes. Balances male and female polarities.




Amplifies emotions, desires, brings out buried emotions (which is why many think it is bad luck). Easily absorbs and stores emotions and thoughts. Aids balance.


Aids Eyesight.

Peacock' Ore'

Creates happiness. Dispels feelings of depression and loneliness.


Aids cellular structure of the body.


Symbolizes purity of heart and mind. Balances emotions. Might sooth and cool. Wear for protection from sharks.




Stimulates Heart / Solar Plexus Chakras. Helps one understand other realities. Alleviates depression, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety.

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Cleanses Heart and Solar Plexus Chakras


Helps one connect with spiritual guides and angels. Provides strength and protection during astral travel.



Petosky Stone

Encourages psychic awareness, activates Third Eye Chakra.



Petrified Wood

Helps with grounding, seeing into past lives.

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Disperse energy from other stones into many facets. Clear stones intensely open Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Allows for clairvoyance and spiritual communication, meditation, and Astral Projection.




Builds self esteem and image. Boosts moral and pride. Makes one feel loved and worthy.




May grant visions of the future. Aids dreaming and memory. Enhances all psychic barriers. Rub on forehead and ask for lucid dreams to get them. Aids self-hypnosis. Can balance meridians, acupuncture points, and acupressure points.

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Good with crystal grids. Builds up the immune system.

Prophecy Stones

Links you to the soul star, for future awarenss and helps to communicate with the higher self. Always use in pairs!

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Provides insight into your life and the lives of others when used in gazing. Helps facilitate meditation. May have protective qualities.



Pyrite (Fool’s Gold)

Used for protection by American Indians. Very protective on all levels. Stimulates powers of the intellect. Very grounding. Clears fuzzy thinking and scatteredness. Represents the golden light of the sun. Influences positive outlook on life. Strenghtens the will and inspires leadership.




Enhances energy of other stones


Removes blockages from heart chakra. Strengthens immune system and adrenal glands.

Quartz (Blue)

Links Heart Chakra with Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Expands self, creativity, and expression.

Quartz (Clear)

Very versatile. Easy to cleanse, store information, store energy, program, amplify energy and healing. Can both draw and send energy. Opens Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Stimulates crystals within ones body. Works with all chakras.

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Can be used for any healing purpose.

Quartz Cross

Teacher for all of humanity. Place on any chakra to clear and activate all of them.

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Assits in removal of implants from other worlds.

Quartz Fire

Provides balance between physical and subtle bodies. Aids travel.



Quartz (Rose)

Use to bring love into your life. Prootes love, beauty, peace, forgiveness, emotional balance, and self-love. Gently soothes and warms the heart center. Cleanse and recharge often.


Heals heartache and loneliness.

Quartz (Rutilated)

Intensified healing. Magnifies positive energy in your aura. Aids Astral Projection. More powerful than normal quartz. Opens Crown Chakra. Aids meditation, clairvoyance, telepathy, and insight. Stimulates immunity, strength, imagery, and dreams.


Clears energy blockages and negative energy.

Quartz (Strawberry)

Stimulates Heart Chakra, fills one with complete and total love.


Heals Heart Chakra

Quartz (Smokey)

Grounds oneself, very protective




Creates love and balance. Very vibrant. Helps with loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurity, inner-child issues, abuse, and incest. Helps self-forgiveness, trust, and desire to live. Best if worn 24 hours a day. Stronger than Rose Quartz.


Use to treat low blood sugar and diabetes. Releases suffering from past lives. Heals the Heart Chakra.

Rhodonite, aka Rhondonite

Stimulates and opens Heart Chakra. Helps one express confidence and love. Calms and feeds the soul. Strengthens mantras and chants.


Dispels anxiety and stress.


Promotes change and progress.

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Unites heart and mind. Stimulates fertility.

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Helps one detach from personal pain. Releases blocks in the Root and Sacral Chakras. Strengthens and detoxifies immune and circulatory systems. Eases the symptoms and effects of radiation.


Strength, Energy, Existence, and Vitality. Helps bring abundance, stimulates life-force, increases circulation and energizes nervous system. Stimulates the will to live and survive. Strengthens Heart Chakra. Intensifies all emotions.

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Removes chronic fatigue and environmental toxic diseases.


Use if you’re new to meditation.

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Sapphire (Blue)

Aids communication, insight, intuition, clairaudience, inspiriation, prayer and devotion, peacefulness.


Detoxifies skin and body. Antidepressant. Heals the nervous system and meridians.


Gives protection, energizes all chakras, aids channeling. Aids growth, focus, luck, immunity, strengthens the Kundalini.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7



Infuses body with light energy.

4, 7

Powerfully aids cellular regeneration. Most powerful healing stone.


Guards against poisonous creatures. Assists visualization and meditation. Aids in raising the Kundalini. Clears the Chakras.

Eliminates parasites, helps with diabetes and hypoglycemia.


Stimulates Throat and Third Eye Chakras. Protects from possession. Sharpens higher intuitive powers.

5, 6

Use as an elixir for good health.

Shiva Lingham

Unifies Male / Female balance.



Great for releasing and cleanses on all levels. Has a gentle, smoothing affect. Same properties in relation to amplifying and storing energy and thoughts, only more powerful.

5, 6, 7



Good for writers and speakers. Improves logic, ideas, and truth. Prevents insomnia. Stimulates courage and defense. Promotes wisdom and understanding. Open Throat Chakra.


Can be used to treat digestive disorders, balance gland metabolism. Good for physical healing.


Calming effect.


Alleviates stress and depression, rejuvenates the mind, good for detoxification.


Enhances psychic knowing, guidance, and direction. Brings info about soul, soul structure, and spiritual realities. Improve love, creative energies, may heighten physical senses.


Gets rid of toxins and addictions.

Sugilite, aka Luvulite or

Royal Azele

Gently draws out pain. Protects. Brings light into the body. Makes psychic awareness possible.


Absorbs and dissolves anger, pain, and unwanted energies. Place on forehead to alleviate depression, despair, or stress.


Helps one discover their life’s purpose. Evokes courage, dispels fear. Supports one’s life force. Warms the hear, uplifts and rejuvenates the soul. Protective. Helps with grounding.




Place on forehead to powerfully open Third Eye and Crown Chakras. Aids Clairaudience, visions, spiritual connections, and manifestation. Protective. Helps sight on all levels.

6, 7



Grounds you, brings protection




Connects emotional and etheric bodies, combats laziness.


Clears the mind.


Helps one relearn what is forgotten. Teaches one to understand pain and abuse. Helps one learn of love. Focus on it to quickly bring oneself into an altered state of mind, and it will bring inspiration as well.


Attach to the body to absorb its healing energies. Releases toxins and strengthens the immune system. Great for weight loss.

Tiger’s Eye

Use for protection, especially against the evil eye. Clears negative energy from Solar Plexus while sending it back to the sender! Improves confidence, will power, clear thinking, and personal power. Changes negative emotions into positive ones.



Topaz (Golden)

Very good for manifestation. Attracts prosperity, communication from other realms. Most powerful Solar Plexus Gem. Helps with mood swings, insomnia, worry, fear, depression, exhaustion, etc. Radiates warmth and solar energy. Brings thought and emotions into balance.

3, 7

Absorbs tension, pain, toxins, and disease.


Helps one recover from abuse. Brings deep love energy. Tranforms negative behaviors into positive ones.




Very soothing. Enhances inner strength. Opens Heart and Throat Chakras. Improves communication, inner peace, and creativity. Uplifting. Place on Third Eye to create a psychic connection with the great spirit.

4, 5

Heals your life and past lives. Good general purpose healer and detoxifier.

Ulexite, aka TV Stone

Opens and expands Third Eye Chakra, helps one interpret dreams, encourages creativity. Partially opens Third Eye Chakra. Amplfies dreams, imagination, fantasy thinking, and creativity.




Balances emotions, finds underlying cause for disease, gently removes blocks from the heart chakra. Enhances personal power and visions. Gaurdian of Fate, protection, and leadership. Balances your weight.




Stimulates the heart chakra, enhances relationships. Helps bring together soul mates.


Assists in removing toxins from the body.


Promotes order in one’s life. Helps you define your goals.


Can be used to treat exhaustion.

Varacite, aka Variscite

Helps one understand loved ones. Energizes heart chakra and promotes unconditional love and preace. Eases negative emotions. Calms one’s mind (even one that won’t shut up), Centers the Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. Aids intuition.

3, 4

Helpful to the circulatory and male reproductive systems.


Opens Heart Chakra and clears the emotional body.


Excellent for detoxification.


Cleanses, uplifts, invigorates and harmonizes emotions. Helps with confusing relationships. Used often in magick.


Use for healing Sacral Chakra.


Helps one discover their inner child.




Combats lack of motivation and sluggishness

1, 2, 3

Removes energetic pollutants.


Raises energy of lower four Chakras. Works with Crown Chakra for universal truth, intuition, durability, integrity, and connection with “All that is.” Connects all your bodies.

1, 2, 3, 4

Eases depression and insomnia, used historically as a detoxifier.


For trust in the universe and releasing fears. Strengthens heart, adrenals, and reproductive systems.

2, 3, 4



Listed below are the birthstones and their corresponding months. This is using the modern birthstone system.

January Garnet

February Amethyst

March Aquamarine

April Diamond

May Emerald

June Moonstone

July Ruby

August Peridot

October Sapphire

November Topaz

December Turquoise

Taking Care of '''''Crystals'''''

I have written some guidelines to using and taking care of crystals. This includes, but is not limited to: Cleansing, Clearing, and Programming. Where talking to the crystal is involved, you may substitute that with telepathy. It may or may not work. I do not know.

Ø Choosing 'Crystals': ESP and Intuition are of great help here, but you don’t necessarily need those powers. You pick up a crystal, and place it in the center of your left hand’s palm. Some would argue that it is your non-dominant hand that you use, but it actually doesn’t depend on whether or not your left hand is dominant or not. Use your left hand. If your hand begins to feel strange, then that means the crystal’s vibrations are compatible with yours. The stronger the feeling, the better. Some people may feel a one-time energy surge, then be compelled to purchase the crystal. This has happened to me and I do not know what it means. All I know is that you should get the crystal. Perhaps vibrations like this are the crystal’s way of “choosing” you.

Ø Cleansing 'Crystals': You should always clean a crystal frequently, especially after a stressful situation. Cleaning is used to remove negativity from a crystal. Always cleanse a crystal before programming it! Here are the methods I know of: 1. The most common method is to take a cup of purified water mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt. Some crystals can’t be soaked in water, and some are scratched easily, so salt would scratch them up. The crystals that you do put into this solution should be soaked for however long you feel comfortable with. The usual time people soak them for is 15 minutes, but a lot of negativity could take as much as 24 hours to remove. Afterwards gently wash the crystal and dry it with a soft, natural cloth. Do not reuse the salt solution, as it can release the negative energy back into the crystal. 2. Run the crystal under cold water, but be sure not to do this if the crystal is warm, as it may break. While running the water, visualize Niagra falls or the ocean washing over the crystal. Then dry it with a soft, natural cloth. 3. Visualize the crystal full of darkness, then see it filling up with light energy, which drives out the darkness. 4. Mentally project yourself into the dark crystal, and visualize light pouring from your body, driving out the darkness. After that is done, leave the crystal and re-enter your own body. 5. Lastly, the best method is to wash the crystal, dry it off with a soft, natural cloth, and then hold it in the sunlight for a few minutes and then command it to be cleansed of all negative energy.

6. Amethyst, a form of quartz, cleans crystals because it absorbs negative energy (which means it must be cleaned frequently). Citrine converts negative energy to positive, as does Danburite. So keep Amethyst and one of those two crystals nearby when cleaning crystal. That way, the amethyst won’t accumulate too much negative energy. If you feel that a crystal can’t be cleansed after several tries, the negative energy may be irremovable. What you should do is bury the crystal in a remote location or throw it into a river, lake, or ocean, and forget about its existence.

Ø Clearing 'Crystals': Clearing is used to delete old programs from a crystal. You cannot store multiple programs in a crystal efficiently. Two programs work at 1/2 power, three at 1/3 power, and so on. Clearing is also able to remove emotions and thoughts from a crystal. So, as one would guess, clearing is very important. Always clear a crystal before programming it! Note: When you become more experienced with programming, you can place multiple programs into a crystal and a drop-off in efficiency wouldn’t be as big of a deal. 1. To clear the crystal, hold it, point up, in your left hand, out in the sunlight, and visualize white light filling the crystal, then order it to be cleared of all information. With this technique, you can also cleanse the crystal, when it can’t be cleaned easily. Order it to be cleared of all negativity. 2. Another method is to mentally project yourself into the crystal. Visualize a dial set at 100. Then see it go down, slowly, to zero. Another variation of this is to see a supercomputer with a tape on it. Take out the tape, throw it out of the crystal, and then place a new, blank tape into the computer. After doing either one of these techniques, leave the crystal. You can also create your own variations.

3. You can run a crystal over the south pole of a magnet to clear it as well.

Ø Programming: Many systems are used for programming. But, it all boils down to one thing: projecting your thoughts into the crystal. Before you program the crystal, you must cleanse and clear it. Now, for the programming technique I use: Close your eyes and visualize a star of white light above your head. Now visualize the light flowing down your arms, into your hands (which should be cupped like you’re forming a psi-ball), and then the crystal. Now visualize the result you desire. You can talk, if you want, as it helps you to focus your thoughts, but has no effect on the crystal itself. Do this for 1-3 minutes, whatever you feel comfortable with.

Ø Charging: The act of charging energizes crystals and strengthens their programming. There are several things you can do to charge them. You can place them in or on an Orgone Accumulator, place then in a copper wire frame pyramid, place them in a sunny windowsill, and you can place them on a quartz crystal cluster.

Ø Gem Elixers: These are easy to make. You take a clear glass container with a plastic, glass, or rubber stopper (cork fouls the water) and put mineral water and a programmed crystal into it. Now let it set in a window that gets plenty of sunlight for 24 hours, then it is ready to use. Take tiny sips as needed. One for dreaming should be taken before bed. One for weight loss should be taken before and after a meal. A healing elixir can be applied directly to a wound. I have done this before, and it works well. Do whatever feels right to you. Pyrite will poison the water. Lapis Lazuli and Peacock ore contain Pyrite. If you are doubtful about a crystal, use quartz, as it is chemically inert.

Ø Artificial Light: Artificial lights, especially fluorescent lights and black lights, will cause colors and programs to fade. They can also damage the crystalline structure. Laser pointers are the worst culprits! Sure, they make your crystal have this cool red glow, but the colors could VISIBLY fade, and imagine what would happen to the programs you have imbedded!.

Ø Negative Emotions: Avoid going near your crystals in a depressed or angry state, as they can take in this negativity and amplify it.
